[124 / 7 / ?]
So I've been trying to Masuda Method a shiny Mimikyu, and as a result I have a full box of Mimikyus, all of them are Adamant, know Destiny Bond, and have perfect IVs in HP, Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed (a couple even have all 6 IVs perfect) I'm gonna give these little shits away on the GTS like others have been doing, so if you want one, post your IGN and what you put up in this thread and I'll send it over to you If you have any breeding rejects of your own or useful items or anything that'd be a neat bonus but I'm mostly just trying to get these guys to good homes instead of releasing them so a shitty shitmon is fine tooI doubt this will be as popular as the hacked shiny and hidden ability geodude giveaways but I figure it's worth a shot before I release all these guys
>>30327697 I'd like one, I'll put one of my MM breeding rejects on GTS for one.
Offering: Wimpod (adamant, aqua jet, perfect IV's except spatk)
IGN: Greg
I'll take one, cheers m8 Ign: Humzak Put up a slowpoke
If you could nickname a female one Mimi and then send it to me, that would be nice. IGN: Fuzzy Deposited: Fearow Description: I want to fill my pokedex
>>30327842 I'm not seeing it, someone else might have sniped it since Wimpod is in pretty high demand
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>>30327697 IGN: Geoffrey
Pokemon: Vulpix, level 47, Poke Ball
Message: I want a treasured pokemon raised from an egg
Lets see if I get one from you or the other thread first
>>30327945 I've got 6 boxes of these guys so I just put up another one.
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>>30327899 Got it, thanks again OP.
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I'll pass since I'm not too interested in competitive until Pokebank updates, but I have a soft spot for Mimikyu and you're doing something nice so I'll bump the thread. Good luck finding them homes.
IGN: Elvin Pokemon: Mareanie Lvl: 1 (female) (5iv -speed, regenerator, bold nature) Message: i want to fill my pokedex Thanks in advanced op
>>30327991 I think I missed it again while I was out of the plaza trying to get one out to nickname for that other anon
As much as I'd like the Wimpod it'd probably be easier to get this to you if you put up something else
>>30327697 IGN: Nicolas
Pokémon: Magikarp
Gender: Female
Level: 15
Message : Please trade with me. Thanks in advance.
>>30328062 I'm determined to get rid of these Wimpods, so I've changed to Mimikyu 1 to 10, if that doesnt work I will try something else. Sorry for the trouble.
IGN: Nonoriri Pokemon: Lv 9 Abra named Nigel It has Pokerus at least, thanks if you get the chance!
IGN: Kimi I've put up a Ledyba nicknamed Marianette, thanks!
>>30328148 Same man!
IGN: Cameron
Pokemon: Wimpod
Gender: Female
Level 1
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex with other languages.
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>>30328148 Got it to you
>>30328060 Yours got sniped before I got to it too
Working my way through everyone else who posted now
>>30327697 Can I get a male Mimikyu please?
IGN: Dogelous
Put up a lvl 1 female Vulpix
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IGN: Uni Deposited: lvl 9 female Makuhita in Pokeball "I want to fill my Pokedex."
Ign:Alejandro Deposited: Jolly Bounsweet with play rough
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>>30327697 I'm putting up a Cubone breedject.
Level 1 Male Cubone
IGN: Sabrina
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>>30328146 I got it, thanks!
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>>30328264 Hopefully you have a female one
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IGN: William Pokemon: level 27 female Fearow Message: "I want to fill up my Pokedex" I don't have any rejects or items to give you, because I'm still making my way through the story, but I can offer you my thanks at least.
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>>30327697 IGN: Jae
Deposited a lv 12 M QTfly
Sorry that it's nothing special, i havent started any breeding projects in this gen yet, still in the prep stages
>>30328172 >>30328197 >>30328241 These ones seem to have gotten sniped already
>>30328181 I can't find this one under the hundreds of people asking for Ditto
For future reference ask for Mimikyu level 1 to 10 when you deposit, I should've mentioned that in the OP, I'm trying my best to get everyone but I'm not getting to a lot of them in time, sorry guys
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>>30327928 Go it, thanks OP.
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Ign: Castor Lvl 41 pelipper Please trade with me. Thanks in advance
>>30327697 Lvl 1 Male Komala, 5 IV
IGN: Loob
Thank you! :)
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>>30327697 Did you get your shiny? If you have an extra I'll put something up.
Put up a Ledyba named Adamant. IGN is Raffy Message is the please trade pokemon one Thanks OP!
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>>30328341 heya, Dogelous here. soz soz
YEP, should've known better than putting up a Vulpix. I'm gonna put up a lvl 5 female Youngoos instead so no one steals it.
