Trade - Battle - Breed - Autism
This thread is the general purpose thread on /vp/ for users wanting to interact using their 3DS and the Wi-Fi. Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share. Be sure to use your own leftovers in all trades!
Previous thread:
Have 2 Naive Pheromosas in Premier Ball, a Timid Xurxitree in Beast Ball, bottle caps, master balls, any nature synchros and breedjects, looking for Adamant/Jolly Solgaleo or the choice specs, assault vest, weakness policy. Ball dont matter ivs dont matter as long as theyre decent. Or any mon might do just name your price.
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>suddenly hack allowed op shit when it's been years fuck off, stop trying to change it
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>>30420568 you online yet?
im ready when you are
>>30420640 Would anybody happen to have any leftover technician meowths with decent IVs? I've got bottle caps to trade, as well Tapu Finni and Tapu Bullu and an Adamant Guzzlord
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Anybody got a 5IV 0 speed ditto for trade? I've got Whimpods, Mimikyus, and Toxipexs with all the good natures and egg moves. I can even offer you a 6 IV japanese shiny ditto if you don't already have one. I wanna get started breeding for trick room teams
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30420970 Please be kind :/
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30420750 what natures are the tapus?
>>30420987 >encouraging hacks Nah, fuck yourself.
>>30420970 >>30420987 this, fuck off
This general has been against hacking for ages, stop trying to change it
It's like that for a reason, you can't mix both shit here, you have injection general for that
>>30421023 >>30421233 Please stop shitposting. No one is encouraging hacks here. No one is encouraging blogposts about catching shinies. No one is encouraging questions about how beat a totem.
Please read the OP. /wfg/ is for all. Just because it's allowed does not mean you need to cry about it.
>>30421016 Sorry for the belated reply! meowth anon here.
Finni is impish w/ pokerus
Bullu is bashful
I also have a quiet type null.
I know those aren't ideal, so no worries if you're not interested. Since meowth is pretty common I figured it was worth a shot! Have a good one and thanks for replying
Got a lot more things that I haven't updated. At this point I have so much leftovers that i'll take anything although egg moves and breedjects are cool. I'll give 2-5 breedjects for power items or Bottle Caps.
Can someone trade me a sun stone?
>>30421408 >Moon ball minior Good taste
>>30421420 Sure, I'll do it. I'll put it on a German Misdreavus named Traunfugil, level 10. What do you have to swap? I don't care what it is as long as its stats are good.
>>30421408 ill take a morelull, think I have you added already
>>30421275 It's not shitposting, the fact that it's allowed will immediately affect everyone in the general.
You can't mix hacked shit with legit stuff specially with us when we're this autistic about it, it's gonna mix, gotta have to constantly ask, etc.
You're not the first one to try this shit and the same thing happened, /wfg/ has been against hacks for years, stop trying to force it because newfags don't like it.
Injection general is there for that exact reason.
>>30421443 Uhh I have a Quiet Stufful with Fluffy ability, Bashful Comfey with Flower Veil.
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30421371 do you have anything else? ill trade it to you for a shit mon, it doesn't feel right trading a mewoth for a legendary.
>>30421275 >Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it. >no one is encouraging hacks here Sure thing retard, fuck off.
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>>30421275 >No one is encouraging hacks here >Literally says the opposite in the op and changed it for no reason Anonymous
>>30421481 I'll take the Comfey. I'll put up the misdreavus now. my IGN is Zoe
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30421408 you want to do pas simian or diglet for something?
>>30421503 That's really nice of you to offer–I have a lot of good stuff from WT (Gibles, Mimikyus, Starters, Relaxed Oranguru, bold feebas, totodile).
Still farming BP to get destiny knot or else I'd breed something. Your call. Thanks again.
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30421617 ill take a gible
>>30421562 >>30421443 I see a Traunfugil Lv 7 but no held item
>>30421683 sorry, i was late getting it up. Look for it in 5 minutes, level 10.
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>>30421517 well I dont see any encouraging in the OP.
About to raise me an Alola Marowak. I assume the nature should be one that prioritizes attack and the EVs split down Atk/Speed?
>>30421427 Thanks anon.
>>30421455 Sure. Online now, send me the tr
>>30421577 I'll take a Torkoal and HA Dratini.
