Welcome to the /vp/ Monotype Threads!
Here we hold a Monotype tournament where you compete to be a gym leader and represent your favourite type in Pokemon Sun and Moon!
We are in the early stages of development for the upcoming tournament that will be held into the new year, starting on the 7th of January.
Rules and format are open to discussion at this point but the general rule set is 3v3 best 2 out of 3 using flat rules. More specifics can be found here:
http://pastebin.com/8eAQufm5 (subject to change)
Plenty of people will be breeding or injecting, so don't be afraid to ask for help with your team building!
Here is a list of Pokemon available pre bank for your teams:
http://pastebin.com/6SmkqdQQ Registration Form :
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT0klSCrDU-1Mu7f4xQ-dH_zAddN4FCMOjknhGJc-ZuoQIWQ/viewform Team Submission Form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVEfC1if-lbwoNNx_fF0ztwZTbNRd1Pfjyood3EdRE38pLLQ/viewform Both of these must be filled out before the 7th of January.
To see what other people have entered as:
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
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Read the rules
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first for bug is best
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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first for have fun bbys and remember to read the pastebin
http://pastebin.com/6SmkqdQQ Omar 3153-3754-3536
nth for meme-ing too hard makes you a target in battle royales
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30740396 You want to battle? What type too? Ghostfag as you saw.
Omar 3153-3754-3536
Anything F U N still going on?
I will be streaming a sm4sh CPU tourney to determine my typing for the upcoming tournament. The types are represented as such. Normal- Villager Fire - Charizard Water - Grenigger Grass - toon dink Electric - Pika Psychic - Mewtwo Fighting - Lucario Steel - Marth Fairy - Jiggles Bug - Olimar Flying - Pit Poison - Robin Ground - DK Rock - Ike Ice - ZSS Dragon - Corrin Ghost - Shiek Dark - Ganondorf There will be 3 matches of 6 CPUs, and the 3 winners will face off to determine the chimp. Stream update soon.
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30740474 I would be up for BR if we get enough people.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30740474 No fun allowed. Only Fairy types now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30740474 tomorrow bby
now i gotta go to slep :(
pic related, dedenne asleep
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Omar 3153-3754-3536
>>30740505 i love fairies.
they have the most tender pokemeat.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
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>>30740582 >Scared but aroused Fairy trainer noises in the distance Anonymous
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>lead with sableye >confirm >just then remember prankster nerf gg
Omar 3153-3754-3536
>>30740638 rest in spaghetti, never forgetti
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30740698 You want to rematch? That was pathetic on my part.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>30740582 Fuck off???!!!???one
Omar 3153-3754-3536
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>>30740717 yes senpai, we are doing b03 for the real life experience
I would love to join in but my monotype team needs one more member. Could someone edit my Magearna, please?
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30740755 Magearna is banned dude.
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>>30740755 I'll edit it out of existence senpai
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>>30740755 Not allowed anyway.
Just pick something else.
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>>30740755 I would recommend reading the rules! They are in the Original Post right here:
>>30740360 Anonymous
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>>30740755 I can tinker it in PKHeX if you want to, but it won't be allowed in the tourney anyway.
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Omar 3153-3754-3536
>>30740867 secret tech :^)
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30740976 GG dude. I didn't think mimikyu would be bulky enough to survive a single SS from muk. I woukd've gone with play rough. Thanks.
Omar 3153-3754-3536
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>>30741008 ggs.you have learned a lot of valuable intel for when it comes to playing a dark team again
>>30740482 After trying to figure out how to stream in not shit quality, I have made the choice to just upload to battles to youtube.
The first match of 6 will consist of these types:
Normal - Villager
Fire - Charizard
Dark - Ganondorf
Steel - Marth
Grass - Toon Dink
Fairy - Jigglypuff
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Up for one more round if anyone wants to.
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>>30741067 Come on Hungrybox
>>30741075 Sparring?
i'm going to get fucked by chandy let's do this anyway Anonymous
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>>30740755 READ
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30741216 Removed Chandy, wouldn't let me get online.
>>30741245 Why would it?
Illegal moveset?
I got a Litwick breeject from a friend, so it should be fine to use.
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30741266 Not sure, going to look into later, threw my palossand on for now though. Ready when you are.