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Ign Skelefan Put à kanghaskan lvl 20
Level 20 Crabrawler IGN: Jake
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Player Name: Ryan level 1 wimpod (adamant nature and knows aqua jet) Message: "I want to fill my pokedex" Thanks for the giveaway OP
IGN: Satan Deposited: Level 17 pink Oricorio
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IGN: Kudo Posting a magnemite
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>>30327697 IGN: Ren
Deposited a level 27 Tentacool
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Mickaell 1736-3298-2180
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>>30328341 IGN Mickaell
Grubbin LV 1 female up
But if you add me I have some 5IV stuff for you. I've been looking for one with d bond
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IGN: Addison Deposited: Level 9 yellow Oricorio Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance. Thanks OP.
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>>30328383 Got sniped, put up another Lvl 1 Male Komala!
>>30327697 IGN: Binders
Put up a Salandit
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>>30327697 Lvl 1 Passimian
IGN: Jayem
"I want to trade for a Pokémon that will help me with my adventure."
I apologize that I can't give much, but here we go. Thanks in advance!
>>30327697 thats really nice of you anon
IGN jess
Level 18 crabrawler male
lvl 2 female yungoos ign: Sam "This is a pokemon with great potential. Please raise it if you'd like" Thanks so much OP for doing this
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>>30327697 IGN: Nep-Nep
I put up a murkrow lv 41 thanks again
Mankey lv 13 OT: Aaron I want to fill my Pokedex Thanks Anon
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>>30327697 IGN: Josh. Deposited a level 10 female mankey.
Unfortunately I'm too early in the story to have anything of value to give, but if you've still got some left then I'd love one. Thanks!
>>30328592 Should've guessed that it would get sniped.
Fuck, putting up an Eevee this time
Has 5IVs and HA IGN: Binders
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IGN: Tanvino Female level 10 Wishiwashi Message: I want to fill my Pokedex Thanks OP!
>>30327697 IGN: Chief
LV1 Female Rowlet
4IV perfect Anonymous
>Adamant Why? That doesn't even matter if you use Swords Dance on your free turn.
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Got sniped. Player Name: Ryan Level 9 Oricorio (electric) Message: Please trade with me Thanks for doing this OP
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IGN: Dylan Deposited: Elekid Thanks so much!
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>>30328686 >>30327697 I got snipped, uploading again
Pichu female
OT Aaron
I want to fill my Pokedex
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>>30328736 Dang, I'm getting owned here.
Last try, this time I'm dropping one of these Mimikyus that I got sniped with.
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Pancham Lv.1 Male OT: Bep Thanks op
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I'll put something up for an amazing Mimikyu. How are you looking on Life Orbs and Leftovers OP? I got quite a few spares from over farming them if you want one.
>>30328809 You could say the same thing about Jolly with shadow sneak.
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>>30328461 Thanks OP! Would have traded somethin better, but I don't really have anything worth much yet.
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>>30328768 Goddamn got snipped.
IGN Chief
Offering a Lvl 12 Yungoos with "
Pokerus Best of luck OP and Thanks regardless if successful or not
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>>30328903 True but Shadow Claw is a better choice most of the time
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>>30327697 Put up a Level 9 Male Makuhita
OT: Garashi
"I want to fill my Pokedex with all languages."
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I give up, some faggots keep snipping my shitty pokemon When even?
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I definitely need one of these little fellas! Don't have time to breed my own. Pokemon: Lvl 1 Cutiefly(M). Message: "I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles." IGN: Sayunnaise. Thanks in advance OP!
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Got anymore? Any adamant one will do, i'll rebreed for IVs or maybe if anyone else in the thread is kind enough to breed another one that's adamant for me. level 10 carbink IGN: Fesco This is a Pokemon with great potential. Please raise it if you'd like.
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I put up a Cleffa. thnx
>>30328421 Sniped, put up a Wishiwashi
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>>30327697 Deposit lvl 10 Male Spearow
Thanks OP
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Hey OP, putting up a lvl 1 cubone with rock head for ya. Adamant IGN: Demetri "i want to complete my pokedex"
Thanks a lot, OP IGN: John Deposited: Lv 1 Female Vulpix Message: "I want to fill my Pokedex."
Deposited lv.8 meowth, poke ball IGN J-train message please trade pokemon, thanks in advance.
>>30329107 Oh, level 19 btw
powersave cloner !iK4LP4Lkng
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>>30327697 IF you or anyone has one they don't mind being cloned, I'll clone up some for people that haven't gotten any, like what I did with dittos yesterday in the ledybot thread.
