Trade - Battle - Breed
This thread is for all. Everyone is welcome here. Come on in, anon.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: except don't even bother with this pastebin because no one has even read it. It's outdated by a month and no even even noticed.
Just don't be a dick, brah. Be sure to use your own leftovers in all trades!
>>30687035 stop avatarfagging, retard
0559-6915-7206 James
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>>30687052 I don't think you know what that means.
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>>30686988 /wfg/ fags will reluctantly use this thread anyway
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>all allowed >first post is waifu shit like clockwork, fuck off
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
Posting every thread until someone loves me. Also updated with Mareanie
0104-3482-5976 - Aru
If someone wants to trade evolve send me a message.
mellowQ 5456-0688-2207
>>30687161 thanks a bunch. In like 10 minutes, can you also evolve my Porygon again since I grabbed a Dubious Disc.
0104-3482-5976 - Aru
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>>30687224 Yeah no problem.
Lain (IGN Red) 1951-2496-9288
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>>30687146 >MS Paint In all seriousness I'm impressed
Plink 1392-4902-1126 !h5wR/Rb85c
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Posting. LF: Luxury Ball, and Beast Ball baltism mons Not awful for taking pictures of the assets myself.
2681-1234-4922 Sabrina
I really really want an Assault Vest and don't have the team or the time to grind one @ Battle Tree, so I'm offering an Ability Capsule in exchange for it. Someone wants it?
>>30688141 Wait a minute, the ability capsule is 100 BP while the ass vest is 48 BP.
2681-1234-4922 Sabrina
>>30688509 I said it in another thread, it was a gift from a friend because I helped him complete the Pokedex and shit
Bold lunala? Or is there a better nature?
>>30686988 Porygon 2 eviolite or porygon Z-conversion. Help me decide, leaning towards 2 for WiFi battles
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>>30691043 pory2 zconversion seems to be getting the most use online
Why the fuck does everyone in the entire world want a goddamn 91+ Ditto?
>>30691802 because the only one that will be successfully traded will be hacked, and very likely 6iv
>>30688701 Yo i'm willing to hook you up, got spare BP and need that capsule
Marissa 4527-8503-9241
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End my suffering. I've opened up several boxes worth of Porygon eggs and all I've gotten so far are six 5 IV Porygon's and not a single one has the trace ability.
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>>30690563 because of its ability and how powerful moongeist beam is, you want modest at best. i got mild for my first one, which is ok, because lunala shouldn't really be tanking hits anyways
wheres the hidden power type sayer dude thing?
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>>30692145 The breeding ranch place.
Anonymous Currently breeding up Salandit.
Other mons: Mimikyu, Cutiefly, Wimpod, Stufful, Mudbray.
List of mons needed for dex completion: If you touch trade me 5+ of what I need for the dex, you can get a free 5IV mon from those listed above except for Salandit (limit one free mon per person). Going to sleep soon. Will bump when I'm get up in the morning if the thread is still alive.
Rena | 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
Rena | 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
>>30692222 Forgot name, oops.
Nice, got me quads. Anonymous
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Is the 6 IV ditto guy still here?
Rena | 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
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I got a pokemon in wondertrade and it says like met 12/10/16 and hatched 1/1/2001 and its from x/y is this not usable online
>>30692370 Prepare for the banhammer, bucko
HELP I know this isn't the right place to ask, but when doing the UB missions you can kill the UBs as many times as you want and they'll still come back, right?
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>>30692222 hey I recently completed my dex and I can touch trade you alot of mons on that list friend
I'm looking for a female Aloladude with galvanize. I tried Sosing for two days now and they keep nuking.... I never wanted to know this hell. Simple Beam Golduck when....
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anyone got an extra hidden ability cubone? any ivs and any nature is fine. i can give a hidden ability vulpix or geodude.
>>30692456 :(
so can i use it online or not anon
>>30692526 Sure give it a go. See what happens :^)
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>>30692533 :(
now i dont know what to do
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>>30692510 watcha offering?
>>30692510 got a hidden ability cubone? i'll breed you a female galvanize anyways for the sake of karma.
Rena | 0361-6748-0990 !woOPeRagSE
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>>30692487 Just save before you encounter them and soft reset if you kill them or don't get the nature you want.
>>30692550 I can SOS one. They don't explode. Gimme a bit.
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>>30692145 the pokemon breeder girl to the left of the nursery counter
Demian [4227-4364-2431]
Well, team is complete, now they need intensive EV train.
Postan, can breed whatever.
LF: Heavy Ball A-Meowth Anonymous
>>30692572 alright, i'll work on getting a female for you. i hope you're okay with random ivs, i'm sort of casual and i don't mess with those. i assume you just need a starting point for breeding
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>>30692618 Sí señor. Thanks very much.