>>30741293 Can't find you in my Plaza.
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30741354 Guess i disconnected, sorry.
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30741354 >ice You are a braver man then many.
>>30741426 Ninetales and Sandslash both help out Ice quite a bit imo. Sucks you only get one Ice Stone...
>>30741491 Is there no way to farm them?
Poke Pelago or something
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Fuck that missed WoW really fucked me up, GG.
>>30741426 Been my favorite for as long as I remember.
GF doesn't like it that much, sure, but It's fine with me.
>>30741491 Ninetales is great support, yeah.
I bred for a Sandslash too, but I didn't put it on my team.
Felt like Mamoswine plays the same role anyway.
>>30741526 best of 3 like a real challenge
let's go
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30741517 You need some? I made some if you want.
>>30741536 I'm autistically looking for a way to make delibird work somehow someway. I think I may have something, but it's probably gonna just be dead weight. I want santa birb on the team though.
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>>30741578 Good luck with that
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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Fuck you guys reminded me how shitty I am, I had no idea how to handle froslass and it fucked me up real bad. Back to the drawing board I guess. GG
>>30741526 Good games.
I honestly didn't expect Froslass to take down two of your guys, I only intended for her to disable Aegislash because it's my worst enemy.
Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30741682 Thanks for letting me know how much I need chandelure, going to try getting a new one and seeing if that works.
>>30741702 yeah fake out and hustle definitely. Maybe a z-splash with ice shard too. I dunno yet really.
>>30741758 What does Z-splash do?
>>30741710 Are you using Infiltrator? That would be why. Island Scan Pokemon can't have hidden abilities.
>no Thick Fat Mamoswine >no Speed Boost Scolipede >no Contrary Serperior >no Sheer Force Feraligatr etc.
>>30741788 +3 attack
Great on Gyarados and Mimikyu.
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>>30741788 ups attack by 3 stages if i remember right
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>>30741817 fug. That's brutal.
>>30741791 >tfw no thick fat mamoswine I had to make do with
Snow Cloak faggotry with Ninetales. Shane 4699-6929-9264
Should I run a defensive or offensive Granbull in your honest opinion. Offensive would be nice since fire punch would fuck grass users, but defensive means I get to run heal bell and I have yet to get a cleric on this set up.
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>>30741928 I've only ever used Choice Band Granbull.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30741928 >Granbull There's better choices for bulk for Faries. But Fire Punch would be nice to have for Steel Types.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30741975 >Better bulk choices I assume you're talking about Clefable. While, I acknowledge my bulky gen 1 bro, I thought I'd try out a few mons I wouldn't normally use. But if you have other suggestions I'd be happy to hear them.
>>30742009 >ever abandoning your bro IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742009 Azumaril, Mimikyu if you go for bulk with him, Sylveon, Togekiss, Klefki. Not saying they're all better, just great options
>>30742047 >Both my bros our locked behind bank JUST
>>30742068 >tfw your bros are available >crippled because of the lack of ha and tutor moves IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742105 >Your favorite mon isn't the type you picked >Even if it was it'd be outclassed by everything else When are we getting Mega
Butterfree ?
>>30742068 >mfw no Diggersby, Pyroar, Helioptile, Lopunny, Bouffalant, Furfrou, or Pidgeot Anonymous
>>30742153 Megas fucking suck
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>>30742197 >no avalugg >no knock off weavile >no thick fat mamo >no fridge rotom Anonymous
>>30742224 that is your opinion
there have been a few stinkers (salamence, audino), but by and large megas were absolutely wonderful imo
>>30742261 I don't mind many of them design wise. I have an issues with the power creep that they bought with them.
I would also rather my bro never get a mega either. Not sure how most people feel about that though.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742197 Are we doing another one of these once bank comes out or are we going into full gym mode like before?
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>>30742318 >tfw the megas your type has are mediocre Thanks, GF.
Callum !callumSBRU
>>30742459 Not sure about the Gym Leader Challenge at this point. Have to gauge interest close to the time.
More than likely there will be a post bank tournament too.
>tfw you want to use a specific Pokemon, but it's in the most popular Type
Chandelure, alola marowak, or both? Also is smooth rock legal rigjt now? Thinking of trying a sandstorm palossand set.
