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Alright hear me out /vp/ The fact that Buzzwole, Pheremosa, and the other UBs, spare Necrozma and Guzzlord are extremely common in UB World, and the fact that the Kahunas alongside their respective Tapus couldn't stop the fuckin ultra beasts tells us a little bit about the UB World. In the (probable) Sinnoh remakes, I wouldn't doubt plot revolving around UBs. Also, the fact that there could in fact be 3 if not 4 Universes (NonMega, Mega, UB Mega, (UB NonMega but I doubt we'll see this at all) and in Mega Hoenn (ORAS) Tell us a little about the UBs. Hoopa, after apparently saving the Sinnoh Legendaries via wormholes (ORAS) As well as looker in ORAS being a Faller (Basically someone who escaped their universe before it went boom with UBs via UltraWormhole, traveling dimensions [NonMega Sinnoh to Mega ORAS]) YET there was no Arceus encounterable in ORAS, (Unless you count the event, but it was more of just a giveaway) confirms that Mega universe is a safe haven for now, free of UBs, however, as shown via SM, NonMega universe is being overtaken with UBs, which is proven thanks to Looker telling us that Anabel washed up on the shore, only knowing she was a strong trainer, (Frontier Brain) yet went through a dimensional wormhole, so this Anabel is from RSE timeline. To add on, Arceus wasn't in ORAS Wormholes, nor encounterable by any means, yet SM Stresses how much research was done on Arceus to essentially create Type: Full/Type: Null This means that Arceus (The theoretical GOD of Pokemon) could not stop the invasion of the UBs and more than likely stayed back to protect Sinnoh from the UBs or buy it's people time. Why the time/space/distortion legends didn't stay is something that stumps me, as they surely could of helped, no? Either way, thanks to SM, UBs more than likely confirm that the NonMega universe is getting a retcon, ie: eradicated. Cont.
I think that if sinnoh remakes were to happen, they'd possibility start off normally and with No Megas, but around midway UBs would be reported/sighted and it'd be the main task, to stop or aid with the halting of invasion. As said in SM, anyone who passes by a UltraWormhole is poured with energy, and are attractive to UBs, so, why was Looker not molested by UBs once he arrived on Battle Mansion island? Simple. No UBs to attack him. The UBs don't exist in Mega world, until, of course, Lusamine fucks shit up and calls forth wormholes. But interestingly, the UB wormholes/ripples were seen before Nebby's powers were used, remember back in the ladies lab? With Hau and Lillie, how the sky opened up? Well it seems they're leaking, for some unknown reason. It was only when Lusamine used Nebby that UBs poured in, thanks to opening multiple wormholes. So Lusamine isn't to blame 100%, yet she contributed to fucking over the Mega Timeline by allowing the things destroying nonMegaverse. Looker also states that UBs have been known to, I quote, "..have conquered and razed whole dimensions"
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>Looking into anything having to do with time lines Stop. All the dimension plot means is that you shouldn't care about continuity in Pokemon. It's obvious that there isn't a story anyway.
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Tl;dr UBs destroying nonMega universe and Zinnia(im sorry)+ Looker may hold the key to unlocking it all, + MegaUniverse is MegaFugged soon, probably.
In the library in SM there is also a book that talks about a not-so-quite dreamworld. I forgot the actual name, but it was a world between the living world and the dreamworld. Any idea how that could fit in?
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tell me about how sans is ness again, that one's more believable
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>>30240568 Hm, I'll have to take a look at it, hell most of the lore is extrasnin books, bookshelves, and extra interactions. I'm just excited we're actually getting lore in Pokemon that works.
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Screencapping this theory because I haven't beaten the game and would like to read up on it. May or may not bring it back up in the future. Maybe you did a good job, OP. Or maybe it's a load of bullshit. I don't know.
>DPmakes happen >retcon Giratina to be a UB because it can cross dimensions Screencap this.
>>30240568 Pretty sure that's referring to the dream radar.
>>30241358 You realise that will never happen right?
>>30241422 Nobody ever thought Mewtwo would get an Evolution, and look where we are now.
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>>30241484 There's a difference between retconning a pokemon to a different organism and giving it an additional form.
Especially since Giratina didn't originate in a different dimension like the UBs.
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>>30241358 Giratina was mentioned in one of the books in Radar girl's book collection, along with Bronzong. I think it was hinted at them being different. Not sure though.
>>30241403 Yes
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>>30240485 What if Hoopa gathered all the main characters into the dimension that's being invaded by UBs to fight them?
Since they are proved to be the best of each region and the ones from Alola are capable of fighting and capturing them.
So just send them to the invaded dimension, give them a handful of beast balls and they'll do all the work
this could even serve as a set up for a Pokemon MMO Anonymous
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I agree anon, maybe all these time/universe shenanigans have an actual plot we'll see expand in DP remakes
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You ever stop and think this multiple timeline crap is just there to explain why there are a million of your trainer? Basically some dark souls kind of shot wjere this is all happening the same way at the same time.
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>>30240485 >>30240501 I could see GF making some sort of relation between Palkia and Giratina's space distortion bullshit and UBs or even the appearance of the creation trio is fucking with Ultra Space or some shit.
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>>30240485 jesus christ you are an atrocious writer. this is so fucking hard to read.
Can we be sure Necrozma is a UB? It's not attracted to Fallers, and caused zero havoc. In fact the low encounter rate might suggest it tries to stay away from Fallers or anything that might be from an Ultra Wormhole. What if it's from a totally different dimension? Not any of the ones we've been in, just one that the UBs blew up.
>>30246909 Looker said it flew across the sky just like a UB, and it's assumed that he's seen some UBs in his time.
It might just be a different kind that we'll learn more about in the next game.
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>>30247033 Well that's because he's only ever seen pokemon or UBs, not something different.
I'm guessing that the Cosmog line and Necrozma are from the same non UB dimension or something, and we'll learn more about them in either the third version / sequels or the gen 4 remakes if there isn't a third version.
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>>30246909 Necrozma is a dead Cosmog who evolved in the Ultra Space and went to earth because it got bored.
Pokemon and UB's are Pokemon. All Pokémon originally decend from the UB dimension. We know that when exposed to Ultra energy or whatever Pokemon get stronger, and the consistent exposure, is why the UB's and totems are so strong. We know that Necrozma is likely an UB but has been here for so long that it has begun to resemble a Pokemon. We know that many pokemon "come from space", which could easily be converted into "fell out of a hole in the sky". All Pokémon are dependents from Ultra Beasts that have adapted to the relatively peaceful, lower energy world of the mega/nonmega dimension. I propose that the Ultra Dimension exists not as a parallel universe like the mega/non mega universe but as a completely different universe in entirety. When the first Ultra beast, arceus, fell through it would discover an entire universe without life. It would fill this universe with life by inviting in other ultra beasts, who would eventually become "mere" legendary Pokemon, dialga, arceus, etc.
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>>30247668 we're getting into some deep shit