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>>30421747 Depends what you want to do with it to be honest
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30421749 ok i just have to breed the dratini and then ill be ready
>>30421717 kek looks like someone got it before me. thanks anyway friendo
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anyone got a 4/5iv growlithe?
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To the people that were looking for it, entering your team on here shows you what your composition is weak to.
>>30421749 thanks for the free poke senpai
>>30421639 Ok, cool! I've got a jolly Japanese gible, LVL 14, sand veil, pokerus (no longer contagious). I started EV training it in speed but decided not to train him. Just say the world and I'll pass him off.
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30421577 Hi I have A-Vulpix in a moonball with HA, some 6IV Rowlets, and a Mareanie with HA in a Beast Ball.
Would you be interested in those for a Sandygast, Jangmo-o, and Dewpider?
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30421897 thats ok i need one for my dex anyways. whats your FC and IGN?
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>>30421805 aw, no! I'm sorry. :( Hope you find a sun stone somewhere!
>>30421788 Awesome, i'm online now.
>>30421867 Don't worry about it. I'll treasure the Staryu forever.
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30421908 i actually have all of them so no thank you, but do you have anything else?
>>30421934 FC: 1392 - 6957 - 4059
IGN: Zoe
Adding you now
Anyone breeding Kangaskhan or have any breedjects?
>>30421463 You need to get over it.
The only thing banning shit out of the all-purpose thread accomplished was shitposting and harassment. No one cares. If it's not a 6iv ditto, they would probably be answered faster in /ekx/, exactly what the OP recommends.
But asking and receiving in here? Oh no, better grab your inhaler and turn the thread to shit before people get the idea /wfg/ doesn't have autistic gatekeepers.
Foof 5241-2016-6779
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>>30421964 Ah dang, there's nothing else I have of value right now.
Oh well, thanks anyways!
>>30422040 I do... I just wondertraded them away since no one was interested. I'm about to go shower but if you stick around for 30 minutes I'll give you an adamant or jolly scrappy, whichever you like. Have anything interesting?
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30422060 and no-one was having these autistic discussions until the OP got changed
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>>30422099 you must be new
>>30422089 Not much, I just beat the game two days ago and only started breeding Gibles. I have a few 4-5 EV Jolly's if you're interested
>>30422121 Does it have it's HA? If not the regular is fine. You want her Jolly or Adamant, I'll get to work on her when I can.
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>>30420640 Lf: lure pikipek, heavy togedemaru, lure crabrawler and johto ball alolan forms
What I have:
Love -cutiefly (ha), vulpix (ha), stufful (fluffy) mareanie (ha) oricorio (psychic) pyukumuku, fomantis, bounsweet, oranguru, drampa,
Heavy - komola, wimpod, Sandshrew (ha) meowth, mudsbray, turtonator
Moon - mimikyu, rockruff, minior, cubone (ha), sandygast, eevee, jangmo-o
Level - dhelmise, morelull, tepig,
Friend - bruxish, chikorita, snivy, salandit, passimian, comfey, grubbin
Ultra - geodude (ha)
Beast ball - beldum
Lure - oshawott, dewpider, totodile, gible (ha) tynamo, deino,
Fast - cyndaquil, grubbin
>>30422121 could you perhaps send me one as well?
>>30422096 I'm not seeing any Robs in my friend list, just "Roberto". If you see a "Zoe", can you page me?
Sorry again, this is my first time trading via internet on sun/moon
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30422167 Yeah it's rough skin, has outrage too. I've got a few left. I'll take an Adamant I suppose.
>>30422231 Yep that's fine. I have a few left. I'm going to go eat dinner and I'll post in the thread when I'm back. 20-30 min max.
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>>30422290 Ok see you in a bit
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30422282 il try again in a second, my ign is rob so it should appear that way
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Anyone willing to trade me an yveltal for a cresselia?
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anyone have a lure ball gible?
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
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>>30420640 Can someone trade me their Buzzwole for my Kartana over GTS? I'll trade it back to you immediately if you want, I only want to complete the Pokédex before moving on to the 3rd island. I have a full friend list
I'm "Ani" on the GTS and have a level 60 Spanish Kartana up for trade. (You) me so I can trade it back to you if you want right away, thanks!