>>30692572 i have some spare HA 4-5ivs laying around, whatcha offering?
>>30692650 I don't really have anything, I was more looking for advice. Best I have right now is some egg move snowshrews. Just got to end game.
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anyone got a HA Tauros or Yungoos? Natures and IVs don't matter.
>>30692614 I have one of these and I can breed one for you, hmm for moonball drampa?
>>30692683 np man i can hook you up, any chance you have a spare moonball?
>>30692618 Still gonna try to sos that bone for ya.
>>30692713 Actually yes. I don't like that ball.
>>30692747 cool my FC is 1203-9297-0572 ign: Eric, any chance i can evolve my graveler while im at it/
Demian [4227-4364-2431]
>>30692696 Sure, let me breed one real quick. I'll tell you when it's ready.
FC so I can add you later?
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>>30692747 thanks anon. god bless
>>30692776 Alright sounds good, I just finished the meowth.
FC: 0259-0454-9199
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>>30692809 cool whats your FC? also do you want it nicknamed?
>>30692771 FC 3754-6839-0978 ign Scratch
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>>30692818 fug, IGN: Taurus
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I just learned I can't 6v6 online with strangers at battle spot. Where is the best place to go to find people who like 6v6 and tryhardy but not the highest level of tryhardy? Might consider dubbs but I can't stand 3v3. Never used showdown before.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>tfw no friend ball Bruxish
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>>30692833 kk ill send a trade in a moment just giving it pokerus
Alright, just hatched a Grimer with "Best" in all IV's but Defense, which is just "Fantastic" Does that mean it might be 30?
Dominic IGN Moon 4656 - 6564 - 4996
>>30692614 I'd like to trade you for:
Love Ball Pyukumuku
Love Ball Oricorio
Love Ball Salandit
I can offer:
Love Ball Comfey (HA 5iv)
Love Ball Mimikyu (4iv and Egg Moves)
Lovve Ball Petlil (5iv)
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>>30692833 cool, thanks man i really appreciate it, i know the struggle as well.
>>30692747 desperate guy who needs a hidden ability cubone here. FC: 3496 9784 3609. name Paychi
whenever you're ready and still willing, i'll be up for a bit
Demian [4227-4364-2431]
>>30692818 Going online. Drampa refused to give me a Cloud Nine female.
>>30692959 I already have a lot of Mimikyus so not really interested in a love ball one, I like the offer otherwise. You just have to give me some time to breed since Oricorio has one of the worst IVs I have seen in the game.
Nirox: 4038-6959-9887
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Looking for an Alolan Vulpix in a love ball Let me know what you want. I have an Adamant Rowlet with Curse and Defog and Adamant Wimpod with Aqua Jet
>>30692982 FC 3754-6839-0978 ign Scratch
Gonna take a few to sos, but working on it now
Joe 0860-3369-3941
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>pinsir >call rate of 3 getting a HA pinsir is frustrating
jmov 4897-7001-4719
>>30692510 >>30692982 I've got what you both need will trade both of you if you have HA Magnemite
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Guys!!! I really need a razor claw! Please!! I'll draw something or something...I really need a razor claw!!
what's good, i posted in an older /wfg/ tonight but i got called away on an emergency and couldn't check replies. anyway i'm trying to get an HA gible- any nature/IV is cool w/ me, just need that rough skin. in exchange i'll trade a 6IV timid litwick w/ flash fire in an original ball hit me up if interested, FC is 3754-9923-3839 (alex)
>>30693049 no worries. very much appreciated
>>30693064 sorry i don't have HA magnemite
>>30693046 who's sending who requests, i've tried twice
jmov 4897-7001-4719
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>>30693064 >>30693099 A Horsea will do too, and again to don't fuck over anybody i can trade both of you even if only one of you trade me.
Dominic IGN Moon 4656 - 6564 - 4996
>>30693046 Well I can offer you a Heavy Ball instead of the Mimikyu.
Demian [4227-4364-2431]
>>30693127 I'll send it.
We need PSS back.
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>>30693156 thanks, yeah I agree and I had like 3 japanese kids trying to trade me lol
Dominic IGN Moon 4656 - 6564 - 4996
>>30692959 >>30693134 I mean, I can send the Mimikyu with an empty Heavy Ball to sweeten the deal.
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>>30693049 Oh yeah, I forgot I went female this game and my account is Paychi, but in game name is Paychic. You probably could've figured that out though
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>>30691917 I've seen anons who hack 0IV Dittos just to trade against these faggots.
I don't know who's the bigger cunt but I'm happy to watch it happen anyway.
