Trade - Battle - Breed
This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Old:
Anyone have a kelpsy or tamato berry? Have other ev berries and shitmons for trade
IGN Lunette: 4270-3659-0918
And just as suddenly as it started, /wfg/ died. Again.
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>>30613401 i blame spoopy ghosts
S Pookie
If i have parents with the following stats, what are the odds for a hexa offspring? 31/31/31/x/31/31 31/31/31/31/x/31
IGN Lunette: 4270-3659-0918
>>30613662 random unless you have a destiny knot
then it's 5 guaranteed, with the 6th one always random
IGN Lunette: 4270-3659-0918
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>>30613691 sorry, i meant "5 ivs from either parent" so you could get anything from a 3 iv to a 6 iv
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30613232 I have both--berries I need:
-Aquav, Mago, Apricot, Grepa, Kee, Pomeg, Ganlon, Maranga, Rindo, Wacan, Charti, Chilan, Colbur, alac, Babiri, Payapa, Petaya, Roseli, Haban, Kasib, Liechi, Kebia, Tanga
なかだし 1908-2833-1089
>>30613703 Have mago and aguav, added you, can check others if you have preference, just checked first two because japanese names are different.
>>30613211 you didn't link to the old thread, asshole
it's also missing the /wfg/ in the subject
Also /wfg/ is for all.
Get it right next time.
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Anyone have a breedject HA Vulpix and Sandshrew? Not much I can offer.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30613769 That's great--I'll be ready in a few mins--just send me a trade request when you see me
>>30613796 almost like he just copy pasted the old one, make it yourself when the thread necros if you're so butthurt
Jet 1547 5211 4942
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I need Lunala, Pheromosa and Celesteela. I have Solgaleo, Buzzwole and Kartanas up for trading.
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Just caught a shiny Hypno level grinding. It's Serious but it's nice to have. That is all.
IGN: Petar - 2423-7006-7428
Know it's not a whole lot, but the more breedjects I get the more Pokemon I can start breeding. If anyone has a HA Gible, that'd be really appreciated.
Nest ball or Dusk ball for Alolan Marowak? Nest ball's green sort of matches the flames while Dusk ball has that spooky smoke animation with some green and black Can't decide
Jet 1547 5211 4942
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>>30614510 Dusk--references the fact that Marowak evolves at night and also has the red/orange the goes with the Fire typing
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
>>30614306 any interest in an almost iv6 feebas?
>>30614644 >almost iv6 so... not 6iv?
IGN: Petar - 2423-7006-7428
>>30614644 Yeah, sure. What do you want for it?
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
>>30614666 so very very close though ):
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
>>30614681 one of the mareanies? also the feebas is in a plain pokeball
Would anyone be willing to let me dex a Type: Null? I'm wanting to get the shiny charm before I start SRing for one.
>>30614685 So what does that mean? Is it 5 iv? is it 3 iv, and the other 3 are 29?
"Almost 6iv" is just saying nothing
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
>>30614746 5iv with very close 6th
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>>30614746 i think he means its 3-5ivs
IGN: Petar - 2423-7006-7428
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>>30614720 Thats fine, added you now
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30614724 Sure, if you trade me a one-off legendary--just as a precaution
>>30614826 I havent done any of the UBs, so I only have Lunala. I could also get Zygarde?
>>30614826 pft no, fuck you
>>30614856 >>30614826 I just realised I could quickly get a Tapu ill go get one
Is it possible to complete the pokedex in SM without the poké bank?
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30614865 who hurt you, anon?
>>30614865 >>30614882 >trading with new fags Not even once
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30614872 Either that or Zygarde is OK with me. Sorry, just have to be cautious.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
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>>30614918 You're the new friend if you don't realise that was an imposter
>>30614880 yes
bacuase there is no national dex :^) 3926-4623-1921
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>>30614882 >>30614919 I dont want to trade with you tho fuck off
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
anyone else interested in a 5iv almost 6iv modest feebas? ive got 2 more spare up for offers
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>>30614932 And will we not have one in SM?
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
>>30614974 5iv very good attack*
>>30614983 there better anon? am i ok now?
>>30614919 ok took a bit to catch in a heal ball but i'm ready
>>30615032 no, you're still being retarded
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
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>>30615052 damn anon i feel hurtz
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30615035 Just a thought--wouldn't you need the Silvally entry too to get a shiny charm?
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
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>>30615102 yea they would need it aswell
jams 3926-4623-1921
>>30615102 I got Silvary from a friend but everyone I know already evolved.
>mfw no pokefinder pro yet A-at least I have over a million points now.
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
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Anyone able to lend me an attack power item for halfa or so? Got access to pokerus but dont want to chain 126 mons for a single stat. On the plus side just landed a 31 hp, att, def, speed zubat in a duskball chaning for speed.