Lupin III 1160-9951-5094
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Looking for an Alolan Vuplix egg, if any kind anon is able and willing.
Jesus what is Cuebone's encounter rate? 1%?
>>30422659 what kind of cubone are you looking for?
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
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>>30421937 ready when you are let me just get online first
>>30422781 Just a Cuebone
I just found one after posting, but I fucked up and gotta find a new one cause I'm looking for a THICK Club
>>30422804 THICC club
Okay. I have some Cubone breedjects, so I thought I might try to offer my assistance.
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>>30422804 Just found one as I posted this, thanks guys.
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Gotta do more breeding soon
Welp. Finished crying and masterbating over my ex, time to relax now.
>>30422290 Aight nigga the kangashkan is ready, hmu whenever.
3969-8739-5495 ign is leam
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Guys I have a question.
I logged into Global Link and registered my Sun copy. However that is the only game that shows up as "registered". I could have sworn I also registered Y and AS on GL on the same account.
When you guys go to do you see old games as "registered" still? I only see Sun there.
>>30422824 >so I thought I might try to offer my assistance. Appreicate the thought
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>>30422858 At this point, I haven't had enough to warrant making a trade list or anything, so I'm just trying to build up my foundation.
Saw an opportunity to dole out something I DO have, and went for it.
No worries, mate.
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>Caught the Cuebone with a Beast Ball Oh baby
It begins again, I see...
>>30423014 Where is his dick?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30422989 See what I never understood is why it's called two babies and one fox. Cream really isn't a baby, she's childish sure, but not an infant. Should have been called two rabbits one fox imhotbqhwyf
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30422837 nice I added you. I'm firing up and will be in the
plaza in a sec
>>30422306 I'm back, friend code?
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>>30422989 this is what happens when you make an OP like that
Giltner 5343 9547 8782 IGN Rob
>>30423152 Ok going to the Plaza rn
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30423190 My IGN is Colin, shoot me a trade request when you're in
>>30423158 Go back sucking Google's mile-long dick, you pansy-ass butthole.
>>30423185 Anonymous
>>30422989 For what purpose?
>>30423233 If you didn't see the OP text, you're either a brain-dead newfag or a Injectorfag/Sarah supporter.
>>30423231 Anonymous
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aw yeah, diaper stuff
>>30423231 OH FUCK NO
>>30423212 Sent you one right now
>>30423233 tailsposter thinks Sarah is here somewhere, I imagine. I hadn't seen any evidence for this, but imo tailsposter is the hero we need, so I trust his judgment, or at least isofar as anyone can trust the judgment of a guy who spams furry child porn.
Sarah can go get hit by a bus.
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30423285 Awesome, thanks man!
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>>30423332 Same here dude, have fun
>200 posts to go Somehow I don't think tailsposting makes a dent
>>30423378 nobody gives a fuck what you think go kys
>>30423332 senna
>>30423308 Newfag here, who is Sarah
Fortuna 2809-8939-5066
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>>30420671 Want a HA Geodude in a heavy ball for a bottle cap?
>>30422676 On your 3DS
>go to the castle in the Festival Plaza >go to the PC and select Game Sync >follow the instructions, and an ID code will show up on the top of the screen on your internet browser
>sign up for the PGL >register your game >on the game register page, enter that code in the boxes Anonymous
>>30423407 >who is Sarah Sarah (also known as InjectorBro) is an injector who gets her rocks off by ignoring our "no hacks" policy, which has been in effect and on the OP for years.
Anyone got the screencap image floating around?
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30423393 Added, I'll be in the Plaza in a sec. Send me a trade request when you see me.
Btw you have anything interesting in return? Totally cool if not, just figured I'd ask and see.
>>30423491 Yeah, I've already done all that. But I wasn't sure if the participation in the Global Mission is automatic or what.
>>30423492 >her lol
InjectorFag is a male
>Someone "shit up" the op about the sanctity of WFG >Appropriate response is somehow literally shitting up the thing they've held so dear >In doing so makes WFG less welcoming to newfags and makes WFG an even shittier place Great logic there m8o
>>30423546 Its a she girl aka a la chick with a dick yous stupid retart moran fuck go kys
>>30423507 how do i get to the plaza?