Demian [4227-4364-2431]
>>30693180 Nah, I can give you Oricorio for free if you accept it having shit IVs, it will make the work of breeding easier.
Oh, and don't give away an apricorn ball for a easily breedable mon.
jmov 4897-7001-4719
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Anybody got an spare Horsea?
Dominic IGN Moon 4656 - 6564 - 4996
>>30693235 Sure dude, I'll take it with shit ivs, I just need any Love Ball mons I can get my hands on. I've decided I only want Love Ball mons on my squad this gen.
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>>30693049 I feel kinda bad. You don't have to suffer through HA sos-ing for nothin anon. I wouldn't blame you or be upset if you bailed. Whatever you decide is fine by me. I appreciate your effort regardless.
Keir | 1908-0779-4860
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>>30693097 I can breed you up a HA gible real quick if you're still here.
What's everyone using as their sneaky pebbles mon?
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anyone have any modest grubbin?
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i finally finished training a garchomp and holy shit does it kick ass in the battle tree, especially with a flying pokemon as my lead multi partner
Demian [4227-4364-2431]
>>30693255 Going online. I'll send the request.
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i am looking for a Hidden ability drifloon i got hidden ability cubone for a trade if interested
Joe 0860-3369-3941
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>chaining pinsir >pinsir didn't call for help for like 50 turns >pinsir used struggle! FUG
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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Anyone got free shit, like a goblet to beat the battle tree? Just beat the game.
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30693526 Hiya! Anything on my list you want for kanga and shellos?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30693549 You haven't posted your list in this thread.
Keir | 1908-0779-4860
>>30693578 Are you... looking for those?
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
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Anyone got any spare power itmes they will trade for 5iv 1 egg move HA mareanies? Also have 5iv jolly mold breaker axews
Joe 0860-3369-3941
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why are there no pinsir breedjects on the GTS
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>>30693587 I will do that now. ~
>modest hp ice xurkitree noice
Eric - 3540-1449-5859
Quick, I only need Pheromosa and Celesteela to complete my dex. And I'm not sleeping until I get it. I don't care about natures or the ball they're in, just need my shiny charm fellas. I have Kartana's and Xurkitree's with your names on it.
>>30693611 put a UB on GTS for them
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30693605 I will trade for fast growlithe, I have HA moon and level growlithe by the way, so if you want me to breed you a HA fast growlithe I can.
Also what ability is on the magnemite? Analytic? I'll trade for that too.
>>30693587 Anonymous
Eric - 3540-1449-5859
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>>30693630 oh damn I didn't realize you can just look up their names regardless if you've seen it or not
Keir | 1908-0779-4860
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>>30693684 I've got a few HA love ball Vulpix you're welcome to one of them, haven't got any HA sandshrew yet though. FC?
>>30693673 It's Magnet Pull!
I'd love a level HA growlithe and maybe a HA friend exeggcute?
I have both of those ready so just let me know when you are and I'll hop on plaza.
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30693744 Magnet pull is not the HA. I got mine from you didn't I? I advertised it as the HA and I got called out for it earlier today :<
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30693587 Spooky
moon sandcastle and love salandit?
>>30693750 Oh shit you're right. Then whoever gave it to me either lied or I remember completely wrong. Can't even find the original in my boxes to check anymore. Still, stupid me for not checking properly.
Do you want something else? You can have something on the house for my previous fuck up, too.
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30693793 No problem. Have both in stock, if a male lizard is ok. Or I can grind out a female for ya, just let me know.
>>30693811 Oh you have heavy belldum! I'll take that and the growlithe. Don't worry about the magnemite.
>tfw you catch two random shinies in one day.
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>>30693847 Lemme breed the beldum real quick.
Joe 0860-3369-3941
>>30693855 i just caught a shiny paras on the initial encounter
i'm putting it up on the gts in hopes for a celesteela
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30693847 Female lizard please, i want to MM it.
Any preference on Shellos?
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strange request, anyone have a love ball cottonee?
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
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>>30693893 Male please on the shellos. Like to use males in case they have can be egg move donators. And sure thing, hatching salandits now.
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huh fun fact, if you z-move something with cursed body and it procs, cursed body disables the z-move instead of the base move used to trigger it so cursed body is useless vs z-moves
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>>30693884 I ran into a shiny caterpie while looking for happiny and a shiny pelipper while grinding levels outside the battle tree.
I'm still working on getting the shiny charm.
Is there any way to get extra lucky eggs?
>>30693847 Beldum's ready! Hopping on the plaza.
