Trade - Battle - Breed - Autism
This thread is the general purpose thread on /vp/ for users wanting to interact using their 3DS and the Wi-Fi. Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share. Be sure to use your own leftovers in all trades!
Previous thread:
>Trying to get a Modest Pikachu >Need to breed it so trying to get one with 4-IV's >After about 30 chains catch one >Jolly >"oh well that sucks, but Synchronize is only 50% chance, next one should be modest" >30 more chains, catch a second Pikachu >Jolly I AM LOSING MY GODDAM MIND RIGHT NOW
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>>30406191 Run Iron Tail Volt charge Thunder punch :^)
Back again y'all, now with poliwag HA! Also spent today putting EM on them! Haze, Encore, Splash, Refresh. I bred it onto Lure ball, Friend ball, and Love ball. Make offers!
>>30406105 Almost done here, I can send the battle request when I finish. Fucking Cottonee spawns are ruining my ghetto grinding method.
Still looking for a HA chespin/quilladin in 6th gen. Stats and nature don't matter. I've got some breed leftovers to trade in return.
>>30406150 >Posting the meme OP Fuck you, faggot
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>>30406246 why you gotta be like that, man?
>>30406207 would you take a love ball adamant oblivious bounsweet for a lure ball?
>>30406236 good grinding area though
>>30406306 Sadly I have that, make another offer?
Ilana 4699-7173-1171
>>30406207 Got Love Ball HA vulpix with 4EMs, Love Ball Bonusweet, 6iv Love Ball Mimikyu with 4 EMs, Love Ball HA Mareanie, and others I could breed.
>>30406313 modest 5IV exeggcute in a nest ball?
with egg moves synthesis, giga drain, grassy terrain and natural gift
Rance 1821-9673-1578
Looking for a Regenerator Mareanie. Preferably female, but the ivs, nature, and moves don't matter. I've got some 4-5 iv timid Snow Warning Vulpix with Freeze Dry and Moonblast to offer.
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
Ilana 4699-7173-1171
>>30406320 Forgot to mention I'm looking for a Love Ball one.
Poliwag-anon [ 0688-6687-3015 ]
>>30406320 >>30406337 Love ball HA mareanie please, your love ball poliwag will be ready in a sec have to breed it (only have the one mother atm)
>>30406325 Have this too sorry (well, not with the EM but I'm not so into those)
>>30406360 ill have to breed this one but how about an adamant friend ball axew
>>30406207 I'd love one, if anything on my list interests you.
Steven (Simon)
Anyone here have a spare Kelpsy berry?
>>30406191 >30 more chains >Brave I don't think this game wants me to have a Raichu....
Poliwag-anon [ 0688-6687-3015 ]
>>30406386 Would love friend ball axew! Lure ball right? That's the one I'm breeding for a shiny of.
>>30406391 Sorry nothing on that list interests me
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>>30406405 just breed the nature into it
>>30406411 hatching some axew now, tell me when you want to trade
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
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>>30406191 >>30406405 Is your synchroniser the one doing the killing?
Retard here. How does Destiny work with breeding? Does it lock-in five random IV's from BOTH parents, or just the one holding it?
Poliwag-anon [ 0688-6687-3015 ]
>>30406429 I'm ready, so let me know when you are
<3~ Sulsus 1306-7340-7062
So i got this shiny Litten and i don't much care for this shiny so i want to trade for a male scyther holding metal cost or just a scizor with a good nature preferably adamant
>>30406411 hey dude when i try to add you it says I have to enter your name as well
whats your name on the friend list?
Poliwag-anon IGN Kai [ 0688-6687-3015 ]
>>30406444 >>30406429 Oh, IGN is Kai
>>30406453 You can just enter whatever there, no lie.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30406393 I'll have some in about a day, if no one helps you by then, I'll hook you up with one
Steven (Simon)
>>30406436 Five random ones from the 12 combined IVs between parents, and it can hit the same stat so you aren't guaranteed 5 different IVs.
>>30406312 Ready to battle. Are you online rn?
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
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>>30406475 >it can hit the same stat so you aren't guaranteed 5 different IVs. That isn't right. The Destiny Knot doesn't distinguish between perfect and imperfect IVs, if that's what you mean, but it never takes the same stat from both parents.
>>30406326 If you're still around let me breed one I'll take that offer
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i have a dream. It involves 4 people and a royal battle.
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30406539 Awesome, thanks.
>>30406505 I am now and I'm in festival plaza
Ilana 4699-7173-1171
>>30406460 Just let me know when you're ready and I'll get on.
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ready to trade now poliwag guy, just connecting then ill send a req
>>30406556 What's your IGN? Don't know if the person that just challenged me is you or not.
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>>30406566 I'm ready, getting online.
How insufferable is EV Training?
>>30406594 easiest it's ever been
>>30406566 What's your IGN? I'm online
>>30406453 Enjoy the frog
IGN Ilana 4699-7173-1171
>>30406624 Ilana is my IGN. Guess I'll put that in my name.
>>30406598 nah
in X/Y you could kill a horde with eq and with a power item you'd get like 25 evs
Steven (Simon)
>>30406393 Asking just once more
Rance 1821-9673-1578
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>>30406594 Worse than horde battles from gen 6, but pretty fast. The biggest hurdle is having to grind BP for ev boosting items in a facility that expects you to already have fully trained pokemon to do well.
