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Being a dirty Karenfag:
>don't like Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele's looks/colors so pass
>Tapu Bulu's offerings in battle actually make it very attractive to me, but again the appearance and colors keep me away
>Tapu Fini is the only one I would use, but status immunity messes with the strategy of some other NU shitmons I like to use
>Xurkitree, Kartana and Buzzwole don't interest me
>I don't actually mind Pheromosa or Nihilego that much, but I don't exactly like them either
>Celesteela's pretty cool actually, might use it someday
>Guzzlord's the only one I would say I actually like appearancewise, but it's also the worst of the UBs and only adds more Fighting weakness to my team