>>30423388 hey shut the FUCK up
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30423582 It's in your menu. Just click the little castle after you press X
>>30423546 I don't really care what Sarah's gender is.
>>30423577 Here she is, Tails. Please remove.
>>30423518 You need to talk to the lady by the PC to start the mission.
Hey Guys, what's goin- Oh. Memes.
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30423582 Press X, on the bottom screen go to Festival Plaza, it'll be in the bottom right below Pokemon and Bag and whatnot.
Then once you're in, connect to the internet by hitting the blue wifi symbol in the bottom right of your bottom screen
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>>30423599 Lol no
Kys tho 4 reals
>>30423610 I would if The WAAGH! was functional, I'm still ironing out the kinks in its programming.
>>30423503 Anonymous
Timid or modest xurkitree?
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>>30423643 No female with a qt lil cock
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>>30423611 wow, that never occurred to me.
Thanks, anon
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30423675 Theres two do both
But I would do Timid first Anonymous
>>30423627 im 2 badges in, in omega ruby
>>30423685 wow witty response, thanks for the help
>>30423704 yeah, i've got one synch for both, just still ambivalent but i am doing timid first
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>>30423624 >emoji unowns The scary part is that I can see GF doing this.
Colin 3411-1931-2525
>>30423715 Oh shit lad, I'm playing Sun lol.
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>>30423675 Timid
It doesn't need anymore SP ATK than it already has
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>>30423724 >wow witty response, thanks for the help >yeah, i've got one synch for both, just still ambivalent but i am doing timid first y even ask then if your doing both you stupid fuck go kys
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I don't know if it's just me or what but.. Festival Plaza kinda sucks, doesn't it? I'm already tired of it. It's just a shitty grind doing the same type matchup tests over and over and over.
What happened to tailsposter?
>>30423851 He got blown out of existance
What's the best nature for a Mareanie? I have an Impish one with Merciless I can breed, otherwise I have Bold with Limber.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30424060 Relaxed and Calm seem to be the ones I see circulating the most but I don't see Bold being that bad. Might want to try and get HA on it, though. Regenerator is pretty phenomenal.
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Still looking for a HA Exeggcute. Have Mimikyu in Moon Ball Bounsweet in Love Ball Stufful in Love Ball
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
>soft resetting Nihilego >get this >Nihilego - #793 (Serious) : 30 - 31 / 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 29 - 30 / 31
>>30424174 hey congrats, did your synch proc?
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
>tfw I only need Porygon Z and Cosmoem for dex completion
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30424174 I'm so sorry bbq
But with caps now it doesn't really matter Anonymous
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>>30424174 nice blog faggot
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
Foof 5241-2016-6779
Does anyone have a Calm Turtonator and/or a Modest Grubbin?
>>30424321 I got an extra adamant but have to breed a timid if you want
>>30424247 wanna trade porygon2 with dubious disc for the same thing?
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>>30424528 >willing to trade >if you want >IF you want Anonymous
>>30424321 ill trade you an timid one for a lure ball gible
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>>30424559 shoo shoo greedy jew
Foof 5241-2016-6779
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>>30424515 Shit forgot to put what I have to offer.
I have some 6IV Rowlets, Mareanie with HA in beast ball, A-Vulpix with HA in moon ball, and Grimer Breedjects.
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>>30424549 Same thing? If you mean give it back, yes I just need the dex entry thats it.
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LF: Modest, Cloud Nine 5IV Drampa lv 1 pref Can offer a number of breedject female HA a-vulpix with moonblast/freeze-dry egg moves.
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30424528 I'll take an admant from you, what do you want?
>>30424559 And I'll take your timid, lemme breed the gible, I assume you want the HA?
>>30424689 yeah i want the HA, its a kadabra if thats okay
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30424725 Fine with me as long as it's a timid syncer
>>30424689 I'll take the morelull I guess, fc is 3969-8739-5495 ign is leam
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30424761 Alrighty, give me a bit to breed out both of these.
>>30424780 Ok, hmu when you are ready
Drew [5300-9972-5356]
Got Cosmoem to 52, any moon people want to help me out? It has a rare candy attached pls.
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30424804 yeah, i'll help out with that
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>>30424804 I'll help!