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>>30406594 Hilariously fast. If you have a power item you'll max out a stat in like 5-10 minutes with chaining.
>>30406632 >Nah >Can ev train while not playing the game Are you retarded?
Poliwag-anon IGN Kai
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>>30406631 Please send me a TR
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>>30406594 if you have 16 hours to spare, it does it for you. Go to bed, wake up with EV trained mon in one category
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30406661 Doesn't that take hours though? With SOS battles and a power item you can hit 252 evs in 14 KOs, 7 with Pokerus.
>>30406631 Enjoy the love-frog!
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>>30406505 oh god extreme speed on the mimikyu....i choked
>>30406447 I have an adamant female scyther with metal coat
>>30406594 you can literally do nothing if you're down for waiting
Would anyone here happen to have an HA Gible? I have a timid gastly, nastly plot timid togepi, and adamant ice punch stufful.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30406702 i've got spare HA gibles lying around. I really could use a togepi
>>30406579 yeah its me we are playing now.
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Have 2 Naive Pheromosas in Premier Ball, a Timid Xurxitree in Beast Ball, bottle caps, master balls, any nature synchros and breedjects, looking for Adamant/Jolly Solgaleo or the choice specs, assault vest, weakness policy. Ball dont matter ivs dont matter as long as theyre decent. Or any mon might do just name your price.
IGN Ilana 4699-7173-1171
>>30406693 And enjoy your Mareanie! I really need to to go catch a Pelipper and get Spit Up and Swallow on those as well.
>>30406391 still here?
if so ill take a thick bone for a love ball bounsweet
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>>30406713 Thank god. This chaining is a nightmare. Give me a moment to dig out something good.
>>30406731 >>30406579 Also you guys left the trade before I could but I had a shiny cutiefly with the wrong ability that I was trying to give you as a tip :<
>>30406700 I'll trade you the shiny Litten if you'll also trade my scyther to you then back to me so it can evolve as well
IGN Ilana 4699-7173-1171
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>>30406754 Aww you don't have to do that.
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>>30406688 Yeah but it's not like there is any set up or anything.
You can put 18 pokemon's stats to 252 from just sleeping then going to class/work/whatever with out having to do shit.
Pretty convenient.
>>30406754 damn you're nice.
i would ask to just retrade put there'sprobably other people who want poliwags
>>30406726 GG m8. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did.
>>30406579 thanks for the battle, that was tough
Sorry (0232-8027-7992)
>>30406743 That would be great, thank you. I can just stick it on one of my 4IVs for you. Any one in particular you'd like?
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>>30406799 only one i dont have is the karp so ill just take that lol
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>>30406797 gg. no i think you did well, i was worried i wouldnt be able to take out the milotic
>>30406777 Well I haven't had any other offers so I'll trade it to you - remember it has the wrong ability (honey gather) but if you grind for an ability capsule you can get it to shield dust - but in return for a 'mon that you think is cute.
I'll get back online after I hatch this batch of eggs.
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30406798 Yeah quite a good match, hopefully this means my team is ready to farm battle tree now
>>30406713 Alright, I've got a 5IV togetic, timid, female, nastly plot, serene grace. This sound good?
If so I'll post my FC as soon as I figure this shit out
>>30406799 added you, get online and ill send a req
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30406820 its fine. any togepi would have been fine.
>>30406552 sorry about that, I had the mon but no ditto. I have it now, adding you and getting online.
>>30406816 yeah for sure. and when you get the megastone for salamence it will be even easier for you. i cringed when i tried to use extremespeed on the mimikyu lmao
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>>30406632 And now in SM you can defeat a single SoS mon and get 36 evs, at the very least.
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30406845 When I saw the WoW I was like "fug i got predunked" then I saw the espeed spaghetti and felt bad. Was hoping nihi would have done more but specs magnezone hurts like a bitch.
>>30406832 3712-1588-5208
well you're doing me a solid and I like to return the favor
>>30406855 specs AND analytic. it hits incredibly hard
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30406856 added you, heading to the plaza.
what's your ign so I can find you?
>>30406863 Mei.
Also do you want a togepi instead? I was assuming that the togetic would be preferable
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30406870 either is fine, I'm not too picky about it
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>>30406831 Thanks a bunch
Also dang its Thick Club, not Thick Bone. How embarrassing.
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30406861 Yeah, I tried to tank test with milotic too but +6 play rough too strong. I'm also pretty happy that z-conversion works.
>>30406878 thanks a ton man. Enjoy the togetic
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>30406899 thanks for saving me the trouble of hunting one down
>>30406813 sure, just tell me when youre back online
>>30406821 Added you. How do i trade with you?
>>30406917 Getting back online atm
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>>30406150 Anybody here have a hidden ability geodude?
I've got a six iv litten im willing to trade.
If you have one in a level ball im willing to throw in a five iv alolan vulpix in a love ball and a 6 iv mareanie.
>>30405688 >>30405760 The only real 'glitch' with SOS is not really a glitch.
The thing is that the pokemon won't have the right nature unless the SOS pokemon is called while the sync creature is out.
