>>30150949>Chansey/Blissey are extremely passiveSeismic Toss deals pretty decent damage, punishing anything without healing trying to set up on it. Toxapex deals negative damage and has to bait for scald burns or poison.
>crumple like paper to strong Physical hitsOnly to really strong and likely boosted physical hits, they can survive unboosted Garchomp quakes
>252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 297-349 (41.5 - 48.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery And if they feel like it they can abuse Counter and their massive hp to deal with any physical attacker.
>are incredibly easy to use for setup baitIt can use Toxic or T-Wave and cripple a sweep
>and actually have to stay in for a turn to healIn exchange it doesn't have to care for status hax and has better support options
>Oh, and Toxapex has actual resistances. Another thing Chansey/Blissey lack.Chansey/Blissey have an immunity. And who cares about resists when you can take any non-defense targetting special attack?
Chansey's only weakness is fairy easy to punish too.