Leam 3969-8739-5495
Drew [5300-9972-5356]
>>30424818 I'm adding you now, thanks my dude
>>30424743 ye its good, IGN is Christian, we traded not to long ago but just in case my fc is 4828-4229-3036
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30424847 no problem, i'm going online now, request a trade whenever you're ready.
Anybody got any leftover Vulpix? I need one for a friend who's gonna start their game on Moon and wants one.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30424913 put something on the GTS asking for one
Drew [5300-9972-5356]
>>30424884 Whenever your done, request me pls
I want to breed some Snivys, what's the best nature for the little guy?
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30425009 i'm about to go online again now, nebbu is now a lunala
Gonna be here for a bit again so,
Free: Looking for:
Apricorn Female HA Gen 5 and above
Level ball Female HA Drampa/Mimikyu
>>30424989 Gib spreadsheet for gen 7,
honey Drew [5300-9972-5356]
>>30425036 Thanks! Didn't think anyone would actually help meout so really, thank you.
Don't suppose anyone has an adamant synchroniz they would part with? Been running down abra for nearly 6 hours now with no luck.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30425161 Do you have cosmoem? I just need its dex entry, I'll breed an adamant abra if so.
So breeding my Cuebone for a Naughty nature, one of them hatched with the Hidden Ability Rock Head. How is that possible? I thought that would only happen if the parent had the HA too (which it doesn't) Should I switch out the parent now and have this hatched one with the HA breed with the ditto to increase chances of the kids having the HA?
>>30424989 Gonna put up a newborn female Stufful, IGN is Hoody.
>>30425027 Modest, but you'll need his HA.
I think you could also go with Timid, he's already incredibly fast though and he benefits from every bit of Spa. Att. you can get to get the most out of the 2x boost from Contrary Leaf Storm.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30425250 Rock Head is the HA for Marowak but not for Cubone.
shits fucked I know It's HA is Battle Armor
>>30425281 There's no way to get Snivy's hidden ability right now, right?
>>30425290 Ohh so this Cuebone with Rock Head will evolve into a Marowak with Battle Armor?
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30424875 >>30424801 Got the Gible and Morelull, about to get on the plaza now
>>30425332 Yes for normal Maro
No for A-Maro
A-Maro will have rock head
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30425281 Sent enjoy
>>30425332 Rock head turns into Cursed body, Battle Armor turns into Rock Head.
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>>30425350 Aoght heading there rn
>>30425352 So no real reason to breed Snivy then?
>>30425398 Well yes have it ready for when HA gets available, you'll have half the work done already.
Foof 5241-2016-6779
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>>30425131 No worries! Always glad to help
>>30425350 kadabra here, im ready when you are
>>30425382 What about Lightning Rod?
>>30425418 But I was only looking to WT them, though.
>>30425208 Thanks baebee~
>>30425368 This gen was too strong.
Acerola is still best grill for me though.
>Evolves at night time >It just turned day Really hate this mechanic.
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30425110 Can I get a Stufful and Mimikyu?
I put up a Lvl 1 Male Grimer for the Mimikyu
>>30425439 No one is stopping you.
>>30425459 >Acerola wow
poor taste Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30425208 Why does your spreadsheet have nothing on it but sprites?
>>30425474 Get to post game and go through the magical portal
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30425512 That's the template so people can make their own if they want. My list is here
>>30425510 Anonymous
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>>30425503 Hence why I'm asking if I should stop myself and focus on something more immediately useful.
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>>30425512 >what is a template Anonymous
>>30425518 Wait I've been post game for awhile.
Do I need to finish the Ultra Beast quest line for that?
>>30425476 Gotcha, next!
>>30425506 No bully, fairy weed girl is up there with her
>>30425510 It's so pretty ;~;
Anyone here need to trade to complete their pokedex? I've got a couple of pokemon I need to evolve via trade so if anyone else is interested please let me know
IGN: Luna 1091-8772-9955
>>30425562 Nope, just go back to where you got your version legendary and you can go through the wormhole to an alternate world with opposite time. You have to have Lunala to go through it during the day, and Solgaleo to go through it at night.
>>30425549 >>30425433 Thank you both!