So you're gonna have to switch to your synchro pokemon then let them call another one. You can't just use it in the beginning of battle and every pokemon will have said nature.
>>30406897 z conversion move is pretty great and i forgot about it before you used it. anyway feel free to challenge me if you ever see me on festival plaza. i have a few competitive teams and will be on quit a bit over the next few weeks
>>30406917 >>30406929 I'm in the FP idling send me the TR. I'm farming FC atm.
>>30406964 No that's fucking lazy programming and you know it
>>30406924 Go to festival plaza and press the button on the bottom right to connect to the internet. I'll then try to send you a trade request.
>>30406974 Ok my ign is Sam if that matters
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30406843 I'm just dicking around in Festival Plaza, so whenever is fine.
>>30406964 >>30406972 Clarifying: What you posted means that you don't really get how sync and SOS interact. The glitch is that you can put whatever nature want in slot 1 of your team (they can be fainted even) and if a synchronizer is out when an SOS call is made, the sync may trigger to make the called pokemon have the nature _of the pokemon in the first slot in the party_. Which is not necessarily the synchronizer. It's a glitch.
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30406971 Will do, at the moment this is my only comp viable team and a few of them aren't IV perfect so I have some work to do.
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>>30406972 sorry man, i hatch stuff on command so i dont have any not-shitmons
litten is cute tho
>>30406988 Thats not a glitch you newfag, thats been a things since 3rd gen. Off yourself
>>30406986 ign? I dont see you, mine is whatuppup
>>30406972 wow a fish too?
youre a cool guy
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>>30406326 God I fucking love dowman sayman's art.
>>30406988 Oh I didn't even know that, all I knew is it made the check when it entered. That's weird and not sure why it does that.
Rance 1821-9673-1578
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>>30407014 Sorry, had to disconnect and go to my friend menu. I'm Akiha.
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>>30407016 dang i feel bad sending these shitmons, but im actually only on the second island so i dont have much other than my breed squad
>>30407016 Tbh I'm just sort of drunk and sending you whatever I want to send you
>>30407006 For real? All this time I had a synchronizer fainted in the first slot to do synchronizing. You're saying I could have a desired nature in the first slot fainted, and send in a synchronizer from the second slot and it would have the first slot's ability? Neat, but this sounds like bullshit unless I see some proof.
So Premier Balls are worthless now?
Rance 1821-9673-1578
Thank you very much. Chained a regen Slowpoke earlier, and was really not looking forward to chaining for Mareanie.
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>>30407050 Yupp, you can get them for free, just like everyone's hacked parents breedjects
>>30406982 Are you in the plaza not doing anything and also connected to the internet? I don't see you in my guest list
>>30407050 ? Explain yourself anon. Premier balls have always been easy to get.
JoJo - 1478 - 8079 - 1350
Anyone down to battle royal? Looking for one person
>>30407054 Gib regen slowpoke
>>30406207 0361-6762-9120
>>30406999 your team covers each other pretty well, no major weaknesses
have you played battle royal? its pretty fun.
>>30407048 thanks for the free shit dude
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>>30407064 Ok i'm for sure online now
>>30407086 I'm still feeling super generous so if there's something you really want that I didn't give let me know I might have it
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>>30407065 True but not infinitely for free. I have 191 after like 15 minutes. I guess Beast Balls are the new Premier Balls.
>>30407048 >ability What? Why are talking about abilities?
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30407082 I haven't done much of it actually, but I am fixing to start now that I have a team that isn't the mess that was my campaign team. Currently running around grabbing some of the non-BP items like red card and flame orb before I start though.
Mostly my concern about my team is a ground weakness as I don't really have a reliable soak for it except for salamence. I was thinking energy ball pory-z for the grass conversion or maybe subbing out metagross.
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30407078 I haven't bred it yet, so it'll be a little while.
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>>30407072 No one here battles for obvious reason.
Bad breeders, bad battlers
>>30407093 any spare shinies would be ideal but thats a pipe dream. if you do have any tho i could breed something non-trash in return
apart from that i dont mind, do you have a trade list or are you just poliwag-anon?
>>30407100 Yeah yeah I meant nature, mindfart
I suppose it's believable that synchronize has always worked this way, I wouldn't have any occasion to test this behavior. It just applies more often now due with the SOS mechanics.
>>30407126 I live in the shadows and I think I'll cut you off at one free shiny. Enjoy the fly.
>>30407116 You're doing god's work, anon.
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Going to start breeding Porygon, what natures should I shoot for? Bold for 2, Timid for Z?
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407107 i wouldnt worry too much about the ground weakness, its only 2 on your team and you have an immunity. but then again it is a common offensive type. at least you deal with it with milotic, but grass z conversion wouldnt hurt either.
battle royal is pretty crazy. i havent played enough but it seems luck based but overall fun. im not sure what strategies translate well to battle royal yet.
are there 2 more people on here who want to get in on a battle royal?
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So whats a good nature for the event munchlax?
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30407163 Hell yes I'd love to get an inhouse royal going on, or even a multi battle. Loved doing those back in the early days of gen 6.
>>30407163 How long does a battle usually last? Cuz I gotta go soon.
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407229 I'm up for either one or both of those. To anyone who wants to participate I will be on for a few more hours since it's still early here.