>>30615149 It's not worth it Anonymous
>>30615174 I know it isn't, but I want the stamp for my Trainer Passport. Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30615121 I hope you get lots of shinies!
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
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anyone have a jolly axew? ivs dont matter
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Got a pokerus Mandibuzz any offers
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>>30615187 Is there the thing from previous games where if you have all the achievement stars the Pokémon centre nurses are all "woah, nice" and then start calling you by name from then on?
jams 3926-4623-1921
>>30615211 Thanks dude, I do too. Mates have a joke where they take a drink for each shiny.
also im so glad lele was modest i forgot to check Anonymous
>>30615261 of course lele is modest, she's a proper waifu
>>30615287 She certainly is!
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
LF: 5IV Male pokemon in the ‘Amorphous’ egg group. (Mimikyu, Phantump, etc) Have: 5IV Mareanie bold all egg moves| 5IV Honedge Quiet| Pokerus
I have a destiny knot available. I am open to offers!
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>>30615316 Source you nigger
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
>>30615377 COMFYYYYYYYYYYYY, when we having beers next mate?
>>30615377 fuck off Rexxie, you jew
>>30615377 1FC, you can get them in the plaza after the trade and even keep the change.
>>30615377 >mfw have 3 of these I'll gib u teh succ for it
>>30615387 lol
>>30615391 huh?
>>30615385 DULLY! I've been meaning to send you a text and see how sun and moon have been going for you. I've had a busy few weeks, moved from Brisbane down to just south of Byron. I sorta miss having beers at the vic and if I were still there definitely would be keen. Next time I'm up I'll let you know in advance and we can shitpost irl together over a few frothies :)
>>30615404 gratz! I didn't come here to brag that I have one, I just wanted to offer it to someone that may need it as it's usual for breeding, ya dig?
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
>>30615347 I've got an extra 5IV male mimikyu you can have. I don't really need anything on your list besides maybe a shitmon with pokerus, though, so anything if fine.
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
>>30615417 Sounds good mate, hows it been going down south? The weather here has been absolutely brutal mate. Got trapped at RGs drinking beers in the storm last night.
>>30615417 >acting like you have something valuable lol
Can anyone trade me a Vullaby For a Rufflet?, I'm on dex filling duty and I need it.
>>30615440 it's nice down here, really like my new place, so much space. Weather has been similar to brisbane, hot as fuck during the day, storms in the evening - typical summer fun. I've been trapped at the vic a few times in some great storms, good shit. Last Monday night we had a lightning storm that went on non-stop for 8 or 9 hours, 6,600 strikes all up. I didn't sleep and quite a few others in the town were the same. Pic related was the second closest bolt, didn't catch the closest as I was having a dart and drinking in the atmosphere.
>>30615456 hmm? I've seen quite a few threads from people looking for destiny knots and such, I just posted here to see if anyone needed one and wanted to trade.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30615470 Sure--give me 5 mins. Name/FC?
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30615421 Thanks senpai
Ready in the lobby whenever.
>>30615503 2423-5545-3832
IGN: Lucas
Adrian 4725 8291 1056
>>30613211 an anyone have some Jolly Kartana? i have nothing special in to offer in return, If someone wants to help me I would appreciate it
Kyu 2466 - 5244 - 6565
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
Does pokerus effect isle evelup EV gains? Still looking for an attack power item lend for half an hour if anyone is generous enough.
>>30615568 Bro just leave a mon in the isle elevup for 66 rotations or w/e and it will have max EV in whatever you need, then just use berries and wings to wittle it down to w/e number you want if you need a specific number.
btw do you need a destiny knot/the legendary of the opposite game? I can give you both.
>>30615489 >get a 6iv ditto >carry destiny knot guizes u need a not lmao xD
>>30615538 I do. Do you have any Celesteela or Pheromosa?
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
>>30615595 I'm just trying to EV train my team for the E4 before I go to bed mate. If you have a spare sun legendary I'd happily take it off your hands man. Need to complete my living dex again aha
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30615527 ready and in plaza now
If any anons have jolly kartana/buzzwole with 31 in att and speed lemme know.
>>30615625 oh sweet, what's your in game team? And yeah put up a shitmon looking for solgaleo in the gts and I'll swing you one.
Adrian 4725 8291 1056
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Would anyone who plays Sun be willing to get traded a Cosmeom with a rare candy, use it to evolve to Solgaleo and trade it back to me?
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Looking for a lv 1 male Drampa in a Friend Ball. Anybody by chance have one?
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
>>30615635 Running Decidueye, Skarmory, Gyarados, Lycanroc at the moment, was only using Deci till I got to the E4 and had my ass handed to me repetitively. Got all the types covered now so should be good after EVs and a few levels.