>>30425597 I just need porygon z and cosmoem, how many mons you need to trade though
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30425571 th-thanks y-you too
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>>30425620 Oh neat, thanks
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>want a shiny Dhelmise >can't breed for a good IV one until January [WAKE ME UP INSIDE]
Anyone have a Timid Ditto? Need it for the nature, so I don't really care for it's IVs. Trying to make a Timid Rockruff with Steadfast. I've got myself a Steadfast Rockruff already, but Ditto RNGing for the correct nature hasn't been working too well for me. Right now all I can give are: Rockruff -Timid -Fire Fang & Sucker Punch egg moves -Greatball Wishiwashi -Calm -Diveball Fletchling -Adamant -Gale Wings And I can throw in a good berry if needed. Thanks!
>>30425633 Btw, I've been practicing all this time.
and I still suck, but I want a rematch on sm4sh3ds
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30425571 Thanks for the Mimikyu!
I put up a Lvl 10 Male Rattata for the Stufful
>>30425630 Only 4. I wish I could help with your porygon but I don't have one yet
I am looking for a galvanize Geodude. I've been chaining for days with no luck @_@. please help me!
Foof 5241-2016-6779
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>>30425792 Thanks so much!
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>30425801 >please help me! Have you tried doing longer chains?
>>30425796 Dang, ok I'll help you anyways
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30425733 Dhelmise too gud. What are you running on it?
And do you want one in lure ball? :3c >>30425754 Oh god I haven't played that in forver.
maybe someday when I'm bored with pokemon agen WubBub
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>>30425824 Yes. I either continue to end up with normal geodudes or it struggles and dies and I have to start over.
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>>30425801 Just see if anyone can trade a breedject
>>30425754 >sm4sh3ds Speaking of poor taste...
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>>30425743 Dont need any of those mons, I just need cosmoem's dex entry
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>>30425869 for the switch then ;^)
>>30425918 >Speaking of poor taste... More like poor
_____ Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>30425869 >shiny is red and white >anything but Premier Ball REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Probably Adamant Choice Band and a bulky SpinBlocker. Most of the stuff that has Rapid Spin doesn't like taking Power Whip/Anchor Shot.
>>30425918 >he doesn't use Shulk unironically 0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
I'm looking for a Rough Skin Gible. Any will do, but a male would be preferred. I can trade a green or yellow Minior, a Probopass, a Drampa, an Alakazam, a Mandibuzz, a Pinsir, and more.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>30425968 >red and white >white Literally thats lilac learn you're fucking colors
>Not wanting the red center ball with the fucking WATER ANIMATION FOR THE FUCKING ANCHOR Shit taste pls go
I'm leaning towards Brave Mixed Assault Vest Giga Drain / Power Whip / Anchor Shot / Phantom Force I'm so sad it doesn't get leech seed
>>30425968 >Shulk Lol i'm feeling it XD
>not dual-maining Ganon and Pacman Anonymous
>>30425862 Thank you so much!
5387 1017 5331
Hero 2981-8990-4209
>>30425869 Hey! Wonderful collection you got there!
Here's my list (of things I didn't see on yours):
Moon Ball:
-HA Mareanie w Egg moves
-Wimpod w Egg moves
Lure Ball:
HA Gible w Egg moves
Love Ball:
Drampa w Egg moves (Hurricane)
I'm interested in your:
Love Ball Salandit
Love Ball Morelull
Lure Ball Minior
Moon Ball Wishiwashi
Does anyone have a lvl 1 riolu? Im close to completing my first dex ever and it'd be easier to get a low level one.
>>30426143 Pls say you have either porygon z or cosmoem, to touch trade I just need those and I can give you a riolu in return
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
>>30426128 >>30426001 What would you like for the Gible? I'm in dire need of one due to not having Sun.
Drew [5300-9972-5356]
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Anyone have a spare Happiny I could get possibly and a castform they'd be willing to touch trade? I have a Weaville i could touch trade with you too.
Hero 2981-8990-4209
>>30426261 What do you have?
>>30426186 I'd have to grab a Dubious Disc first but yea i can
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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I made a small list. It's totally not ebin at all.
Working on shit right now. >>30426025 Mixed seems interesting but I think Power Whip still hits harder than Giga Drain, even when it's burned. :^(
>>30426308 I fuckng love you man, let me breed one quickly then.