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any chance someone has a spare ha mareanie? i just finished breeding jolly net ball rock blast shellders, they're 4-5 iv breedjects, but most of the work is done already
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407238 battle royals arent quick. maybe 5 to 15 minutes at a guess. we probably move quickly but there are 4 people so who knows
Leam 3969-8739-5495
>>30407238 >>30407240 >>30407253 You know what fuckit, ive been waiting too long for a battle im in
Who else is in do I have to add everyone's friend code right and then what?
>>30407064 Thanks for the help dude, enjoy the shiny Litten
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What's a good nature for Alolan Exeggutor? Modest right?
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30407268 I'm in, if it's anything like multis then only one person has to add everyone and round them up.
Captcha needs to fuck right off, holy shit.
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>>30407282 Thanks man. I actually came on here to evolve that into a scizor myself until I saw your post.
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407268 >>30407229 >>30407238 we register each other's friend code then go to festival plaza and i challenge one of you to a battle royal and hopefully it lets me add the other 2 in
Rance 1821-9673-1578
Have two Regen Slowpokes ready to go out. They don't have the right nature, but I have no Bold mons in their egg group at the moment.
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Where do I go to get specific EV distribution, like 38 or something?
Leam 3969-8739-5495
>>30407335 Link me everyone participating pls?
Kana 3754-7610-6964
>>30407349 Would you like a bold feebas for one? Suboptimal IVs though.
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407373 me>>30407321 kana>>30407238 anon but we need his friend code or anyone else who wants to jump in Leam 3969-8739-5495
>>30407321 I hope so.
Damned capthas
>>30407321 >>30407335 Well I added both of you just need the last person right
>>30407402 That was me lol, I just put on a trip for this, my bad.
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30407381 Works for me. The Slowpoke I caught already has 4 ivs, and I have a 6iv Ditto so breeding will be a breeze.
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407419 ah ok then we just need one more person
Kana 3754-7610-6964
Which belief do you hold?>It's legal if you put in the work and do it yourself. Or>If it's possible then it's legal no matter how you got it.
Leam 3969-8739-5495
>>30407451 Doesnt look like I'll be able to participate kek, I have 15 minutes left before I leave.
Looking for HA Froslass (cursed body), or HA snorunt (moody). Have several competitive HA mons for trade
Rance 1821-9673-1578
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>>30407533 somewhere in between
i dont mind a little help with the foundation (look at 6 iv dittos) but otherwise i'll put the time in to breed and chain for ha (except for mareanie, i'm still looking to trade for one)
Bug Maniac 0361-6762-9120
>>30407536 yeah its unlikely someone will join soon
Kana 3754-7610-6964
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>>30407555 Ty as well. Needa get my hands on a 6IV ditto sometime.
Leam 3969-8739-5495
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>>30407570 Yeah I figured it was worth a try kek, well good luck if you do get any!
>mfw wageslave Poliwag-anon
>>30407555 Were you interested in lure or love ball HA poliwag? I'm dozing off in a bit but can still do the trade if you can.
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does anyone want a shellder breedject? i have 11 and they're all net ball jolly skill link rock blast, with 4 or 5 ivs
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30407616 I'll take one. Lure, I guess.
>>30407634 What ball is it in, by the way?
Rance 1821-9673-1578
>>30407650 Just a normal pokeball.
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>>30407669 Mmm, I'm fixing to pass out. I'll wait until someone breeds it onto a neat ball in the next days to trade for it.
>>30407533 The amount of time you put into something won't really matter if the end result is the same.
However, I like having something to work towards. Hacking just isn't fun, while I can't get a shiny wimpod right now from /ekx/ the mindless breeding of stuff gives me satisfaction and the suspense keeps me hooked.
If you go into competitions and complain that the only reason your opponent won was because your opponent injected his Pokémon then maybe you should consider starting a new save file in life. GF has literally given so many options to control your Pokémons stats and nature now. There are people who find different things fun, just leave them be
>>30407730 this
i'm surprised at how comfy breeding is, now that i've mastered the breedbox teechnique
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>Trying to fish for a Corsola >3 items in a row Is that common?
>>30407766 I know this feel, but for SOS chaining. People complain, but SOS chaining is comfy and therapeutic and shit. Turn on a show and just chain..
>>30407794 i still need to assign my chaining smeargle's moves, then i'll be ready
i also have an ability checker pangoro. i haven't done too much chaining yet, but i'll be ev training in a bit once i finish breeding for my first team
>>30407841 Might consider a sylveon with skill swap and a bunch of leppa berries, that's what I did for the poliwags.
>>30407876 >>30407841 I-I just use a random exeggcute... Anonymous
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>>30407965 that's fine, some guy had this wonky exeggutor build
Exeggutor-Alola @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Sunny Day
- Worry Seed
- Stun Spore
- Dragon Hammer
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
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>>30407533 Legal and legitimate aren't the same thing.
If it's possible in the game, it's legal. While technically against the rules, they seem to most always bypass any hack checks.
Legitimate Pokemon are obtained without any external devices. Hacked parentage (such as a 6IV Ditto) is still using an external device - to me, those Pokemon are illegitimate. Does the game know or care? No. But I do, and so everything I breed and offer to others are bred from scratch with Pokemon I've caught or bred myself.