Dominic IGN Moon 4656 - 6564 - 4996
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>>30693458 Ahshit dude, i fell asleep on my couch lmao. Im just gonna get to sleep though. Ill be on this thread tomorrow though, might give you a shout if I see you post caus ethis trade would be dank
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30693893 fug one of them hatched shiny
it was male tho . You can have it if you want.
>>30693998 Ready, getting online.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30693605 Level Ball Tepig for Heavy Ball Meowth?
>>30694046 Seems good. I already have leftovers, so ready when you are.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694044 I want to hatch my own, thanks for the offer.
>>30694044 Thanks for the trade.
Joe 0860-3369-3941
help me i'm chaining pinsir and it takes like 30 turns for it to call for help
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
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>>30694103 Np bbq, enjoy the doggo
>>30694080 Coo, I should have a female in the next batch or so, hopefully.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30694066 K, gimme a sec. I'll shoot you a req.
Anne 2938-9513-0892
>>30693605 Moon Ball Deino for the Love Ball Mareanie? It has its HA right?
Joe 0860-3369-3941
>>30694123 even with an adrenaline orb, pinsir still takes a long ass time to call another pinsir
>>30694145 Yep! I already have one ready, so I'll add you and wait for a trade request.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30694179 do you have some spare level ball tepigs?
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30694080 Ready, getting on the plaza
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694207 I am still breeding Kang
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30694221 Ah, sorry jumped the gun. Just let me know when you're ready :)
>Put my spare pheromosa onto the gts asking for any level any gender buzzwole >No takers >Put my spare celesteela onto the gts asking for any level any gender kartana >No takers >Check what people are expecting for their version-specific UBs >HAVE: KARTANA LEVEL 60, WANT: CELESTEELA LEVEL 91+ I fucking hate this game
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30694204 Sure, throw a breedject or something on GTS
Anne 2938-9513-0892
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>>30694160 Use a pokemon with intimidate or unnerve
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>>30694231 an "easy" way to get whatever the hell you want is trading blisseys. Chanseys appear in SOS battles with elekids (this could take a little while). Then massage it and feed the shit out of it with berries and level it up once. Got a celesteela in less than a minute
>>30694238 Send me a TR because I don't see you.
Anne 2938-9513-0892
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>>30694238 >>30694139 Thanks for the trades
>>30694232 I'll put up a level 1 male mareanie in a beast ball
GTS: Ahab
(It's not even a breedject)
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694225 Back in gen 6 Psyy gave me a moon ball Staryu which i have treasured, EV training, amie and a few ribbons, now they can pass on balls.
Coming online.
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
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>>30694338 Cute, I look forward to its many babies. Getting online.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30694338 Whoops, you send the TR. I'll wait for one.
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>>30694364 Got sniped. It's up again
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Looking for island scan pokemon (except Cyndaquil, Gothita, Swinub, Horsea, and Honedge). Nothing special required. Can offer Pokerus, all breedable dex pokemon, 2: Pheromosa, and a Xurcitree.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694371 Is there list of all gen 7 only apricorn mons yet?
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Got 2 5IV Cubones, Lightning Rod and Adamant. Looking for Power items.
Kaiette IGN Ben [ FC: 5129-5288-6313 ]
>>30694338 Shellos' coloring matches heavy perfectly. Thanks!
>>30694401 Second tab of Alternatively, see pic related
Tauros, staryu, and magnemite are listed since you can now breed them down in the balls.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694418 Thanks for the info.
>>30694405 Thank you, i hope we do more trades in the future when i have more finished projects and can guarantee EMs and IVs.
Kaiette IGN Ben
>>30694442 I will wait warmly.
>>30694364 Thanks a lot
>>30694374 I can help you with snivy, tepig, totodile and slakoth. If you have dratini, weavile, castform (or literally anything) that'd be fine.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694494 I'll breed a dratini and castform for you. I can hunt for a razor claw, which would take me a couple hours.
>>30694519 Dratini and castform is cool. I'll go to sleep in a while, so don't worry about the claw.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694451 Which mon next? Fast ball flareon, love vaporeon or love delibird?
Do people still go for the pokerus around here?
Kaiette IGN Ben
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>>30694554 Fast flareon, for the selfish reason that I don't have fast eevee. But love vaporeon is pretty sexy.
I can't unsee the awesome balltism that is master ball delibird.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>>30694564 No reason to with poke pelago, just chill.
Hello /wfg/.I'm trying to compile a list of GTS hotcakes.The list so far is: Dhelmise Porygon[cloned/injected] Cleffa Type:Null[cloned/injected] Eevee Beldum Celesteela[cloned/injected] Pheromosa[cloned/injected] Cosmog[cloned/injected] Castform Vulpix [insert an island scan mon here] Mareanie Anything else?