Deposited a level 15 magikarp mate, thanks a ton.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
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>>30615724 thanks--pretty sure you'll have to exit the trade screen
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30615723 Wasnt this the same idiot who wanted free high level mons kek
>>30615723 done-zo, np bro
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
>>30615813 Wanted a loan* I only wanted them to clear the E4 the first time. You're a grumpy boy arent you
>>30613662 Your baby will always have 1 randomized stat, even if both of your parents are 6IV. Thus, at a minimum, you have a 1/31 chance to get a perfect 6IV baby from two perfect 6IV parents, because that one randomized stat ranges from 1-31.
So you have a 50/50 chance of your baby inheriting any 5IVs, because of math.
And for the "proper" 5IVs you have a 1/12 chance (1/6 chance for the right stat to be randomized, and under that condition you're at a 50% chance of the right stat being passed from the right parent).
Hope that helps.
>>30615830 Doesn't it range from 0 to 31, for a 1/32 chance?
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>>30615829 Nope. And i aint lazy like you, fatboi xD
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>>30615830 Woops ignore the 50/50 any 5IVs part, I worded that way wrong.
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>>30615839 Oh yeah, you're right. Forgot zeroes exist.
I need to stop waking up on 4chan, my brain is busted
Intervir: 1177-8384-0804
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WTT: Shiny poliwag for politoed Chainned for 2 hours for nothing =/
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>>30615568 The answer is no, Pokerus doesn't stack with the Pokepelago gains.
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
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>>30615827 Cheers mate. Got the UBs and a bit of breeding till my dex is completed once more.
Anyone has a HA Mareanie? I got some rough skin gible, snow warning vulpix and mimikyu to trade
>>30615962 Sure I can hook you up. Post something on the GTS
>>30615973 There's a beast ball gible, IGN Cummy
Thank you!
>>30615996 Not seeing it, might've been snagged or GTS is being lame.
>>30615962 I have ones with 4 egg moves and 5 IV
>>30615996 i wonder traded with you the other day I think, do you remember receiving something from a trainer named rowan, it would have likely been a beast ball dewpider...
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>>30616036 >>30616059 Put it up again.
IGN Cummy
Gible lv 1 beast ball
Message: i want to fill my pokedex
>>30615996 Just saw it and it was sniped, but hopefully you got what you needed.
Mines in a lure ball of you wanna retry.
Looking for Gible HA Have: Rockruff, Cubone, Grubbin, Grimer, Popplio, Mareanie, Bagon, Jangmo-o, Litten, Rowlet.
Dully: 2767-2538-0415
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Anyone keen to lend me an attack power item for half an hour, need to EV train my team and am not keen on 126 sos chains aha
>>30616135 Yeah.. I got a merciless one..
Gible is up again!
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Also while I'm here: Looking for Apricorn Ball Pokemon. Specifically: Carvanha (Lure/Fast) Pichu (Fast) Oranguru (Friend) Some obscure ones I have to offer are Love Ball Vanillite, Klefki, Litwick, as well as Fast Ball Dratini
>>30616164 Wow someone is all over these. Post a shitmons instead
>>30616180 Lvl 3 Metapod, same message as before
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>>30616243 Thank you so much anon!
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Anybody got a gyrados and machamp and i need to fill my Pokedex i can trade back after
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
Up dated. Always up for other offers besides my wants though.
Lux ball highly preferred
though.My balltisem had me fucking around with Xircutree for hours.
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>3rd morning in a row >shiny hatches >always when I'm passing balls/moves to other Pokemon Well I guess my shiny Dratini in a Luxury Ball will stay in there.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30616452 interested in the moon ball litwick
stuff I can breed Anonymous
>>30616452 How is chaining going for everyone? It's taken me three two hour attempts to not succeed in catching a ha Hakomm- o. The first two attempts I will right off as learning experiences, but the last time when old boy struggled himself to death I had to ask myself why. Why am I doing this? I've been a very patient breeder in the past up to the point of mming, but this seems absurd. Are other people having better experiences? Is there anything aside from lowering health and using adrenaline orb to expedite my process. Also, I never played gen2, but was headbuttin trees to find Pokemon worse than this shit, because this almost has me willing to figure out homebrew.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30616692 A moon ball Riolu would be cool. Female preferably if that is possible
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30616739 i'll see if I can hatch a female, but that gender ratio sucks
>>30616734 Between this and the new fishing I'm pretty sure they were on crack when they made these new mechanics.
I miss hordes.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30616781 >12% female O-Oh, yeah don't stress it then. Anything is fine.