I still use and occasionally rebreed Pokemon I receive here, but I don't use them in personal projects or add them to my list of "haves", because I can't guarantee their past.
I know it's autistic and that saying all this doesn't make me a Reliable Source™ for legitimate Pokemon, but that's how I'm doing it this gen.
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>trying to get destiny knot via pickup >got every fucking item so far EXCEPT destiny knot
Guys i really want to start breeding mons but can't get the 6IV Ditto. Ledyba bot is not working for me. Maybe someone has a spare? I have nothing great to offer since i only completed the game, but some guy sent me Skill Link Beast Ball Shellder which i can breed if someone is intrested.
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>>30408071 dont ask for them here. go to the injector thread or wait for a giveaway
Newfag here still completing the pokedex for the first time, how can I trade for Lunala/Pheremosa/Celesteela on GTS if I haven't seen them before? ALternately, is any kind soul out there willing to trade one of the above for Solgaleo/Buzzwole/Kartana?
>>30408209 scroll to the bottom
Press What Pokemon
Type in the name
>>30408235 Jesus Christ I'm an enormous retard
>>30407841 if i may ask what are you putting on your smeargle?
Leam 3969-8739-5495
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>>30408270 the standard chaining moveset is: false swipe, recycle, recover, and the damage move of your choice that can also hit ghost types.
hold item is a leppa berry. they way you have: infinite hp, infinite pp, and clearing power once your smeargle is high level enough
It's not 30? I got a 4IV from 31.
Hey guys, I know how you get IVs in a stat (pokerus power item chain the right mon) but how do you wipe EVs you already have? I want to train my Ingame team for the tree but idk how to get rid of the useless EVs they have from the main game.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>30408380 EV reduction berries
>>30408380 some berries can lower your evs by 10 each
if you get the festival plaza cafe with the sweets sets, those will lower your evs. some of the high level ones will completely wipe 1 ev stat, but getting that cafe is rng-based, so good fucking luck
when i breed pokemon, their ev thing isn't always even. even though they haven't fought anything, it looks like they have some ev already? does that menan even freshly bred pokemon need ev wiping berries?
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>>30408358 If you've gotten 4IV from 31 than that means at the very least it's 31 or less.
I don't think there is any known specific numbers but 31 has never failed me.
just got sent these stats to build an Oranguru from a friend: Oranguru (M) @ Mental Herb Ability: Telepathy Level: 50 EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Sassy Nature 31/00/31/31/31/00 - Instruct - Psychic - Trick Room - Protect Can someone explain to me why it's important to set the attack IV's at 0? i understand speed because of trick room but what's the importance for attack.
>>30408416 The bright yellow is the Pokemons base stats and when they get EVs it will grow with a dark yellow border.
>>30408416 You need to go to its summary and press Y, you're looking at its stats. The EVs will be in a faded orange colour
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Does anyone have a regenerator Slowpoke/Slowbro?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>30408431 > but what's the importance for attack. It's minmaxing people do on simulators to minimise damage taken from confusion. Don't worry about it when breeding on cart.
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>>30408431 Probably to take less damage from being confused, if ever
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
>>30408431 Foul Play and Swagger. For special attackers, you want your attack to be as low as possible so it can't be used against you. But it isn't 100% necessary.
>>30408454 Hey can I get you to rename the Wingull you gave me? Don't wanna have to rebreed it.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>30408476 Sure. I'll let you know when I finish up in the E4.
>>30408400 after you get to ask people for shops is there any way to get a specific shop or is it always rando?
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>>30408443 >>30408447 oh ok. i was confusing base stat color with ev, then
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>>30408494 You can only buy whatever their first shop in their Plaza is.
Quoted By:
>>30408494 random
same as the shop sophocles offers you when your plaza levels up
plus all the best shops cost like 400 and 800 festival coins
better grind those mindless online plaza missions
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>30408476 I'll head on. You should initiate the trade.
IGN: Alex 3866-9324-0011
Can someone here be so kind to evolve my Phantump, my Magneton and my Nosepass? These last two have a Rare Candy to level up faster
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
Quoted By:
>>30408615 Online! Could you just give it a human name? If you can't think of anything just call it Abe
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
>>30408615 I'll wait in FP, you send the request
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>30408639 I can help as soon as I finish up with this trade.
>>30408683 I quickly named it, headed back into the plaza, and
now I can't see you! Thanks, Gamefreak.
IGN: Alex 3866-9324-0011
>>30408728 Thanks Ethan!
Forgot that I had a Magmarizer Magmar. Can you also evolve it for me, please?
>>30407546 List? I have a few 5iv -attack timid HA snorunt
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
Quoted By:
>>30408728 Thank you! Let me know if you want a Togedemaru -
>>30406332 - might save you the effort of Sketching Wish into the Field group
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>30408763 Sure. I'll add you and head online.
>>30408783 You faggots will put any old garbage in a BB.
Quoted By:
Got that 6 iv shiny ditto my dudes out your fc and name and ill trade you one asap hurry i only have 5 of these lil fellers
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30406644 >>30406393 Do you have a grepa berry? I can trade a Kelpsy for it.
Does anyone have a grepa berry?