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694531 Ready--what's your FC?
>>30694647 GTS: Ahab
I'll put the slakoth first
Male lvl 1
I'll ask for the dratini
Anne 2938-9513-0892
>>30694374 I can get you a Conkeldurr and an Eelektross. Is it okay for the Pheromosa?
Can you nickname the Pheromosa as well by any chance?
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694669 I'll do that--and yes I can nickname for you
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Anne 2938-9513-0892
>>30694680 Awesome. What natures are the Pheromosas?
I'll pick one, and can you nickname it Juliet?
>>30694680 Nice, next up a male snivy lvl 1 for the castform
(and tell me two random mons you have that want to trade so I can search for you on the next 2)
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Anyone willing to help me evolve my Feebas or is it too much of a bother for you guys? Just want to fill my dex but trade evos are a hassle.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694709 Got it, thanks. Make the next two Dhelmise so there's not too much chance of getting sniped
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>>30694633 There are about 5 delibirds on GTS at any given time, hard to say if demand is high relative to supply or if both are low but it is worth checking out.
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694701 Timid or serious (sorry)
>>30694735 got it, next up male tepig lvl 1
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Anne 2938-9513-0892
>>30694746 That's fine, I'll take the Timid one.
Added you. I'd like a Link trade better so we won't get sniped.
>>30694767 fear not, I have another, but this time it'll be female
Jet 1547 5211 4942
2492-4784-5244 - Joe
>>30694788 and last, a male totodile lvl 1 (sorry internet went down)
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694824 Thanks so much!
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>>30694850 Nice doing business with you.
Good night y'all
Jet 1547 5211 4942
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>>30694701 Sorry--all ready now, I'll be in plaza
Joe 0860-3369-3941
after three hours, i finally caught a HA pinsir in a level ball time to get breeding
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>>30694877 Good job, faggot
Jet 1547 5211 4942
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
>>30694816 trade a 5iv mareanie with HA and stockpile for a wimpod?
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Not sure if this is the place to post this but I'm working on my competitive team for pre-bank and I don't know who I wanna put in my last slot. This isn't trying to be OU just whoever I feel like using right now. Mimikyu Mudsdale Jolteon Slowbro Mandibuzz Last spot thinking between Salazzle or Exeggutor Was also thinking about swapping Slowbro for Starmie but I already have the Slowbro
2492-4784-5244 - Joe
>>30694942 Sure, let me just breed one up for you
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30694924 Have you got any island scan pokemon? Nothing special needed.I have 3 dawn stones, 2 icw stones, and 1 dusk stone
IGN: Darren 3926-8783-4872
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>>30694967 let me know when youre ready
>>30694989 I have Chikorita in a Nest Ball if you want that.
A dawn stone would be appreciated
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30695031 Sure! Can we do link trade so we don't get sniped?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30694924 I got Dusk stone and ice stone, got anything on hand?
>>30695069 if you put up a shitmon with a dawn stone i doubt itll get sniped
>>30695088 miniors right now, i can breed a few of the others though
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>30695102 Would really want a dratini, you could get both for it.
>>30695135 Adamant or Jolly?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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Anybody got a spare HA Cubone?
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30695102 I've put a Yungoos with dawn stone up for a Chikorita, thanks
>>30695198 Sent
>>30695152 Will breed asap, going to have a shower and make some food first.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>>30695234 I will be studying/lurking all day.
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How come people want Persian's with 0 Attack IV's?
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30694924 Mind if get a Level Gible somehow? I can shoot you a Level Tepig.
Joe 0860-3369-3941
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>>30694924 >>30695278 count me in too
i have a shiny stone or a level ball HA pinsir if you want that
i'm still in the process of breeding pinsir though
>>30695278 >I can shoot you a Tepig. Pokemon are not for killing
>spend an eon levelling up a female comfey so i can breed a male one with play rough which i can then breed with a bounsweet to get a play rough one of those >egg pops, first one is male >but no play rough >apparently it doesnt work like that FUCK
>>30695450 why didn't you just breed the female until you got a male, then used move reminder to teach it play rough?
>>30695450 >>30695474 move reminder can teach a pokemon any move in its level-up learnset, regardless of its actual level
>>30695483 Anonymous
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>>30695487 i'm glad to help and not laughing at your inconvenience-induced allcaps, that would be rude
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>>30695305 It's OK if it's just the Tepig line
Anyone interested in a trade of their TCG codes for pokegenning services?
>>30695638 go to the hex/gen thread for that
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>>30695673 Cool thanks. sorry.
IG:Lightprod 4484-8994-5257
Someone have a Clefable/Clefairy with Friend Gard?