なかだし 1908-2833-1089
>>30616452 Added you
ive got a modest 5iv sap sipper goomy for the mareanie
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
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>>30616817 Hopping into the plaza now desu
>>30616804 So is anyone actually catching ha pokemon? Should I bother trying to do it myself or do I need to graduate to /ekx/, yeah that may bother me, it certainly means i'm losing the gratification I received when breeding my own 6iv Pokemon, but i'm already behind this GEN and getting the competitive Pokemon I want seems impossible. I've gone from an everyday player to a disinterested standerbye. How do I make this fun for myself again?
Fian 4012-4215-0458
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>>30616734 Only have chained for a single Ditto and a Sneasel so far (Ditto ended up with 0 Attack and Sneasel with 0 speed).
If you are looking for Hidden Abilities bring something along to check it (Skill Swap, Worry Seed, Entrainment, Role Play, or Simple Beam)
Switch out/faint the Pokemon every several ones that it calls so it doesn't get to the point of Struggle.
You also have the option of carrying party members with Leppa Berries and Trick/Switcheroo to feed the opponent before they run out of PP.
SOS/Chaining is awful except for the "ease" of getting a Ditto.
なかだし 1908-2833-1089
>>30616856 its easy to get HAs just chain to 20 and start entrainment checking. Outside of a few cunts like riolu its trivial.
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>>30616734 Just PKHeX it, Anon. You'll thank yourself later.
I never looked back once I got CFW.
>>30616692 >>30616739 Hey I'm interested in HA Riolu as well, any gender though.
Short list:
Friend Ball: Oranguru
Heavy Ball: Kangaskhan, Dhelmise
Fast Ball: Dratini (HA)
Love Ball: Litwick, Vanillish, Klefki
Level Ball: Turtonator
Moon Ball: Cubone
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30616807 finally got one with good IVs. adding you now, will be in the plaza when you're ready
>>30616924 i've got a couple on hand now, but not a lot of time. would like a heavy kangaskhan
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>>30616885 I tried that and I got to 26 in about 2 and a half hours, that fucker struggled to death. That being my third comprable experience I was furious. I do use a worry seed exeggcute, but I didn't start using it till my 20th Dragon. I just started farming Leppa berries so that should help, but if it takes 2 hours to get to 20 how long should I estimate it takes to get to 40 when my chances double from 10% appearance to 20%. The thought alone seems so excessive when it would to a half an hour at most in a friend safari.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
>>30616968 I'm in the plaza right meow
>>30616885 I gave you a penta perfect one right? I just now noticed there were some duds in that box
>>30616968 1719-4079-9467
IGN: is Selene
なかだし 1908-2833-1089
>>30616979 Yup, thanks a bunch!
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30616983 i'll add you in just a moment, I'll look for you in the plaza when you're ready
Holy shit Poke Pelago lets you passively EV train for fucking FREE. Dump them in, select "level HP", set the timer for tomorrow, and when sleep and work are done you've got a batch of Pokemon with maxed out HP EVs.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>30616979 thanks. finally gonna get my favorite pokemon in my favorite ball.
Numbers 1994-0376-3689
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>>30617052 It's fucking great. I don't have to buy power items and can spend all my bp on Mega stones
>>30617079 >>30617000 No problem senpaitachi
>>30617007 Just realized it might not be been Scrappy, but I hope you got what you needed! Also thanks!
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
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>>30617143 i can always breed for scrappy if I need it, it's not a problem
Any of you noggers has spare power items? The speed one would be great.
>>30617336 Just use Pokepelago
>>30617370 Nigger what the fuck?
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>>30617434 Battle tree, my nigger.
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
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>>30615611 you still wanting a pheromosa for that jolly kartana?
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I crave a modest ditto ):
Looking for Gible HA
Have: Rockruff, Cubone, Grubbin, Grimer, Popplio, Mareanie, Bagon, Jangmo-o, Litten, Rowlet.
>>30616141 Plz anyone?
>>30617728 I can hook you up.
Post your IGN and a Rockruff
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That's the best nature for Magearna?
>>30617797 Jin 0963-3547-5753
And thanks
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
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>>30616734 It's not that great an ability.
Unless you're using it in a sandstorm or hail team, I suppose.
>>30617842 >>30617797 lol sorry u mean gts
rockruff female lvl 1
msg I want to fill my pokedex
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>>30617842 We can do a direct link. Sorry for the delay.
IGN: is Selene
Ready when you are
>>30616924 down for any of these for orangaru?
>>30616692 tell me more about lux minior
get HA tauros in it, reeeee Anonymous
Offering Mimikyu 5 IV, Buzzwole or Kartana (all jolly) for a naive Pheromosa in a pokeball nicknamed Chiri-san.
>>30617941 Was that u on gts? if so thanks man :D
>>30617885 Can you do 4-6 eggs of the mysterious variety?
