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[5 / 2 / ?]

I've figured it out guys...

No.30282108 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know it sounds like a stretch, but hear me out. We've all wondered who the Masked Royal really is hiding under that mask, and after spending every god forsaken moment after the game's release researching this topic, I've come to a conclusion. The Masked Royal is actually non other than the professor himself, Professor Samuel Oak of the Kanto region. Think about it. They both have eyes, and a mouth. If you look closely, you can also see that the Masked Royal possesses five fingers on each hand, something Oak also possesses. Finally, think about it. We have never seen Oak once in the entirety of this game. Is this a coincidence? I think not! He was right under our noses the entire time...

But hey, that's just a theory... A GAY THEORY! Thanks for fapping!

Next time, we will be discussing how Metroid actually might be Samus Aran.