IG:Lightprod 4484-8994-5257
>>30694877 I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. But if you would have caught any pinsir in a level ball then bred it to be male, the caught a ha pinsir as female
You'd have a 50% chance to have level ball and 60% chance of it being hidden
In my opinion this is easier because you don't have to worry about sos chaining late for a hidden ability and praying for it to catch with your 1 ball
But I'm proud of you
Joe 0860-3369-3941
>>30695807 i was confident because the level ball had an almost guaranteed capture rate after i false swiped and paralyzed the pinsir. if i tried to catch something with an apricorn ball that has a 1x catch rate, then i'll definitely do what you said.
Anyone have an adamant lightningrod breedject cubone they could give me?
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>>30695807 >>30695867 you can also see what ball the egg is going to hatch into form the summary screen. makes it easy to set aside the non-apricorn ball mons and put them in the hot springs to hatch
>>30695867 I'm proud of you for doing it because I'll kill for a ha Level pinsir
You just could have gotten it quicker the other way
Let us know when you're done breeding them
Joe 0860-3369-3941
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>>30695912 they already have superpower and quick attack for egg moves
currently going for IVs
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30686988 Lf:
(x4) power braver
(x5) power belt
(x5) power lens
(x5) power band
(x4) power anklet
(x5) power weight
Currently trying to ev train
Have Anonymous
>>30696320 >what is battle tree Anonymous
Evening /wfg/ Does anybody here have a spare lucky egg? Have lots of breedjects to offer
>>30696320 >x5 For what idiotic purpose.
>battle tree Git gud.
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>>30696431 >For what idiotic purpose. Are you retarded?
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>>30696426 >wanting a valuable lucky egg for a common breedject lmao ecks dee
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30696419 >>30696431 Well duh. I need them to ev train for the battle team.
5 So I can ev train 5 at once in a given stat
Looking for a female dratini/dragonair/dragonite with hidden ability, my last three 30+ chains failed to give me one and I'm not getting chain dragon-tail'd for half an hour again. Bonus points if Adamant but not too bad if not. Can trade for : HA female mearnie, HA female eevee, or 4+ 31 IVs Fomantis, Comfey, Bounsweet, Cubone, Togedemaru, Gastly, Salandit and Feebas
>>30696448 stop being fucking lazy do the battle royal it doesnt take at all to get one of each and only of each will suffice
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30696461 It's not about being lazy. My non ev trained pokemon get massacred there
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would anyone happen to have a spare scrappy pangoro? i don't really have much to offer in return unfortunately.
>>30696472 tough luck kid, no one is going to do all the work for you
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30696492 You, anonymous, speak for everyone?
If you don't want to trade that's fine, then leave me alone.
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>>30696472 They shouldn't be getting blown back so badly that you cant get at least some wins.
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>Want to breed a Shellder with rock blast and twin needle egg moves. >Twin needle is only able to be bred onto Shellder through Skorupi family. >Skorupi isn't available until pokebank release. I guess that's that for Shellder.
Kahana 1865 0613 0283
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what's the best ball for eelektross? it seems like either ultra, quick, or lure to me, but i want to save my lure
>>30696516 Are your offers pentaperfect?
If not, it seems hardly like a fair trade...
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30696647 I've hatched a few spare penta perfect. Majority are 4-5iv
It's a good deal for some people who have bp they'll never use and want johto balls they can't currently get
To each their own
>Willing to accept battles anytime! >He turned down your request for battle! Why is Battle Spot 3 v 3 only Why won't anyone battle
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>>30696689 Battle anxiety.
holy shit, tynamo evolves really goddamn late can i breed it before it turns into eelektrik?
Anyone have a hidden ability dratini breedject? I just need the hidden ability, I've got the rest of the breeding shit setup that I can get the IVs myself so it doesn't have to be anything fancy with the IVs or natures in that regard.
>>30696472 You realize there are other ways to EV train, right?
Getting Isle evelup to level 3 isn't that hard, and it takes 63 sessions or a bit less than 16 hours to max a stat if you put beans in the cart (which you should).
If you stuff them full of vitamins before it takes 25 sessions less, so only 38, or less than 10 hours.
It's pretty easy to get a battle tree ready team without power items.
Well, best of luck that you find someone who takes you up on that offer.
>>30696730 Yes
>>30696731 GTS something for a lv1 female Dratini.
Preferrably something easy to find.
Report back with your IGN.
>>30696730 Not a babymon so yes.
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
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>>30696753 Thanks
I'm currently ev training so sooner the better
>>30696757 I'm breeding some hidden ability vulpix, so I'll post one up for dratini.
Username is J.