Quoted By:
>>30406644 >>30408946 Lazy fucks, just go to the berry spot, save and soft reset and then kys
Steven (Simon)
>>30408946 I do. I'll be on the FP in a sec
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>30408763 I'm done and waiting online.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30408983 Cool, jumping on now
Quoted By:
>>30408821 >not wanting to put everything non ultra beast inside a beast ball. How about a Togedemaru? It's new.
IGN: Alex 3866-9324-0011
Quoted By:
>>30409037 Thank you for the trade!
You didn't need to give me Heart Scales, since you've already done a big favor to me...
Steven (Simon)
>>30409066 Thank you. Do you need any other ev reducing berries?
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30409108 Nope, this completes the set now I think! Thanks!
Steven (Simon)
Quoted By:
>>30409120 Awesome! Same here
IGN: Alex 3866-9324-0011
>>30409037 Wait
There's something I want to give to you as my thanks
Could you go online, please?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>30409129 Thanks, but I'm good. I needed most of those entries anyway.
IGN: Alex 3866-9324-0011
>>30409157 Oh...
I was going to give you a Pokérus infected Pokémon. With a Gold Bottle Cap
You sure you don't want?
Quoted By:
>>30406242 Same guy. If anyone has a spare from the safari laying around, that would be a great help.
Mickaell 1736-3298-2180
Quoted By:
>>30407669 Do you still have any regen slowpoke/slowbro? I have
>Naive Minior >Beast Ball Adamant Beldum >Timid Vulpix HA with Encore, Freeze-dry and Moonblast >Jolly Mimikyu And some Lightning Rod Cubone. They're all 4~5IV.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>30409205 Yep. I have Pokérus already, and I'll be good on bottlecaps for a while. I think I already have enough golds for my Nihilego and two Celesteela.
Just pay it forward.
Quoted By:
I'm sorry guys but I'm going to use a hacked Ditto. I apologize and I won't ask to trade or battle here ever again. Thanks for everything.
Time to chain me one of them good ol' dittos. Also, I might've accidentally gotten some wrong EV's on a poke, how do I reset EVS? can i?
>>30409682 Here's a tip that I used yesterday to catch my 4iv one.
Catch Trubbish, reteach it Recycle with heart scales and delete the other moves with the Move Deleter on the first pokecenter.
Grab a dhelmise and use a heart scale to teach it Switcheroo. Give it a leppa berry.
Lead with Trubbish, ditto transforms.
Switch to dhelmise, switcheroo.
Switch to false swiper.
You now have an immortal ditto.
There's also a list of berries that reduce ev's, you should check that.
Quoted By:
Can someone hook me up with pokerus?
>>30409730 great! for how long roughly do i kill backups?
>>30409772 Kill 40+ to ensure 4IV
Quoted By:
>>30409772 >>30409781 Reddit seems to think 30
>>30408358 but I went for 40+ just to be sure.
>just want pokebank so I can start breeding for my 6iv shiny Pawniard again Suffering Any recs on what will be a decent OU mon to start autismo breeding? I'm kinda out the loop
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>>30410006 Mimikyu
2595-4954-8549 Leica
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>>30410006 Toxapex is the most relevant new gen7 Pokemon that's breedable, good luck getting a Regenerator one though.
Oranguru if you care about VGC more.
Quoted By:
I can't stop breeding Smeargle. I've gotten specimen I wanted long ago and should have moved onto breeding Mareanie days ago but there's something weirdly hypnotic about filling box after box with derpy paint dogs.
Quoted By:
So I haven't used my apricorn balls yet, in fact I haven't even picked any of them up yet. Who should I use it on so that I can breed to eventually trade them in this thread. I would probably want to avoid wasting them on something somebody else already has. So any recommendations?
Quoted By:
Any suggestions as to what to do for my next breed project? Basically breeding for perfect IVs and Egg Moves, along with relevant Nature, and HA if necessary for competitive. Currently on my list: Bagon HA Dratini Cubone HA Vulpix Ghastly HA Eevee Mimikyu
2595-4954-8549 Leica
Quoted By:
I have some 5IV Modest Popplio, -attack. No egg moves because I didn't find them relevant. Not expecting a lot of people to want these so hit me up if you want one, any Alolan mon with decent IVs is fine, 5iv would be nice obviously. Will check back in abit.
Do you guys think it would be worth it for me to soft reset for a shiny Type: Null? It looks pretty cool and i wouldn't mind having one. Also does anyone know what shiny Silvally looks like with Dragon Memory?
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>>30410335 >do you guys think its worth X >i think it looks cool Who cares what we think, if you want it get it. SR is never worth it to me but i dont give half a fuck about shinies
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
>tfw pentaperfect female Salandit in less than a box God exists!
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
Haves: Mareanie/5IV/Regnerator/Bold/All Egg Moves/Luxury Ball Honedge/4-5IV/Sassy-Quiet/Majority in Luxury balls, some sassy ones in Quick Balls. Fletchling/Gale Wings/Luxury Balls Looking for: Gible/4-5IVs/Luxury Ball/HA preferred. Other decent pokemon in Luxury balls.
>>30410364 Nice! What ball though?
>>30410403 Go to rock kahuna city. Ask for the special in the restaurant. If Olivia joins, it's free and you get 4 heart scales. If she doesn't it's 1040$ and you get two I think.
