>>30567095>I know this was supposed to be some le epic Tiger man or whatever the fuck it was called referenceTiger Mask reference, just in time for its anniversary.
I realize the designs' intents, I know what it's based on. I know how Torracat goes from Torra cat to Incineroar. I know the designs' motifs.
I still can't find it in my heart to like it because the form itself feels shoehorned into the line itself and almost feels like they absolutely needed that surprise element when the truth is, surprise doesn't always equal a good thing. People can be caught off guard and might have utter dislike because of it.
Funny thing is, many people ironically predicted this shit to happen, even though they didn't want it to. At least it isn't a Fire/Fighting, that was one thing people fortunately didn't predict, but at the same time, you're also staring at a Fire/Dark pokemon who just so happens to be based on a heel wrestler, which doesn't go far off the " bipedal fighter concept" we've had witnessed quite some times.
At least Delphox was a bit different on its delivery and had a interesting type combination.