>>30696808 Your version exclusive Vulpix that everybody uploads is kinda hard to find.
Either it got sniped or burried under tons of other requests.
>>30696808 Oh, female dratini. Let me re-up the vulpix.
>>30696889 Nah, it didn't get sniped. Maybe buried though.
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retarded idea time: fissure and stomping tantrum p.groudon
Will there be a place for people that want to play 6v6 alola only singles ?
I was so fucking close to 50 to :/ SUBW-WWWW-WWW2-R8DD Why does Glaceon get Shadow Ball again?
>>30696977 Showdown
>>30696949 This isn't working.
New plan: 1693 5594 5084
Quoted By:
>>30691983 You're not here anymore I guess
Sujan 0817-4683-5322
So I've been hunting for an HA Yungoos and found a shiny before I found an HA lol. Anyone have a spare HA one? Also, how worthless is Naive Yungoos 1-10?
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
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>>30697053 Put it on gts
Ask for whatever you like. If not just use it in your next play through or something
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30696320 > Unlike everyone mocking you I can get you one of each bought sun and moon both and have 2 3ds so i just double farm BT while playing other games)
Let me get
Moon Eevee, Lucario, Dhelmise, Gible, Cyndaquil,
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697107 Deal
Although you'll need 1 more to get all 6
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30697135 Pyukumuku I guess.
>>30697070 Added and on the Plaza
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697149 Alright I'll get to work
It took me 5 separate sos chains to get 252 ev on 5 pokemon with 1 power item. This will go much faster eventually
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30697173 Just say whenever you're ready. I'm good to go whenever.
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>>30697173 do you have pokerus?
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>>30697028 >showdown I guess I'd rather die
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I'm still up if someone wants to change his Assault Vest for an Ability Capsule
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
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>>30697207 Alright
Riolu will be awhile, pyu, eevee
The rest are finished
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
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Does anyone have a spare male sandygast breedject? I need it to breed Giga Drain onto my Eelektross. I have some choice breedjects to offer in return.
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>>30697206 I guess so, well on the brightside I have all the bp items that matter and just need the megastones.
Hello guys i was loking for an ice stone i was wondering if someone can tarde me one of those?
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
Looking for an timid cosmog, will trade a adamant one for it!
Also list
looking for love ball mons (lf love dratini), jhoto balls, good balltism i dont have Anonymous
>>30697351 I would for a shiny or sun stone
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30697360 Mind if I snag a Friend Ball Trapinch for a Level Ball Sandile? It has EM's.
>>30697389 I do have a sun stone
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
>>30697408 seems fair, good balltism, ill bite
add me and send a TR
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Quoted By:
>>30697423 Cool, I'll be in the plaza soon
Jet 1547 5211 4942
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30697471 2080-0746-8709 btw i just check my bag and i was wrong i do have a sun stone it was a shiny stone
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
Quoted By:
>>30697408 nice, love pursuit EM
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30697537 Either would be great anyway
>>30697552 Exelent am online right mow btw
Jet 1547 5211 4942
>>30697622 Have you added my FC? It doesn't show you as online
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
Seems i forgot to do a bit of updating
Looking for an timid cosmog, will trade a adamant one for it!
Also list
looking for love ball mons (lf love dratini), jhoto balls, good balltism i dont have SC
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697671 I need heavy Klink and heavy magnemite
What nature are they?
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
>>30697732 klink = brave, magnimite = modest
have not bred the klink, breeding magnimite now for competitive uses
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
Quoted By:
>>30697732 i can change the klinks nature pretty easily
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697771 Let me know when you're done
I think Klink works well adamant
My list Anonymous
>>30686988 Does Facade take full effect on komala?
Sujan 0817-4683-5322
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697846 Is comatose classified as an actual status?
If not I would say no
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
i guess i want rufflet HA does that tynamo have any EMs? and whats teh turtonator got
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697901 Tynamo has no egg moves in general says serebii
Turtonator is unfinished. It needs a lot of work
Rufflet is good to go
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>30697800 Could I get a Friend Comfey? I have Level Cyndaquil.
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30697944 what's the breeding status? Not being impatient, I'm just bored.
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697952 Sure gimme a minute
>>30697207 I'm all finished
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30697877 it does say that komala counts as being under the effects of sleep, so...
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30697968 >>30697967 Whelp. i'll end this Bt run and hop on FP.
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
Quoted By:
>>30697970 wait, it says it can't be affected by anything but sleep. so probably not, unless you sleep talk it or something?
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30697982 I'll just wait for your invite since fp is bad about trades
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30697996 I know. How did they manage to fuck it up so bad between gen 6 and 7? Gen 6 was perfect.