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30742520 Don't let multiple people using that type dissuade you. It's not exactly a competition to be the top player of your type anymore.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742493 Damn. I was really hoping to be Fairy Gym leader again. I had a lot of fun with that.
But I will be looking forward to a post bank tourney
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30742539 I think you get a smooth rock somewhere through the story. Should be fine.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30742553 >Damn. I was really hoping to be Fairy Gym leader again Sorry mang. Even if there is another gym leader challenge I'd make fairies great again.
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>>30742520 >mfw I saw Golisopod for the first time Almost single-handedly converted me back to a bugbro tbqh
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742608 Oh. IT'S. ON.
BOI doesn't KNOW about how scumbaggy I can be. I wont NEED Mawile to stomp a mudhole in you and walk it dry. Gardevoir will rather look at her fan art than at you when I'm done. Mimikyu will wish YOU put on the Disguise.
I wish you best luck playing with best type <3 Anonymous
>>30742710 Can confirm that Hamwall plays top level scumbag game
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742750 Keys got nerfed. So I can't be the biggest of scumbags now.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30742710 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little dragon? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Fairy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Dragon’s Den, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in play rough warfare and I’m the top staller in the entire Kalos armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another dark type. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mimikyus across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can moonblast you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in scumbag combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Unovan Elite Four and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fairies all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, draggo.
Best of luck to you too mate <3 Always nice to meet a fellow fairy bro. IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30742902 Image saved, and copy pasta saved. I already like you.
What's your team so far? I barely have anything written down.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30742944 I posted it in the previous thread, but so far I have bred and raised a Sylveon, Shiinotic, and a Primirina. Gonna work on it more after exams are over.
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>>30743009 Fairy has it fine. Clefairy and mimikyu are great option. Klefki is also available I believe.
>>30742768 I was a bit taken aback by the Murkrow scumbaggery I saw last season. I know that wasn't you, I'm just sayin'. Y'all get ruthless sometimes.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30743009 Interesting choices. Best of luck on using Shiiontic, he looked cool.
>>30743032 >Murkrow scumbaggery I don't even want to know
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
Hey, filling out the forms now and saw that my timezone wasn't there and had to say in thread. If I'm right the timezone is just called the "Newfoundland" timezone, since it's weird and shit. Hope you see this Callum
Callum !callumSBRU
>>30743136 It's pretty much -3GMT by the look of things.
WhatUpPup 5043-2124-2195(old Dr. Dredikkus)
WhatUpPup 5043-2124-2195(old Dr. Dredikkus) Tue 13 Dec 2016 04:11:59 No. 30743191 Report >>30740360 Oh boy, super excited! Still haven't figured out what type I'm going yet though...
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30743175 Pretty much. Half hour off. Might as well say something.
>>30743191 Your favorite type. Duh.
>>30743191 Who's your favorite Pokemon?
What's their type?
There's your team.
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30743210 Yeah, fair call to speak up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z21AUohmsHA Round 2 beginning now. Fighters up now are:
Flying - Pit
Water - Greninja
Fighting - Lucario
Dragon - Corrin
Ground - DK
Poison - Robin
Upload going very slowly so next vid in maybe an hour
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30743350 Not the result i was expecting.
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I'm back, anyone want to play in like two min?
WhatUpPup 5043-2124-2195(old Dr. Dredikkus)
WhatUpPup 5043-2124-2195(old Dr. Dredikkus) Tue 13 Dec 2016 04:33:44 No. 30743543 Report >>30743210 Eh, done bug already. And lot's of people going that route too.
>>30743244 My favourite pokemon this gen was either toxapex or ribombee.
Poison or fairy could be cool. Thanks!
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>>30743543 Ribombee is so sick!
>breed comoletely new litwick >ability is flash fire >still won't let me use chandelure I gave up, marowak it is I guess.
>>30743722 What egg moves does it have?
>>30743763 Just ember and astonish if I remember correctly. I breeded a legit one and didn't touch the egg moves.
