>>30713690>atrophiesLook nigga, I can tell you right fucking now no amount of evolutionary atrophy is going to explain away a creature losing its torso. Now, I'm no poke bio expert, but I do have experience in evolutionary adaptions and biology. I'm going to presume important organs were there such as the heart, stomach, etc given its more humanoid shape compared to a regular starfish.... Atrophy would explain away a lizard losing its arms over time, maybe bats losing their longer legs ala Golbat, but losing a vital part of your body like that isnt going to be explained away via lack of usage. Are you seriously telling me that Mearenie didn't use it's heart and or stomach where it was located? Even if so, where did it go? Certainly not it's legs if it's similar to a real starfish. It's possible it's stomach moved up into the head so it could be barfed out like a real starfish, and it's heart moved up there too and simply connects to the 3 main circulatory rings a starfish contains from there. HOWEVER, guess what that means for Toxicuck? No room for a brain (or at the very least it's a small one). A brainless starfish for brainless waifu fags. I have my marine ecology final tomorrow and Christ am I triggered.