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
>>30426295 >I can trade a green or yellow Minior, a Probopass, a Drampa, an Alakazam, a Mandibuzz, a Metagross, a Pinsir, a Toucannon, and I believe all of the Moon exclusives. 0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
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>>30426364 Whoops, don't know why I >greentexted
>>30426360 might take me a little to grab the disc but ill stay on this thread
Hero 2981-8990-4209
>>30426364 What ball are the Minior in?
>>30426360 actually if you could just touch trade a lucario that'd be better (sorry for sayin that a bit late)
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
FC: 2595-4954-8549 IGN: Leica
I've got some 5IV Modest Popplios for trade, not very picky at all. Lemme know if you want one,
What is the best Celesteela set, Nature, EV spread? And will that set still be good when pokebank comes out?
>>30426434 >>30426481 Ok thats even better tbqh, ok let me finish trading with an anon and ill get right to you
My fc is 3969-8739-5495 and ign is Leam
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
Will get to adding more later.
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30426520 Would you like a 6IV Jolly Rowlet?
>>30426277 Hey man thanks again I really appreciate it. I'll let you know if I get a porygon 2 soon so I can repay you
FC: 2595-4954-8549 IGN: Leica
>>30426527 Celesteela is a little too versatile for there to be a 'best set' right now, who knows what it will by the time Pokebank rolls around.
>>30426553 Sure, adding you.
Hero 2981-8990-4209
>>30426512 I was looking for Johto Ball stuff..
You don't have to give me anything
I'll give you the Gible for free ;)
>>30426576 Its fine, I might have someone helping me out with that. I just like to help in general, cheers m8.
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
>>30426592 THANK YOU ANON
Speaking of which, do you know how to get more Johto balls? Mine were busted out of
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I had a whole lot of Pokemon saved in my Platinum game, Is there no way to transfer gen 4 pokemon to gen 5 without 2 original DS's?
Foof 5241-2016-6779
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>>30426588 cool, i have you added now, i'll be online in a bit.
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>>30426588 aight, thank you
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>30426527 RIght now, defensive mixed seems to be doing well. Dual coverage in Flamethrower/Blast and Heavy Slam with Leech Seed and Protect/Toxic. We can't be too certain since the metagame is gonna shake up in less than four weeks.
>>30426543 It's not in a Luxury Ball, but I can get you a 5 IV Outrage Gible.
They're in Beast Balls. >>30426520 Would you take a 5 IV shitmon for one of those Popplio?
Cleru !PqK3XJWyYA
Quoted By:
>>30426543 Best taste in balltism.
wfg, how do you know a pokemon has its HA when you're chaining?
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
Kaiette IGN Ben
Hi all, if any of you VIP'ed me I now have Rare Kitchen lvl 5 in my first spot in my FP. In case you were looking for one.
Also comfy trades maybe?
List: Anonymous
>>30426708 Either send out a trace mon or skill swap
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>30426708 S K I L L S W A P
Hero 2981-8990-4209
>>30426633 Nah dude.
You can only get the Johto Balls once in the game.
I'm going to give you like 2 extra things so you can breed and trade and get yourself somethings on wifigen.
Add me I'll be online
>>30426537 mines 3368-2891-6794 Steeb
Lina - 4356 0958 2219
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Anyone willing to trade a Galvanize Golem for Snow Warning Vulpix (with Moonblast)? Also does anyone have any Kelpsy Berries?
>>30426758 Lol I saw you do enter and leave this time. How are you so bad at this? Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30426588 Thanks a bunch for the Popplio!
FC: 2595-4954-8549 IGN: Leica
Quoted By:
>>30426810 Thanks bud.
Still have another one if anyone cares.
>>30426736 >>30426745 oh fuck , thanks, I really wanted to be an easier method to get my Regenerator Mareanie
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30426680 >Beast ball I'm not happy about it but I'll take it if you have a girl. What do you want?
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
>>30426748 rip two best ball designs
and thanks again anon, you are too kind
Quoted By:
Can someone please help me evolve my porygon? Fc is 4184-6282-7239
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30426733 I want your friend, fast, and love ball miniors
stuff Anonymous
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>30426846 No problem mate. It helps to keep a counter on PP for Corsola if you're gonna be going for HA PoisonWaifu.
