Quoted By:
1 (Blue): Venusaur, Dragonite, Pigeot, Lapras, Golem(was a Graveler for 90% of the game until I got Red and traded), Zapdos
2 (Silver): Meganium, Tyranitar, Ampharos, Espeon, Scizor, Houndoom
3 (Sapphire): Sceptile, Swellow, Gardevoir, Salamence, Armaldo, Flygon
4 (Diamond): Empoleon, Luxray, Lucario, Glaceon, Staraptor, Vespiquen
5 (Black): Serperior, Krookodile, Unfezant, Gothitelle, can't remember
6 (X): Braixen, Slyveon, Talonflame, Tyrantrum, can't remember
7 (Moon): Primarina, Alolan Raichu, Ribombee, Lycanroc, Mimikyu, Toucannon