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Begging for hacked mons

No.30417590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>browse catalog
>three threads begging for shiny 6IV dittos
>two threads begging for perfect IV HA mons

Will you niggers just stop? Either wait for a giveaway or inject it yourself. There's a dedicated injection thread. Beg there.

>b-but my 3ds doesn't have cfw
>i'm afraid i might brick it
You're an idiot if you don't have homebrew on your 3DS. The guide is handholding you through the process so much that you'll have to deliberately brick your 3DS, unless you're a retard, then I can't help you.

If you're that nimrod who updated his 3DS, then I'm sorry but your retardation knows no bounds.

>b-but i heard it's legit
It's not, numbskull.

>i'm too lazy to inject
Kys faggot

You niggers should be banned from this world. Kill yourselves.