>>30622364None of the UBs have ill intents. Nihilego just wants to feel save, it just so happens that it brainwashes people to fight for it turning them insane and full of toxins. Buzzwole just wants to show its strenght to the others, it just so happens that most things it touches get destroyed with one punch. Pheromosa is literally just disgusted with everything in this world. Xurkitree just wants energy, it just so happens its energy is all of Alola's electricity. Kartana just wants to show it's very sharp and it can cut things, it just so happens nothing in this world cannot be cut by it. Celesteela just wants to fly around or something I guess, it just so happens it burns everything aroud it when it does. Guzzlord just wants to eat, it just so happens that mountains, cities and humans are its favourite food.