>>30527203>>30527214Alright I'll indulge.
Horrendously unbalanced both with and without Exp Share.
XY's region, story, and even music mastering was left unfinished. Every single supporting character was annoyingle two-dimensional.
Megas further separated the shitmons from the VGC-usable ones.
PSS had annoying as fuck popups that would plague you every five minutes. You could not prevent people from trying to trade with you constantly.
Not even was Kalos left unfinished, but there are entire areas in it that serve as nothing but filler content. The entire desert north of Lumiose could just as well have not existed. It serves no purpose.
Team Flare is the least inspired team so far. They literally have no goal, and Lysandre's goal is never made clear apart from "make france beautiful again :^)".
Riding pokemon was annoyingly slow, and nothing but padding to extend the game.
Special snowflake syndrome. You are given extremely powerful Pokemon before you're halfway through the game. In XY it's mega Lucario, in ORAS it's Lati@s.
The story is also shit, but I sincerely hope I don't have to explain to you why that is. Countless anons have already done so.