There's probably another level ball involved at some point.
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30617949 Sure, I'll trade for the Komala. Would you be willing to part with a Poliwag as well? I don't think I have anything else you want, but I can give you TWO apes.
>>30617993 Naw it wasn't, but grats regardless!
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
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>>30617949 JSal, do you want a HAF Friend Ball Bounsw—
oh. ;_;
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>30618052 Sure, just let me finish up with this trade. I won't have any fun ME Pokémon like cloud nine lax rain dance sunny day explosion Lickitung, but I'll see what I can do
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
>>30617949 >LOOKING FOR 3-4 EMs EEVEE I have a bunch of male HA Timid Eevees in Love Balls with Stored Power/Curse/Wish/Charm. Want one in exchange for a Friend Ball one?
>>30618118 Eh, if it doesn't have a Dexnumber over 720, I probably used it at some point anyway.
Also, take your time - I need at least another day to grind my plaza to 100 at work.
>>30618153 sure. i think it might have poopy ivs, so itd take time for a 4-5 iv one.
>>30618065 lux or friend lazy koala?
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>>30617959 This guy again. If anyone has this I will breed whatever the hell you want in whatever ball as long as 5 IV is okay.
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30618153 I'm personally interested.
Would you want a friend ball Oranguru while I'm hatching these?
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30618290 Friend preferred
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
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Correction: my Eevees have Yawn, not Curse.
>>30618290 I can send you a 31/31/31/x/31/31 one to speed it up.
>>30618363 Sure.
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30618363 >>30618381 Also, not worried about penta perfect for these
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30617885 Are you going to be on in like 5 hours
I'd like a level lilipup and sandile
My stuff Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
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>>30618163 Excellent. This gives me time to plan a nice team.
>>30618487 Probably. I'll take a Dhelmise for one, just send over a shitmon for the other.
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I'm guessing a ditto with really good IVs is too much to just ask for as an unrequited gift here isn't it? t. Total fucking noob (not even sure if I can trade mons yet, hold on if I can't)
That's basically good enough, right?
Does anyone have a breedject Prankster Sableye they'd be willing to part with? I can't offer much, but I have breedject Oranguru, Mudsbray, Drampa, Rockruff, Roggenrolla and HA Vulpix, all of varying degrees of perfection.
Have: 4-5IV HA Moon Ball Eevee with 4 egg moves Looking for HA stuff in neat balls, but I'm not terribly picky. Currently working on HA Premier Ball Absol., though that could take a while.
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
>>30618487 >Love Ball Fomantis >Moon Ball Eevee pls gib
Want anything out of these?
>Love Ball Eevee (HA) >Friend Ball Bounsweet (HA) >Lure Ball Feebas >Premier Ball Vulpix (HA) >Net Ball Wimpod All with four egg moves and a useful nature.
>>30618436 Added you, just tell me when you're online.
RIP PSS Anonymous
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Alola Battle
Cosmog out, Ultrabeasts in - Fair as always
>>30618545 If you are lazy and a casual, sure.
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30618595 Rockruff, Cubone, Grubbin, Grimer, Popplio, Mareanie, Bagon, Jangmo-o, Litten, Rowlet any of these for an Eevee? All are 5iv.
>>30618701 Egg moves or HA on either the Bagon or Grubbin?
So gen 6 trading is dead right?
>>30618381 got it. want a free lux mimikyu or ha vulpix? both 4 EM.
>>30618153 doing your easily mutated cat thing
>>30618800 Well, I have everything on your list. But that's fine, just put something up on the GTS and I'll send you one. Preferably something caught from the second island or later.
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
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>>30618837 Have those, no need!
So again I'm interested in both friend ball Komala + Poliwag. I'm still hatching Orangurus, and I just got an interesting IV spread as a new parent (low Atk+ low Speed), so gimme a few.
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>>30618817 Just wondertraded for a Nincada, yo.
>>30618840 Awesom!
Female lv 1 Bagon
I want to fill my pokedex.
>>30618944 Were you sniped? Just put up a Raticate or something, Bagon is perfect snipe bait.
>>30618817 I would hope not. I still cannot figure out trading through Sun and Moon so I just use my Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby. Trying to get all the legendaries possible there so when I can trade over to Sun and Moon, I just transfer all my hard work.
I still need Jirachi, Hoopa, Celebi, Manaphy, Victini, Shaymin, Mew and Diancie. People are so unwilling to give up any of those despite me having three legendaries currently that I am willing to trade for them. I am bagging more legendaries to trade because I need those legendaries I mentioned.
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
Does anyone have a HA Sandshrew in a Premier Ball?
