>>30727816Passwords for accounts were released from Nugget Bridge. Verlisify was one of the victims who was stupid enough to use the same stupid passwords for most of his accounts. After they were posted, mods started deleting threads. However, threads were made on /trash/ and /b/ that also got deleted.
Someone posted a screenshot of themselves on the verlis FA, and people tried to get into his youtube account. They probably did it to spite him or to end his career in spamming clickbait/shitty strategy pokemon videos. They failed, as Verlis regained control and tried to appeal to his fans and random people as a victim while blocking everyone who disagreed with him. I guess when he said "people really do hate me" means that he realized he can't block random people on 4chan.
Last night really was an eye opener that taught people how stupid furries really can be. Those passwords were just plain terrible. I also didn't know a simple "Hi" gives my consent to begin a gay furry ERP session. But to Verlis it does, so remember kids, yes means yiff and no means you're blocked.