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>>30743832 That's so random. lmao
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2Vc0ADc3kc Round 3 beginning now. Fighters are:
Electric - Pikachu
Ghost - Sheik
Rock - Ike
Bug - Olimar
Psychic - Mewtwo
Ice - Zero Suit Samus
>>30743832 So were you using an Infiltrator one or not? If so, using it as a parent might be flagging the game. Eggs are generated in a huge predetermined list, now. IDK
>>30744026 No, the parent had flash fire. Marowak also didn't work for some reason. I edited a cubone and litwick respectively too.
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>>30743350 lets go hungrybox
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>>30744092 ayy lmao. This is cooked.
>>30744092 >edited So you used external hacking?
Don't be shocked if stuff can't be used online, then. Breed for real or get a perfect injection.
Please tell me someone is going to use Alolan Exeggutor. He's just so silly looking, I want to see him get used.
3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
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>>30744467 I hope so. It has an amazing move pool for a Grass mon. 125 SpAtk and Flamethrower activates my meme thrusters.
>>30744240 That's what I did, breeded regular mons then edited them.
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>>30744504 But how are you editing them?
Hell, just tell me the Pokemon and build you want and I'll inject it for you.
3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
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>>30744504 that's why. you're doing it wrong. that's like the old action replay way...
just let injectorbro hook you up, because you're not hacking it right.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ZqVg4YbOs Finals happening now. Results in about half an hour if things go well.
How fitting is it that 3 pokemon are in the final? Anonymous
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>>30743350 >that charizard using up b for recovery Fire type wasn't meant to be, anon
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>>30744787 That ai at the end tho
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>>30744000 >DK hits both robin and greninja >robin dies, greninja recovers Like pottery
also check'd Callum !callumSBRU
Here are the total signups so far. Normal 2 Fire 2 Fighting 0 Water 2 Flying 2 Grass 1 Poison 3 Electric 2 Ground 1 Psychic 1 Rock 2 Ice 3 Bug 5 Dragon 1 Ghost 2 Dark 2 Steel 3 Fairy 4 Total 38 Have a shit tonne of leftover Rockruffs if people want them. Will be breeding HA Geodude tomorrow too.
>>30745675 Surprised there are that many Ice entrants.
And why are there no Fighting-users yet?
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30745725 There isn't that many new fighting mons that are interesting. Most people like to pick a type with their favourite mons. Crabomination, Passimian, Bewear and Kommo-o aren't that special. Each to their own though.
>>30745722 Tense ending. Time to get planning!
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>>30745725 Are you really surprised at Ice? They got a huge buff and have a solid team image.
I might pick up Fighting, still debating what Type. I can see why though. The selection of mons is a bit... redundant.
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Didn't expect Jiggles to pull both matches out. Pretty neat, wasn't thinking about fairy at all. Lookin' forward to the tourney !
>>30745725 Fighting type misses move tutors a lot. And elemental punches are unobtainable via egg move in S/M right now, so shit coverage.
>Conkeldurr/Machamp with no ice punch/thunderpunch or drain punch into the trash
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30745856 This too. There is a little bit of this for most types, but fighting cops it pretty tough.
>>30745725 I'm probably gonna pack Brick Break on my Golem just for dealing with Aurora Veil
>>30745937 I'm not sure if I should take Taunt for prevention, or Brick Break for removal.
Taunt is great for anti-walling, but Brick Break would be nice for coverage.
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30746006 I'm gonna have an aero with taunt.
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>>30746006 electric type doesnt have many taunt users and
my emolga is already suffering for moveslots
Callum !callumSBRU
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I like to boost on players that are too obvious with their aurora veil. Having access to sandstorm as rock reduces the impact of sandslash setups too.
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>>30745722 Holy fuck that back throw into the attack around halfway through was incredible
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>>30745675 >all those bugs >all this competition >gif related Anonymous
Midnight bump. Up for midnight battles. In a midnight way. Also midnight injections.
>>30747617 >tfw you miss the early multi battles/battle royals BryN !SHOvELpRXw
>>30747642 Then let's start our own.
>>30747734 Aside from you and me, are there 2 more?
I've already had enough sparring.
>>30747761 We need the monotype-user mating call.
3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
I'll play but i don't have much of a team — just what I used for the story.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30748706 You have time to breed one man. We got a month. I don't even have my sets written up. Best of luck
>>30748706 Tournament doesn't actually start until January.