>>30618984 Yea i got sniped.
lvl 1 male Abra (jap)
I wan to fill my pokedex
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30618837 Sassy Apes are ready. Added you, let me know when you're online
>>30619049 The GTS is absolutely stuffed with Abra, went through six pages of results and couldn't find you. Is there any way you could put up something else, something caught on the second island or later.
Hunter 1349 - 9107 - 0933
Have: fluffy stuffu; 4-5iv impish, HA gible 4-5iv beast ball, johto balls, corrosive 4-5iv salandit Want: HA aerodatyl, HA mareanie; haze, adamant cubone; lightning rod, jolly beldum
>>30619216 If you throw something on the GTS, I'll give you a Marianie. Those are pretty common around here. Preferably something caught on the second island or later.
>>30619171 ait sorry.
lvl 43 female Granbull
I want to fill my pokedex
Musica 2724-0707-4907
Looking for someone to touch trade with to finish up the pokedex I just need the entries for Tapu Koko,Tapu Bulu,Tapu Fini,Xurkitree,Celesteela,Kartana,Guzzlord,Necrozma I know I can get most of these myself but I'm too lazy to soft reset at the moment and want to get straight to masuda-ing. I can offer balltism mons, but most of them I'll have to breed on request. Moon Ball : Drampa(HA+em), Rockruff(HA+em), Jangmo-o (HA), Sandygast Love Ball : Rockruff (HA+em), Morelull (HA+em), Eevee (HA), Vulpix (HA+em) Beast Ball : Beldum, Riolu(em), Bagon(em), Gible(em), Dewpider Level Ball : Mudbray
>>30619281 I can help with the Ultra Stuff
1693 5594 5084
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30619281 Just got rid of Guzzlord, I can assist with all the others.
I'm down to take a HA Django off your hands.
Musica 2724-0707-4907
>>30619323 added, anything you want from the list?
>>30619335 added you as well
Can you help me with the tapus after then? I'll breed you a HA jango in between.
Hunter 1349 - 9107 - 0933
>>30619248 Sounds good, put up lvl 1 M Stufful in gts, IGN Huntah
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30619382 Sure, added you. Just let me know when you're good to go
>>30619382 The FCs I get for trading will suffice.
Haning out on the plaza.
Musica 2724-0707-4907
Quoted By:
>>30619435 thanks, whats your ign? I'm online now, send me a TR whenever.
>>30619416 Were you sniped? Just send me a trashmon from the second island or later.
>>30619020 i have your thing
>>30619109 i didnt need 2 ill still give you poliwag, breeding that now Bernd 1392 - 5996 - 3806
Anyone willing to do a quick trade/trade back for a Buzzwole and Kartana just so I can complete the pokedex.
Anyone have a Destiny Knot they would be willing to part with?
>>30619539 I can help, FC is here
>>30619323 Hunter 1349 - 9107 - 0933
>>30619451 yeah got sniped by a jap that sent me a HA haze, so it works out I guess
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30619507 _______oh ok, you're still getting two!___ Bernd 1392 - 5996 - 3806
>>30619592 Awesome, thanks so much. I'm going to add you now then.
>>30619595 Kek, glad I could help, sort of.
>>30619547 I've got a spare, throw up a trashmon from the second island or later for a level 1 Vulpix and I'll send it to you.
Quoted By:
>>30618584 here.Forgot to leave my FC: 1864-8668-8113.
I have literally NO qualms about the quality of the Sableye -- I'll take any ball, any gender, and any IVs. I just need Prankster.
>>30619592 Thanks a bunch anon, godspeed.
Does anybody want a shiny Trumbeak with adamant? I just got it randomly while doing the plant challenge.
はるな -1349-4994-0018-
Anyone in X/y/Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby have a Sun Stone they can spare? I'm pretty early in so I'm sad to say I don't have much to offer in exchange, though.
Kiyal 0318-7077-9952
I just beat the game a few days ago so I don't have much yet, but here's my list. Looking specifically for Mareanie and Mimikyu in Apricorn balls but I'm open for other stuff as well.
>>30619698 I'll trade you a HA Bold Marianie in Beast Ball with all egg moves for your HA Cutiefly.
>>30619618 Never fucking mind, one of my Lillipups just picked one up. I'm so happy right now. Thanks for the offer though bro.
Kiyal 0318-7077-9952
>>30619669 I can throw you dozens of Sun Stones.
1564 2914 3214
Which mon do you use for Ditto chain /wfg/?
Bernd 1392 - 5996 - 3806
>>30619656 Thanks again for your help Anon, you're one of the good ones.
gray 0275-7121-2048
>>30619738 Welp, like with the other guy happy to help, sort of.
>>30619749 Sure, let me add you
Kiyal 0318-7077-9952
gray 0275-7121-2048
はるな -1349-4994-0018-
>>30619761 Awesome, I just added you.
