>>30548583I'm impressed if you coallated the data from these sources yourself, but also skeptical of its vailidity.
None of the sources provided refer specifically to the tables you've posted.
Here are links for those of you who don't wish to transcribe:
>http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/marriage_divorce_tables.htm>http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr48/nvs48_16.pdf>http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr64/nvsr64_01.pdf>http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/nsfg_cycle5.htm>http://cdn.freedomainradio.com/FDR_2899_Marriage_partners_study.pdf - This URL is fobidden adn I was unable to evaluate its contents.Some of the sources for these tables contain data going back to 1940 and terminating in 1999. Another study contains only data from 2013. You can't expect those two datasets to have any relevance upon each other.
None appear to be studies on the issues for which you made graphs.
Combining data from these multiples sets and time periouds is disengenuous and, as any real researcher would argue, invalid; It looks like you grabbed four surveys and pumped them trhough SPSS.
I'm guessing you're a freshman stats student.
>tl;dr - you're a liar and you manipulated real data to gather meaningles results