>>30410416 You know it's a fair bit harder to get HA Mareanine than HA Gible. How did you end up with Mareanie?
>>30410421 >>30410403 You can do that at any restaurant. If you get the last option on the list in Malie City's sushi restaurant, Nanu joins you and you get 8 heart scales.
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>>30410465 >Malie City's sushi restaurant, Nanu joins you and you get 8 heart scales. Sweet, thanks anon.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
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>>30410446 Got one from a friend then started breeding in an attempt for shiny. Gave up though.
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
>>30410421 I went with Heavy because there are so few options for grey Pokemon and I prefer the dark octagons (maybe hexagons?) to the sparkle of the luxury ball.
Quoted By:
Are there any Pokemon that are good for Battle Royals or is it always a clusterfuck?
>>30410564 Good fucking choice.
Is it HA? If so, save me any HA female if you will. I'll post list next thread and you can tell me if you want something or what you're looking. Anonymous
>compound eyes sos chain thiefing on magnemites >been 30 minutes 1-2 shotting them STILL NO FUCKING METAL COAT
>>30410613 Just in case if your Pokémon is already holding an item it won't work. Happened to me and wasted around 45 minutes.
Where in seafolk village do I get a Dhelmise?
Have HA Geodudes in premier and heavy balls. 3-4 Perfect IVs and egg moves.
Quoted By:
>>30410637 Fishing spot through the Steelix ship I believe
>>30410637 Steelix boat iirc there's a small door that leads to a rippling water spot.
>>30410649 Interested in rockruff [HA]/mimikyu in moon ball or stufful[HA] in love for one of those HA female geodudes?
>>30410613 Just checked, still empty handed.
I feel like I'm going to see shiny magnemite before I evolve a scizor
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
>>30410416 I'd be interested in a Honedge, is there anything on my list that you'd want?
Quoted By:
How long do bans usually last? I got banned fromtrading for losing the connection between my two games in a local trade two times in a row.
Zach 5043-2451-2691 !SdigiMOn.U
>>30410602 >Is it HA? I didn't want to put myself through the hell that is HAF 1/8th breeding. I have a penta male though if you want that? You could catch a HA female in any old ball and it could pass down.
No egg moves because Sand Attack is the only one we can get pre-bank ;-;
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30410686 I'll do one for a sandshrew. What nature do you want?
>>30410667 I was breeding for a penta perfect male in a Heavy Ball so I got a couple of penta perfect females, but all of those are in premier balls.
I would love a moon ball Mimikyu. Does it have perfect IVs?
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
>>30410731 Quiet, preferably. I've only got male sandshrews right now though, so if you want a female I'll need a few minutes to breed one.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30410709 >I have a penta male though if you want that? Sounds good if it's not a bother. I'll get my shit ready and bother you soon.
>>30410734 I'd much rather a heavy female than a premier. IV's are a non issue as long as it's HA Female Heavy Ball.
I've got a 31/31/31/31/31/x Moon Ball Mimi if that suits your fancy. They have Grudge/Nightmare/Destiny Bond and Curse.
Caligulove 1650-6008-3623
Im looking for a modest and timid natured ditto, IV's dont matter. I have some breeding rejects to trade in return.
Quoted By:
Is it possible to complete the Alola dex in a day?
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
Quoted By:
>>30410762 Alrighty, I've added you and I'm online now so just shoot me a trade whenever you're free.
Quoted By:
>>30410785 Okay come on dude. Go catch an Abra with Synchronize and breed it and then go catch some Ditto. Save your breedjects for something important.
>>30410763 Feel free to add me any time.
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549 !moe420og.g
>>30410836 Doing so right now. My FC is above ^ Will go online when I'm ready and await your TR.
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
>>30410678 Was meant for
>>30410635 Still being cucked by RNGesus.
Does metal coat not happen until a certain point?
Also, I noticed a bunch of specific ball requests, is that just fashion hunting or does it serve a purpose?
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
Quoted By:
>>30410894 No problem
>>30410904 >Does it serve a purpose? A win without style is worthless.
anyone got a 4/5iv dratini(maybe even shiny) ign Senna GTS: Skitty called Skitzo Level 8 Comment : Wvideogames would be really nice of you as a person
Quoted By:
>>30410956 >Skitty >for a Shiny Dratini What
>>30410855 I added you but you don't show up in the page option of the plaza
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549 !moe420og.g
>>30411008 Sorry, was trading with someone and then went to check if you had added me already. Currently online and awaiting TR. Ign Mayoi.
>>30411013 Did you disconnect? I got busy with the stupid plaza upgrade cutscene.
Anyone want Adamant 4 IV Litten? Upload something to the GTS, tell me what you uploaded. I'll be breeding these for a while. No egg moves yet since the HA isn't available yet and then it'll be the best doubles Pokémon.
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549 !moe420og.g
>>30411088 Are you Fortuna? Maybe I should send you a TR instead.
Quoted By:
>>30411103 deposited: delibird lvl 10
name: Kinohi (with some clouds)
message: i want to fill my pokedex
Fortuna 2809-8939-5066
>>30411112 Thanks a lot for the Mimikyu.
