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No.30327697 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I've been trying to Masuda Method a shiny Mimikyu, and as a result I have a full box of Mimikyus, all of them are Adamant, know Destiny Bond, and have perfect IVs in HP, Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed (a couple even have all 6 IVs perfect)

I'm gonna give these little shits away on the GTS like others have been doing, so if you want one, post your IGN and what you put up in this thread and I'll send it over to you

If you have any breeding rejects of your own or useful items or anything that'd be a neat bonus but I'm mostly just trying to get these guys to good homes instead of releasing them so a shitty shitmon is fine too

I doubt this will be as popular as the hacked shiny and hidden ability geodude giveaways but I figure it's worth a shot before I release all these guys