Musica 2724-0707-4907
>>30619432 Your jangmo-o is ready, im online in plaza.
gray 0275-7121-2048
>>30619848 I just remembered I have Moon Ball Mimikyu, if you give me a few minutes I can breed you a 4IV, 5IV if I'm lucky.
はるな -1349-4994-0018-
>>30619871 Thanks a ton, this really helps!
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30619777 ..I wouldn't mind the Destiny Knot--I can offer an Ice Stone, or a Dawn Stone?
Kiyal 0318-7077-9952
>>30619938 That would be great, thanks.
gray 0275-7121-2048
>>30619967 I'm good on those, like I said with the other guy, throw up a trashmon from the second island or later for a level 1 Vulpix and I'll send it to you.
>>30619981 Alright, give me a few minutes.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30619998 i just put up a Drampa--thanks!
Quoted By:
>>30619766 A trubbish that knows only recycle that I then switcheroo a leopard berry to
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
Quoted By:
>>30619896 Congrats and happy hunt- er, hatching!
gray 0275-7121-2048
>>30620027 Were you sniped? Version exclusives always disappear fast.
Quoted By:
>>30619432 Thank you so much, now I can finally breed with some optimism.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30620056 Nope, still there for me. GTS must be buggy
Selene - 1719-4079-9467
>>30620041 Online, add/TR me whenever you're ready
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30620056 Ah, just went. Beast ball vulpix too! Going to put up a Mimikyu in dusk ball
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
>>30620041 Online as well.
gray 0275-7121-2048
>>30620123 sent
>>30619981 Your Mimikyu is ready, 5IVs and egg moves. How does that for one of your Bagon sound?
Kiyal 0318-7077-9952
>>30620163 That sounds great. Hopping online.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30614306 I have a yellow minior if you want? I'm more looking to complete my dex though. These Pokémon specifically (Slowking, Politoed, Magmortar, Electivire, Shieldon, Alomomola, Archen, Weavile, Vanillish line, Scizor, Honchkrow)
Jet 1547 5211 4942
I have a Japanese Vulpix HA in a beast ball--looking for a sun stone.
Kiyal 0318-7077-9952
gray 0275-7121-2048
Quoted By:
>>30620175 Thanks for the Bagon.
>>30620225 I can give you a Sun Stone if you promise to keep your fox.
1693 5594 5084
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30620247 Really? Thanks! Be a few mins
Best natures for Xurkitree?
>>30619644 Anyone?
If nobody wants it I make some random fuck on wondertrade happy with it.
>breedan growlithes > 80% have flash fire > 20% intimidate. > the flash fire ones keep getting the right IVs AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
Quoted By:
>>30620313 Swap your parent, make the parent an intimidate one. I'll increase the odds of Intimidate offspring.
Quoted By:
>>30620274 timid and modest
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30620247 Thanks again--hopefully I can repay you one of these days
bramblefoot 2380 7384 3199
Quoted By:
i got pokerus offers?
>>30618987 Throw up a ditto on gts and say it is 6IV. It's how I got most of my legendaries
>>30620301 Why not keep it?
So once pokeban updates will they add the national dex or is it going to be weird this gen?
>>30620463 I don't want it.
I rather have someone else have it's fun with it.
>>30620454 Can you even GTS scam properly any more?
With the preset messages and all.
>>30620470 Maybe
>>30620483 Why not keep it as a bargaining chip for something else you would want?
Hey /vp/. I'm new to EV training, I think I've understood it but I have two questions: 1) 4EVs = +1 stat, right? Is there a limit to the number of stat points are awarded upon leveling up? Example: If I somehow had a lv.1 Pikachu with 252 EVs in Sp.Atk.. would it receive +63 on Sp.Atk upon going into lv.2? and 2) If I am leading an S.O.S. battle with a Pokemon using exp. share for my lv.1 Pikachu, will said Pikachu receive ALL of the EVs per Pokemon K.O? Or is it divided in half (since it's from exp. share)? Thank you.
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
Can anyone help me evolve my Sneasel and Feebas I can give a 4iv Rockruff for your time
IGN: Dell [3497-4426-9694]
Quoted By:
I have a whole box of breedject moon ball mimikyus please take them from me.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
Shiny Toucannon looks amazing. I'd name it Fruitloop
Quoted By:
>>30620495 I've done it a bunch on gen 6. The pokemon might be injected but if you just need it for dex then it should be fine
Quoted By:
>>30620495 You can nickname you offer, but I haven't had much luck with that even when I'm telling the truth about it's HA and IVs.
Quoted By:
>>30620506 Because I don't really need anything else.