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>>30328637 thanks so much op, good luck in your shiny hunt
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Thanks OP! Im the oricorio guy
OP here, just reached the bottom of the thread, if you didn't get one from me it means you got sniped, I have no idea why people were sniping your Yungooses but it happened I still have about 5 left
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Name: John Deposited: Lv 29 Mimikuyu Female Description: Fill my Pokedex
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>>30329364 thanks anyway though anon. Stuff like this keeps /vp/ a good community despite the waifu and furfags
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Deposited a lvl 1 vulpix in a heart ball. Thanks! IGN:Rainy
powersave cloner !iK4LP4Lkng
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>>30329364 Doesn't have to just be five left if you don't want it to be.
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>>30329257 Got mine, its legit, Thanks OP! You've helped me get started on breeding. Good luck in your shiny hunt
>>30329364 how do we know if someone traded for our pokemon, my yungoos is still up
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>>30329364 I got it, thanks OP I fuckin love you
>>30329364 Mine didn't get sniped yet.
>>30328513 Anonymous
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IGN: Moebius Put up a lvl. 6 Magnemite Thx in advance
>>30329495 Uh shit, I found it but I might have just accidentally sent you the shitty mimikyu I just got from someone else, if I did please let me know and put something else up so I can send you a good one
>>30329477 I'll take another look then, which post were you, I'll filter them as much as possible and try to find it
>>30329591 i was
>>30328644 dubs if that helps
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>>30329591 Nevermind I still have the level 29 one here, you did get a good one, false alarm
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>>30327697 Good luck OP
I'm 20 boxes in and still nothing
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>>30327697 >adamant Disgusting
Jolly or go home. Mimikyu needs speed, not power. Swords dance means jack shit however if non shadow sneak attacks get outsped and they OHKO you. Mimikyu can't take a hit
>>30329591 Was the shitty one's ot ryan? Or maybe I got sniped. Anyways I'm depositing it. Lvl 1 mimikyu IGN Rainy. Thanks for putting in the effort OP
>>30329617 I went through like 5 pages and couldn't find it, have you closed and reentered GTS, your deposited pokemon won't update unless you do that
>>30329696 Can't find yours either, but the OT on mine is Josh, you probably got sniped
>>30329771 Can't find the mimikyu or the original one that got sniped? should I put up something else?
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IGN:Ace Phantump LV22 Male Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance. If you could, I would love one anon. Thanks if you can.
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If there's a couple more I wouldn't mind snatching one up, My IGN is Jessey n I put up a beldum named JollyRancher
>>30329828 I don't see the Mimikyu or the Yungoos, I'd put up something else
I'm just about out so yours will be the last one I send out today
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>>30327697 Ill take one for my breeding reject eevee
My ign is Sam and my message is i want to fill my pokedex
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Ign: Astra Pokemon for trade: lilipup Thanks!
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>>30329889 IGn: Sam
level 6 wingull
"this is a pokemon with great potential. please raise it if youd like'
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IGN: Antonyo Level 31 Ariados, Male Message: "I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure" Thanks OP
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Based anon. My IGN is Tanner and I put up a Passimian.
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>>30329889 Ok, I'll put up an absol, IGN is still rainy
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>>30329260 Got mine, thanks dude!
OP here again, I'm all out for now, enjoy everyone, sorry if I missed you or you got sniped or anything
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>>30327697 Based as fuck anon thanks man
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>>30330026 I got it! Thanks again OP, you're doing god's work.
>>30330026 I got a mimikyu, but it sure as hell wasnt any of yours, but I hope the other ones have a nice home now
>>30327697 IGN Cholly
Metapod named Anon senpai. Female level 3
Please trade pokemon with me
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>>30330026 Crap, didnt notice this until it was too late
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>>30330125 shit nevermind my bad
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>>30330099 I could probably breed the one I got with my 6IV ditto if you want, couldn't guarantee nature but it would most likely have good IVs and still have destiny bond
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SNIPPED IGN: Dylan Deposited: Wingull Message: I want to fill my pokedex with other languages Thanks again
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Ign: Memelord Level 1 salandit
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>>30327697 I'll take one if is not too much troble.
IGN Tavo
Pokemon: lvl 1 Pikipek Male
MSG: "I want to fill my Pokedex"
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>>30327697 thanks
Who should I switch out for Mimikyu? I like all of them.
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I can't even find 1 regular mimikyu
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>>30331902 Shit forgot pic
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IGN: Kanra Pokemon: Ledyba Gender: Female Level 2 Thanks!