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Quoted By: >>30601950 >>30602038 >>30602072 >>30602133 >>30602234 >>30602617
hey guys so my dad got me pokemon sun as an early christmas present but this is the lamest shit ive ever seen in my life
FIrst of all, he got me a 3ds to play it on which is just fucking ridiculous because it should be on my iphone, its 2016 this is insane nobody plays those things anymore
but the game itself is even worse, its NOTHING like Pokemon GO, you dont actually go out and look for pokemon and everything is just within the game itself, NO INTERACTIVITY. i couldnt believe it because you have to go into grass to catch pokemon, they have some pokemon from pokemon GO but mostly everything is some dumb made up bullshit like a DOG and a bug thats just a BUS its fucking awful, and did you see that stupid pikachu thing? I couldnt believe this is how lazy niantic has gotten after making pokemon GO, its incredible how they can go from making pokemon and causing it to be a HUGE thing to this absolute NONSENSE. This does NOT appeal to the hardcore fanbase like me who caught almost EVERY pokemon in GO. Oh i forgot to mention "battling" and i use it loosely because there are no gyms for your team to take over, all it is is this stupid rock paper scissor nonsense, boring. just boring.
Nintendo needs to realize that this game is an utter failure and go back to putting pokemon on smartphones like it started with, why even make a spin off game anyways? They make this but then say they are releasing new pokemon called generation 2??? make up your mind nintendo you are going to lose your most dedicated fans like me if you continue these shitty practices.
FIrst of all, he got me a 3ds to play it on which is just fucking ridiculous because it should be on my iphone, its 2016 this is insane nobody plays those things anymore
but the game itself is even worse, its NOTHING like Pokemon GO, you dont actually go out and look for pokemon and everything is just within the game itself, NO INTERACTIVITY. i couldnt believe it because you have to go into grass to catch pokemon, they have some pokemon from pokemon GO but mostly everything is some dumb made up bullshit like a DOG and a bug thats just a BUS its fucking awful, and did you see that stupid pikachu thing? I couldnt believe this is how lazy niantic has gotten after making pokemon GO, its incredible how they can go from making pokemon and causing it to be a HUGE thing to this absolute NONSENSE. This does NOT appeal to the hardcore fanbase like me who caught almost EVERY pokemon in GO. Oh i forgot to mention "battling" and i use it loosely because there are no gyms for your team to take over, all it is is this stupid rock paper scissor nonsense, boring. just boring.
Nintendo needs to realize that this game is an utter failure and go back to putting pokemon on smartphones like it started with, why even make a spin off game anyways? They make this but then say they are releasing new pokemon called generation 2??? make up your mind nintendo you are going to lose your most dedicated fans like me if you continue these shitty practices.