>>30252336I completed the game at 20 hours, completed the dex at 60 hours of playtime. I had all 15 passport stamps by 75 hours. Only used Pkhex to inject a second T:N and Cosmog for living dex purposes and a 6IV ditto for breeding, none of which accelerated my dex completion rate at all.
>>30252419With GTS and one person to trade with dex completion is easy as fuck when there are only 300
1. Catch a rare fishing mon like Dhelmise or a popular version exclusive like Vulpix
2. Trade it up for a Mareanie
3. Breed a box or two of Mareanie and trade it to get access to every other line. You'll never wait more than 30 minutes for a trade.
4. Trade your extra UBs for any legends you need
5. Get to battle tree
6. Grind BP at Battle Royale with a Protect Sludge Wave Nihilgeo for evo items, or just go through standard singles/doubles/match
7. Buy all of the trade evo items and get a friend to trade with. Probably easy to find someone in wfg as well because those shitty item evo mons are the last things in most people's dexes.
8. Level up the friendship and berry islands in Pelago for fast friendship evos
If you want to complete the dex with trading only when necessary it'd take maybe 80-100 hours instead of 60. And I should make it clear that it was by no means a rush to 60 for me. I did one of the BT 50 streak stamps before completing my dex and spent 4 of those hours chaining for a shiny female Salandit.