This thread only has practice matches, FUN matches, and discussion until then.
Want me to inject a 6IV Ditto for you to start out with?
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>>30748751 >a month Wth lmao I rushed to get my team ready all I got to do us level them up which will be done by today.
Going to test now I guess kek
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do we have 4 people around yet
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Hey injectbro I'd like to request one meme for the team IGN: Vash Depositing a lvl 52 female poliwag thanks for helping my gimmicky memes become dreams
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Yay we have every type now! And three (3) people named Luna
>>30750129 I got a Spoink for some reason. Please try again fellow memer.
Also up for morning battles.
How's your team now, /mcg/?>tfw 10 possible team members >3 of those are just duplicates of others, but built differently
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>>30750129 >>30750841 Wait, I'm a fucking idiot. Don't do anything.
>>30750849 >that guy you chose in the last moment and has no item to use >that guy who you made entirely to counter a single mon that you might never meet Daniel 5000-2916-3199
is it time for battles yet
Is Mono Grass fucked for this tournament? It's always been a tougher one but without Cradily to handle Fire+ Flying in one mon, no Mega Venu to handle fire and ice in one, no ferrothorn for good hazards in one mon, it seems pretty impossible. Would be a tad easier with Kartana but still, grass would be suffering for this.
>>30751175 I know there have been grass users who actually had secret strats that worked out when it came to type disadvantages and bad match despite lack of grass mons
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
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>>30751175 I have been considering a bunch of types before i settled, but i can tell you almost all of them have this problem of vital mons missing for type coverage.
i'd say just go for it, if you feel like it.
worst that can happen is that you'll lose.
>>30751933 You know what, there probably is something that can be done with some outside of the box thinking. It'd be shit that wouldn't fly regularly, but since there's one common type on each team and you know what teams you'd be weakest against, gimmicks could be functional.
I'll do some thining on it tonight.
WhatUpPup 5043 2124 2195 (Dred) (mobile)
>>30749800 Hey old buddy!! Long time no see :3
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30752333 yes bby
there is always a way to use every type currently available, believe me
u just gotta think outside of the box, like, leave the box in ur room and walk away at least a mile from it, then take a plane to the nasa and go to mars, be as far away from the box as possible by <3
>>30752533 omggg hiiii baby when i get home we will battle :3
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>>30748774 I have a 6IV Ditto in ORAS that was RNG exploited in BW2, so it's legal. Plus I have all my 5/6IV competitive mons there. I will wait for bank to IV breed. But thank you.
WhatUpPup 5043 2124 2195 (Dred) (mobile)
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Oh oh! May I have 1 (or 2 for a friend as well)?!?! Please? :) I want to start breeding.
>>30753125 Sounds good :D. I'm at work but have lunch break in an hour.
3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
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Also, sorry for not battling, but I fell back asleep. It's my day off work today. I gotta go cook some pizza, but in a bit I'll be available. I need to have a bigger friend list, Nintendo. 100 is way too fucking small. I hate deleting people to make room.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30745725 I might have gone fighting if I were able to use hitmontop (one of the coolest gen 2 mons I like almost solely because of his minigame). Bewear has become one of my favorite mons overall and there are other fighting types like Primeape and Chesnaught who are top tier bromons.But as it stands there aren't enough in the alolan dex that I like to justify making a team for them.
WhatUpPup 5043 2124 2195 (Dred) (mobile)
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>>30753830 I totally would go fighting if I had more options. It's one of my favourite types. (Hariyama conkuldurr (don't hate me, I liked him before I knew he was OP. Timburr was the pinnacle of 1st Evo fighting type IMO) and really anything that punches I love.
But with the choices this gen. Meh.
Hows breeding/injecting going for you guys? I can't seem to find myself a jigglypuff so Im a bit stuck on that end.
>>30755555 Waste of quints
>>30755555 Checked. Just make a QR code for me to inject.
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>>30755555 I remember messing around on the showdown damage calculator for a while trying to come up with a crazy min/maxed EV spread/nature. I think I went with Modest and invested fully into Def, splitting the rest into SA and HP.
It was designed to stand a chance at beating Conkeldurr. Might come in handy this time since Conk can't use Drain Punch until January.
Atlas 0791-1025-1013 !TOASTgjAl.