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
Quoted By:
>>30698015 I agree. I miss pss, super training and horde battles
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
>>30697944 i need to finish my stuff and ill let ya know, i think ill take tynamo either way
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698035 Rufflet and tynamo?
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698067 isn't the main em for tynamo giga drain? sandygast and tynamo are in the same egg group. i'm trying to breed them now, just put them up
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698097 Tynamo gets egg koves now?
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
>>30698067 ya i guess so
>>30698097 ur thinking drain punch, was pretty popular in oras, much fun
i cry when this will never happen in sumo meta
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698107 >>30698111 >>30698122 i just got a tynamo egg out of the nursery from my tynamo/sandygast couple
let's hatch it and see
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698135 shit, tynamo doesn't get giga drain as an em, feels fucking bad
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698180 It's a gen 6 tutor move
Just check serebii next time m8
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
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>>30698194 well, it only took 5 minutes, so it's not that bad
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
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>>30698015 You're a life saver
I really appreciate it. Enjoy your mons
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30698194 Thanks dude. i'm glad I could use some of these BP. I had well over 100 for awhile and I have all the mega stones....
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698106 Add me and hop on fp
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698252 Whats your team? Battle tree or royal?
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
Quoted By:
>>30698291 royals take forever and only pay out like 6 bp per win at master level, meanwhile a good combo on the tree can pay out for like 50 or more
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
Anyone have Torkoal breedjects? I have HA cubone, carvanha, morelull,cleffa, rockruff, gible and grimer and have mudbray, komala, pinsir, dhelmise and ghastly 5 iv breedjects in return. I have more things but they need breeding.
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30698291 BT, Running Katana w/ Lifeorb, Kommo-o w/ Assault Vest and Toxapex(items don't matter, it's toxapex)
my other team I push with is A-Golem w/ Choice Scarf, Tapu Fini w/ Leftovers and MY NIGGA BUZZWOLE WITH THE JUICE(Lifeorb).
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
This Kartana is almost 6IV naturally too. Max attack, defense, speed and HP and everything else is well over 20. Naive but if it gets hit with a special attack anyhow it's dead as shit.
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698413 I didn't know I could use beasts. Then again I haven't even tried to catch them yety
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
Quoted By:
>>30698461 Beast boost makes sweeping a joke. I might try a baton pass DD Smergel.
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698458 i got an adamant kartana in a trade with someone here, but it's missing attack, defense, and speed IVs, and it's already a chore grinding my shiny mimikyu to 100, so i'm grinding the plaza for rare kitchens instead
>>30698503 Fun fact: You can XP grind up to 6 things at once.
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30698503 Cynthia just ripped it's dick off with Choice Scarf Garchop. What a cunt.
Damien 2380-6512-9081
Looking to trade evolve something, so if anyone is in a similar situation hit me up for some trade-tradeback action
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
>>30698461 ur mons are ready, send me a TR
Quoted By:
>>30698569 I got to evolve 2 of my mons, I'll help ya.
3969-8739-5495, ign is leam
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698515 yeah i know, but it's still a pain grinding the E4
if i can grind myself 4500 FC then i can get 2 rare kitchens, which means i can blast one mon from level 66 to level 98 per day
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
>>30698576 Uh, I'm doing the best Mon post game
Let me finish this up
>>30698678 You can do that with the League as well.
And you still have to grinf the FCs to actually use the kitchens.
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
Quoted By:
>>30698702 k gonna gts then, repost when ur ready
P.P.A. 2337-4240-7163 !04thREICH.
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Is anyone breeding Dhelmise in Heavy Balls already?
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698712 holy shit, i just looked up the FC cost for the rare meals
why the fuck isnt there a level 80 grinding spot?
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30698800 EF should scale. 5 levels every defeat.
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
>>30698827 i'll bet there will be something for that in stars
there's probably going to be a lot of extra stuff in stars
Haz (0130-2571-6204)
>>30698862 Yeah, they are trying to sell a new console after all. I'm so fucking getting a switch. I suspect it'll be 200-250 so not terrible.
ign: Lunette 4270-3659-0918
Quoted By:
>>30698915 yeah, i'm probably going to try and sell my wii u before the new year, since i have a collection of games i've finished for it or regret purchasing
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
>>30698702 i gotta get going can u trade now or later?
Dr. Cyndaquil 4227-5243-0374 !no8ES3fbMM
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>>30699002 I'll be here all day
Moe Master 1005-9793-4090
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>>30698702 srry bud i gtg out now, im sure ill see u another time
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I don't see the reason why lvls 51 ~ 100 even need to exist anymore. Most of the mons introduced in sun and moon end up learning all their moves by 50.