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In Plumeria's trailer on UlaUla, she talks about them being banded around a Kahuna.
Assuming it isn't the old Poni Island Kahuna on a lark, it pretty much has to be Nanu.
That said, it seems obvious to me that they were once a well intentioned group dedicated to either helping the police, or handling problems the police couldn't handle through vigilante poke-action.
Once they got out of hand and took over Po town, Nanu got fed up and stuck it out, out of a sense of responsibility.
Day 1: Protect tourists from local roughs
Day 2: Snipe requests for injected dittos and release them on mountaintops
Day 3: Take any pokemon suspected of being hacked
Day 4: Declare yourself democratic dictator of Po town for life, drive out the police, and ban golf, because seriously, fuck that sport.
Day 5: Wallow in loneliness, train golisopods out of pity.