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What's up guys. Have we had any more entrants to our tourney?
Atlas 0791-1025-1013 !TOASTgjAl.
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>>30755555 I'm all finished with my team, I think. Might need to make a couple adjustments, but that remains to be seen. Haven't had much opportunity to test it.
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>>30755653 Will do when I get home in a bit. Thanks for the offer mang.
Atlas 0791-1025-1013 !TOASTgjAl.
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The sheet needs to be updated with totals. Bug 5 Dark 2 Dragon 1 Electric 2 Fairy 4 Fighting 1 Fire 2 Flying 2 Ghost 2 Grass 1 Ground 1 Ice 3 Normal 2 Poison 3 Psychic 1 Rock 2 Steel 3 Water 2
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>30755555 Nice fives. To answer your question the only mon I'm missing is Togepi. Need my Scumbag egg
>>30756130 >mfw I live in my uncle's house >he two young sons both have 2DS and Sun/Moon >They beat the story and never touched it again >I am too embarrassed to ask them to help me unlock Island Scan >My uncle already teases me like a total dick about playing Pokemon in my 30s I have a job and pay my own bills damn you
Atlas 0791-1025-1013 !TOASTgjAl.
>>30756290 >embarrassed literally why?
I got my fiancee to start playing Pokemon with me because she knows I enjoy it so much.
It's saying Wigglytuff can't learn stealth rock legally. Did it lose that move this generation?
>>30756851 Fug. No idea what to run on it now.
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>>30741926 Use Oblivious to set plebbles. Taunt immunity is nice.
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>>30743046 Lol prankster, probably with perish trapping
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>>30756863 Cleric set maybe? Or unaware CM
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30755653 I have two, but if you're only up for one that's absolutely fine. I deposited a level 33 Magnezone on the GTS. Thanks so much for your help in team building.
>>30758180 Just throw everything at me.
>>30756636 Because my uncle treats me like a freak if I play it in front of him. Trading with his kids would just make him insufferable. We barely talk anyway.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30758518 Here's the last one I have for now. I appreciate the help man. I feel the entry barrier to ev training and leveling this gen is worse than most.
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>>30758642 there's only one logical solution anon,
kill him to death, steal the 2ds
>>30756863 Dazzling Gleam, Hyper Voice, Wish, Protect
If you already have a bunch of fairy or normal moves on your team, consider Toxic, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, or a coverage move like Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, etc.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>30758760 Yeah I decided to run a bulkier set with Wish, protect, hyper voice, and fire blast. Might switch out hyper voice if I feel it isn't needed.
>>30758646 Deposit something for this one bud
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30758975 Deposited a level 33 female golduck.
>>30759046 Done
Let's FFA now peeps
>>30759151 You're the best mang.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30759151 Im down to battle. We could try to battle royale again if enough people are interested.
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>>30759368 Nah fuck royale not being last meme standing
I prefer sticking to FFAs even if it has a worse background.
wew. There are three lunas signed up.
Quoted By:
>>30759636 luna is the default name is spanish
there were lots of serenas back in xy
Callum !callumSBRU
Breeding HA Geodudes todayif anyone wants a leftover.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Callum !callumSBRU
>>30759991 My FC is 4098-2678-4492. I'll chuck yours in now then hop into the plaza.
>two of the three lunas use ghost and dark
Callum !callumSBRU
>>30760087 >>30759991 Whoops. Post didn't come through.
Cheers for the Bounsweet.
BryN you are the man for helping with these. IGN: Vash Deposited lvl 31 Male Pancham Thanks again, team is almost done!
>>30761701 Now everyone knows your sets
Quoted By:
>>30761775 everyone will know your sets anyway at some point
scouting is a big part of the tourney
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>>30761775 they arent exactly original anyway.
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>>30761775 >woah, a shell smash cloyster, never seen that one before! 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
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>>30761775 >A Cloyster! I wonder what moveset it will run? Probably Skill Link Shell Smash. daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
wew bbys battle royale time
Quoted By:
>>30762176 >battle royale time FFA Time*
>>30762176 can i join this time
how does multiplayer battle royale work anyway
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30762215 just get online bby
ill take care of the rest
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
battles. anyone up for them?