Mayoi 3540-1398-8549 !moe420og.g
Quoted By:
It is friday Island Scan time. so I got a question, what is the best ball for the Slaking family? I already got a heavy ball one in ORAS
2595-4954-8549 Leica
Still got like 4-5 Modest 5IV Popplios if anyone wants one, 31/x/31/31/31/31
Quoted By:
Looking for someone with either Warturtle in his friend safari or willing to do a reasonable trade for a Squirtle, I have Y and Omega Ruby so if you want version exclusives I can get you those.
Tom 0361-6591-8466
Quoted By:
>>30406332 Hey bud, would you take a friend ball Grubbin for a Togedemaru?
42 | 2191 7639 5863
>>30411335 for free or do you want anything for it?
2595-4954-8549 Leica
Quoted By:
>>30412170 If you have an Alolan Pokemon with a decent nature and some IVs I'll take it.
>>30410686 ay ill have a pyukumuku if youre still here for a friend ball adamant axew
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
>>30412222 Sure, but I'll need a minute to breed an extra.
>>30412267 i need to hatch one anyway so its cool tell me when you want me in the plaza and shoot me a request
Just hit the point where I can shit out 5-6 IVs Geodudes. Adamant nature with HAs or sturdy/Magnet Pull and in Heavy Ball. I prefer MP to shit on Celesteela with a focus sash/Counter combo since most people will just EQ right away.
>>30412283 hatched and waiting in the plaza, request when youre done
Quoted By:
>>30412350 Would you be willing to give up a geodude for a friend ball adamant axew?
One day GF will implement inbreeding penalties to btfo all the degenerates ITT
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
Can anyone help me out with the last handful of Pokemon for the Pokedex? Touchtrades are fine.
Looking for: Politoed, Vanilluxe, Dragonair, Muk, Metang, Vibrava, Porygon 2, Porygon Z, Slowking, Krokorok, Kartana
Can offer anything in my list for helping me: Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
Quoted By:
>>30412283 I just finished breeding it; I've added you and will be going online shortly.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>30412390 That would be irrelevant. It would add some way of knowing what a Pokémon's parents are, something most of WFG want. Not to mention GF has added more and more ways of getting perfects out of the wild.
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
>>30412353 I should also point out that it says you still haven't added me, so afaik I don't have a way to send you a trade request.
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
Quoted By:
Can anyone help me make a team for VGC format? I don't want to use UB or Koko... what is the best trolling pokemon / move in double
>>30412539 weird, i did, ill delete you and re-add
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a HA Exeggcute for trade? I can offer moon ball Mimikyu , love ball stufful or love ball Bounsweet
>>30412459 I can give you a lv1 Dratini, that's almost like a Dragonair.
Anyone have a naive abra? It doesnt need synchronize, I dont mind breeding it on. I can offer almost any other useful natured abra.
Quoted By:
Contrary female Snivy anyone? Ivs/nature unimportant. Can offer a pentaperfect Zangoose. OR by the way.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30412914 Thanks but I have a Dratini, I was just hoping to avoid having to grind it up, same deal with Muk, Metang and Vibrava.
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30412459 >>30412969 Get online, I'll help you with some, only because you're a qt 3.14.
>>30412969 Different OT means Bonus XP.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413003 Thanks a ton, I'm on now!
>>30413012 I actually just got Dragonair off the GTS for a Totodile, so it doesn't matter now, but thanks again!
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30413059 Can you give me friend ball chikorita at the end?
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413148 Sure, let me check to see if I have a spare one or if I need to breed it
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30413164 We can do that later. Let's touch trade first~
Waiting for TR.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413182 Sure thing, and yeah I'm gonna need to breed it, jumping back on
>>30413202 That's all I can find atm. Pretty sure I don't have any middle stage evolution left. I have enough BP for king's rock though, if you really need that.
Porygon and upgrade is free, so you should go grab that.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413328 Thanks. I can go grab the Porygon and upgrade disc, and the King's rock from the school to get Slowking. I'm gonna do all this and breed your chikorita then we can trade again, sound good?
what looks better for a vulpix, moonball or loveball?
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30412943 Someone end my suffering, I'm 59 abra deep into this.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413390 Just hatched the Chikorita and did all my stuff, so I'll be getting back on FP now
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30413726 Give me like 5 min.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413747 Alrighty, just lemme know, gonna be combing through the GTS and playing minigames in the meantime
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
Quoted By:
>>30413769 Done. Going online now.
Just got a snivy from wonder trade.. is it hacked in?
>>30413861 Probably not, it's an island scan pokemon
>>30413883 i dont see it on the island scan list
Quoted By:
>>30413904 It's there
Johto and Unova starters are all island scan pokes
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30413769 Yeah, I went to Haina desert to catch those and level them up just for you
:3c Congratulation.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30413747 >>30413994 Thanks so much! Just gotta catch the last of the Tapus and UBs and my dex is complete!
You didn't have to do that though, I feel a little bad now... Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
Quoted By:
>>30412943 >>30413641 Let me check my Abra stock
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
>>30414027 Then give me all the mon! EVERYTHING! just kidding.
>>30413641 I have naive, if you still need one.
Quoted By:
>>30414148 Literally just caught one. Thanks anyway though, its the thought that counts.