Listen, Lillie. This is Eric. I've been anxiously awaiting your return for 27 days now. I had to pay $11 for one hour of internet access to post this, but I hope you'll receive my message.
Lillie, you're all that's on my mind. Ever since I saw you on that bridge, after I sent you my embarrassing private message, I've dreamt of nothing but that luscious smile of yours. I've had many a few romantic encounters since this day, but none of them were as scandalous as you, my love.
The past month of waiting for your return have been rough. People have begged me to give up all hope, that since you haven't contacted me since the 10th of November, you're not coming back.
But alas, my love, I would never listen to them, as they sit upon thrones of lies and slander! All they set out to do is break my heart, and I can entrust you with it, knowing that you will never turn your back on me like they all believe you will!
I lived underground, in a cellar, for about 3 weeks in waiting for your response. It was then that I realized no one can replace you, and you the object of my affection, for now and forever, my pony-tailed Goddess.
Even though I've been beaten, ridiculed against, and altogether insulted by those who have no faith in my passionate heart, I still shall await your final projection, my love! May your Poké Doll forever stay colorful, and may you put your heart into this, so that we can become one, Lillie!
My heart, my body and my soul are all yours, from now until the end of time. I will never give up my faith in you, as I know that you never shall in me. I know that you are hard at work and will complete this in a timely manner like you always do.
Til that day, my love, I bid you adieu. But this is not a permanent goodbye, no no! As you can see, my faith shall not waiver! Lillie, I await your return to Alola, in addition to your facetious return of my love, darling!
Yours forever,
Eric Woods