I would maybe take a kings rock for it so I can get an early Slowking into the game but that's literally the only thing I need atm.
bramblefoot 2380 7384 3199
Quoted By:
>>30620301 i can trade you pokerus for it
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30620522 Sure, but you can keep your Rockruff
So I've never used pokebank before, and I'm looking to more my living dex and shit when it updates and I get Moon. I'm just wondering how transfer work so I don't fuck it up
Quoted By:
>>30620591 You'll technically be able to use the bank for all generations still, but any Pokémon that has ever touched sun and moon will be marked and unable to ever return to the home they once knew in xyoras ever again.
Quoted By:
>>30620591 Put a game in your 3DS, boot PokeBank (can be downloaded from the eShop) and the program will do everything for you. If from gen V, download PokeTransfer too.
>>30620520 EVs haven't applied on lvl up since gen 3.
>>30620726 Okay. So when leveling up, is there a maximum number of + stats awarded? I'm concerned because if I exp share a lv.1 pokemon, it would level up immediately after only receiving 4 - 18 EVs per pokemon K.O'd.
Would this mean that for example a Lv.1 Pokemon EV trained since hatch will have more stat bonuses than a lv.10 pokemon EV trained since capture?
How does this work senpai
>>30620821 It all sort of gradually builds up until they are in full effect at level 100.
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
For some reason I'm unable to enact trades on festival plaza sometimes it says other player has declined and sometimes it says error start over
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>30620821 It doesn't matter when you EV train something.
Quoted By:
>>30620864 >>30620889 Okay, got it. Thanks lads.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30620879 It could be your connection?
>>30620889 > I bought 99 Ultra Balls > Meowth picked up an Ultra Ball Stalking Plaza Stories
Quoted By:
>>30620879 Sometimes is connection issues, sometimes the two of you are trying to trade request at the same time so both are kicked out of the waiting screen
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30620879 Is it just me it won't work with, or everyone?
Andrew 3798-0146-0073
Does anyone have any breedject Smergles? Looking for ones with entry hazards like stealth rock and spore with other special moves. Thanks
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
>>30621141 I'm not sure it might be me it did the same thing on wonder trade
bramblefoot 2380 7384 3199
>>30621205 i only have my shiny but i can make a smeargle and give it pokerus
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30621231 That sucks--sorry I can't help
>>30621240 That'd be awesome! I have a moon ball totodile, love ball stuffel, 4iv rowlet breedjects ATM is there anything specific you want?
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>30621007 I have five eggs for you.
what ball should i use for salamence? lure ball?
>>30621397 Must have been some great planning.
I'm on the Plaza missing the PSS.
>>30621462 Premier
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>30621483 Don't worry, they're all garbage. I had to take a few detours to sate your bad taste.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>30621483 This is unfair, we're never going to trade five 'mons at the same time again. I'm always going to be behind on giving these back.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo Thu 08 Dec 2016 19:08:48 No. 30621614 Report Quoted By:
Getting ready to chain for a ditto, any recommendations for Pokemon to use? I know ya need a Switcharoo and Sub setter for it, and Trubbish for recycle. Still, best to be prepare for anything. What do think works best?
Quoted By:
>>30621499 >>30621590 1. Thank you~
2. Never say never.
I need to get some Flabébé 4699-6869-9183
Anybody wanna help me evolve my Scyther, Sneasel, Feebas, Electabuzz, Porygon and Magmar? Though I'm not entirely sure how link trades with friends works, is it you just go into Festival Plaza and the other person's avatar is there?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo Thu 08 Dec 2016 19:14:02 No. 30621749 Report >>30621678 If ya got the items Ill be happy to help. though youll have to trade a random trashmon with the dubious disk if ya want to streamline the process and not waste time.
>>30621749 Yes I have the items. Thanks!
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo Thu 08 Dec 2016 19:17:02 No. 30621824 Report >>30621776 Give me a minute to add you.
bramblefoot 2380 7384 3199
Andrew 5112-3421-3481 !LimaITO0j2
>>30621590 Make a new thread faggot.
bramblefoot 2380 7384 3199
Quoted By:
>>30621282 im just gonna catch 1 and give you mareanie with pokerus. unless you are pre e4? if not just use the move relearner for sketch. if not ill give it moves
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>30621947 We're only down to page 7,
nerd !
>>30621824 Youre Landen, right?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo Thu 08 Dec 2016 19:28:03 No. 30622039 Report >>30622026 Yes, and Weavile is a night level up evo while holding the claw
>>30622039 Oh dang I forgot. Thanks anyway
Quoted By:
>>30622039 You happen to have a Pheromosa/Lunala I can dex?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309 !NnKQ3MKnqo Thu 08 Dec 2016 19:36:31 No. 30622209 Report Quoted By:
>>30622072 Ok, going to put the disc on the Pory2