>>30426856 If you have one, a male Mareanie with egg moves.
Mostly Haze. If it's not too much trouble. I will have to breed the female really quick though.
Sorry (0232-8027-7992)
Posting my list, looking for stuff with egg moves/HA/anything cool at all.
Hero 2981-8990-4209
>>30426876 I'm online where are you?
Kaiette IGN Ben
>>30426886 Sure, I'll do those three for Moon HA Mareanie, Lure Eevee, and Friend Chikorita. Don't care about gender on any of them.
Hero 2981-8990-4209
Quoted By:
>>30426733 I'm interested in your Love Ball Minior and HA Poliwag, what do you want for them?
>>30426904 im about to launch trade, do you happen to have a Blissey too? its fine if you dont
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30426931 I've got HA Mareanie and HA A-Vulpix if you're interested in those.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30426924 Aight, I got plenty of males ready so just lmk.
>>30426924 Does Mareaine ask for help also or just Corsola?
Sorry (0232-8027-7992)
>>30427003 I'd love both, thank you, but what would you like in return?
>>30426999 I actually do, I'll touch trade both.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30426985 on it. breeding stuff now.
>>30427042 thanks so much man
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Ugh just got past all the cut scenes only to find out my rowlet has a real shit nature Why even live
How do I get Mud Shot to Grubbin? Is it possible?
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>>30427065 No need, you just saved me a bunxh of time, I just need cosmoem and Im done with this stupid dex
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30427030 I'm interested in Wimpod and Bounsweet if that's fine with you.
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
Quoted By:
>>30426943 Oh, nice ball choice on your pokemon
Sorry (0232-8027-7992)
>>30427103 Absolutely, I just added you and I'll just be hanging out in Festival Plaza. Thanks!
Foof 5241-2016-6779
Quoted By:
>>30427139 Awesome! Just added you and I'll be online soon.
Also nice mii Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>30427087 bread a male poliwag with mud shot with a female surskit until you get a male surskit, then breed that surskit with a female grubbin
Sorry (0232-8027-7992)
>>30427103 Any preference on gender for the Wimpod?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>30426128 Sorry didn't see that I was having dinner. None of those things really interest me unfortunately
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30427172 Nope, no preference there.
Kaiette IGN Ben
>>30427047 Ready when you are, I already had breedjects of friend ball
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>30427207 i still need to breed the mareanie, i don't have any spares lying around
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This has probably been answered millions of times but Naive or Timid on Ash-Greninja?
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>>30426791 I'm not sure what you're talking about, so i assume you have the wrong person
Foof 5241-2016-6779
>>30427172 Thanks so much for the Bounsweet and Wimpod!
0989-2745-6694 IGN: Nightman
Quoted By:
>>30426943 And I'll be damned, the Gible has the right nature and IVs as well
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>When you waste rainbow beans for affection on eevee and forget to teach it a fairy move and it evolves into espeon god damn
Sorry (0232-8027-7992)
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>>30427202 >>30427202 >>30427335 Wonderful, thanks a bunch. I've been wanting both of these pokemon for a while, and the awesome balls are a great touch.
Fuck movies! Anonymous
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trading a minun called mina on gts for a growlithe if anyone wants one, mine is p basic
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>balltism is forcing me to go for ultra beasts in the most painful, boring, and expensive possible way li
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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>>30427014 Oh neat. Your GIble is ready. I'll add your FC. Mine is up on my Pastebin.
>>30427015 Just Corsola, Mareanie breaks the chain.
>>30427390 Espeon levels up with happiness, not affection, though
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30427207 finally got a HA mareanie. heading to the plaza now
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new thing
>>30427766 new thing
>>30427766 new thing
>>30427766 Anonymous
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Does anyone have a rockruffle with egg moves? Any IV is fine, I'm just looking for a breeject
Kaiette IGN Ben
>>30427761 Cool, I'm in "type counter" for another minute
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>30427806 send a trade request when you're ready
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>30427748 Guess I leveled it up enough in the E4 to make it happy then
0275 9679 8381
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>>30421408 Anon I have a spare gold bottle cap, but I'm at work,
Can I get a rockruff, monitor, wimpod, cubone, and stufflle?
I get out of work in like 2 hours