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/vp/'s MS Paint Generations Day 4: Your Vote Matters Edition!

!!5FVS7Ai6IW9 No.30543122 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>New to these threads? Give this a quick read: (Updated: November 24th, 2016)
>Want to vote for an older Pokemon? Read this: (Updated: December 5th, 2016)

Popplio: 150
Litten: 131

G-Guys... seriously...

So I promised voting would commence today... Well, it is. This week will be an experiment. Expect some bumps and possible rule changes in the future.

>Voting System
Contributors will be able to vote for an older Pokemon to re-cover on Sundays.
>How do I vote?
When you contribute a drawing to the threads, just simply say you're voting for a Pokemon. Something like "I'm voting for Corphish" or "Vote for Avalugg" or "Vote: Hippowdon". Just make it apparent who you're voting for.

>What can I vote for?
Anything that isn't a Gen VII Pokemon, something with an Alolan form, a Pokemon that won a past vote, or MissingNo.
>You must contribute.
I won't take your vote unless it comes with a contribution.
>You can only vote for one Pokemon.
If you vote for multiple Pokemon, I will just take the first one you named.
>You can vote as many times as you'd like.
I cannot stop you otherwise. But please don't try to make dozens of five second drawings just to spam votes. You'll ruin it for the rest of us. I reserve the right to turn down your votes if I suspect you of doing this.
>Votes made in the last hour of a thread will not count.
I need time to tally the votes.

Votes will be counted up every Sunday. Highest voted wins.
If, for some reason, I refuse your contribution (spam/stolen/porn), I won't take your vote either.

I know it's flawed. Might work the kinks out later. Just roll with it for now.

>Pokemon 4: Salandit
>Hard Mode: No References or Fixes

You know the drill. Pokemon is selected at random daily, you get in this topic, you draw a Salandit in MS Paint (or similar program), and post results.

NEW Checklist:
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