1. Plasma - Most competent team to date, have high religious convictions, See their shit through to the end and put up a good fight for their cause, and their lord.
2. Rocket - Criminal mafia, no strings attached, will rough you up for your pokemon and sell them on the market
3. Galactic - Cult of weird loyalists to their master, but clearly skilled in scientific operations and tactical warfare, Own their own company HQ, and while misguided, were able to pull of their plan.
4. Skull - Goofy grunts who just want to cause trouble, a bunch of turf warrers who don't like where they are in life, but stick together like a family
5. Aqua/Magma - A bunch of eco terrorists who ahve no idea how fucking global warming works.
6. Neo plasma - A bunch of anarchist terrorists who abuse the plasma name to comit real felons, crimes and are in no way shape or form pokemon villains
6. Flare - A bunch of paid off hipsters in suits who bopught their way in like a club, literally the most incompetent team in existence
7. Aether - Lusamine's bitches, seriously, they all work for her goal? Do they have no ambition for themselves? why the fucka re they even loyal?