BryN/Raymoo !SHOvELpRXw
>>30762228 Dan I swear to god if you royale instead of FFA dubs I'm gonna murder all your pikaclone avatarfagging
>>30761701 Done
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30762366 ffa dubs is retarded bby
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30762635 >don't have to be monotype should've taken my battle tree team
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
>>30762366 Are you still around? I need your injecting skills
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
good god, why wasn't nidoking in the game? i would need it right now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30763023 Fuck yes. Good taste.
Quoted By:
>spotlight >spotlight >spotlight
BryN/Raymoo !SHOvELpRXw
>spotlight >got 4 ko points and didn't win How does this even work.
>>30762825 Sure mate, just take that ground alligator away from me
>>30763097 You're disqualified if all your Pokemon faint.
>>30763081 >2 wins 2 losses >i'm also at 2 wins 2 losses now this is what i don't get
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>>30763127 I think it took hp as the tie breaker. I had full hp tsareena in the back
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
I'll join if you're doing more battles. I've never done a wifi Battle Royal yet. I just can't post while I sit in Festival Plaza.
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
>>30763224 Okay, who else is in?
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
>>30763097 No alligator today, just some ice cream.
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
>>30763224 >>30763249 >>30763282 Welp.
>>30763279 Just deposit a shitmon and tell me its details my dear reference
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
added everyone add me back so we can start the f u n
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30763350 who is hosting the BR then?
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
>>30763350 deposited a Krokorok named Geo
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
Quoted By:
Missing Aniny. I wasn't sure if we were still friends, so I deleted and re-added.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
>>30763394 ok
sorry i thought daniel was still hosting
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
Quoted By:
>>30763535 pikaman's gone
i think
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
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>>30763482 >Krokorok Fuck you.
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
Quoted By:
okay i'm online now everyone's missing
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
>>30763649 raymoo and aniny are online
we're waiting on you
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30763662 i'm online though
Patty 0705-2833-8508
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I hope everyone is doing well with their team building. I'm needing a infiltrator zubat for my team, would anyone happen to have a spare?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
I want to join in the festivities
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
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>shadow ball >focus sash >shadow ball >focus sash
Quoted By:
>everyone at 1 win 2 loss >everyone hates mamoswine
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
thank based focusblast
Do we keep going?why does everyone want to bully my team
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30764052 i could go for one more
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
>No one attacks 1 HP Gengar I will still play, that was fun!
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30764113 there was scizor on the field too.
i nearly shat my pants lol
>>30764150 i'll host again
get online
only daniel's here
no bullying the glaciers BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
>>30764180 I'm still alive.
>>30764208 You sure?
I only see Aniny in my Plaza.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30764180 How can I get an invite to the shindigs?
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30764227 totally online over here
festival plaza is a mess
now only raymoo's here
and i can't register you guys as vip's
>>30764232 sorry bby we're full
i think
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
Remember when the PSS was a thing And we had cute icons and not shitty photos Yeah Good times
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30764319 it was seriously so much easier.
that festival plaza shit was seriously a bad idea.
>>30764150 >>30764208 >>30764288 i can't find daniel
someone else host
festival plaza was a mistake
Quoted By:
rip Are we done?
Daniel 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>30764386 connection interrupted.
i think i'll tap out for tonight.
gotta get some sleep.
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
Added Shane, if we're still going.
I guess we're done. Back to discussion.brick break or taunt on weavile?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30764542 >>30764504 I'll add you guys. Give me one second
Quoted By:
>>30764693 oh good
everyone get back online
>>30764645 What item are you running and on what type?
>>30764769 Life Orb on an Ice team, but I might change the item at some point.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
>>30764693 i will add you
i waited forever ;_;
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
Quoted By:
>>30764822 Works for rocks, steel and dudeauroralmao.
Taunt seems more situational and it's not like Weav is gonna be alive for a long time.
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>>30764822 i'd probably run brick break personally. Having a taunt can be super fucking useful tho.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30764823 We can just free for all until others get online.
>>30764932 why'd you refuse
i thought we were doing battle royals
or do you need to leave?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30764998 I didn't refuse anything. Im confused.
>>30765046 Weird, the game told me you did.
festival plaza was truly a mistake Anonymous
guys wake up i think the battle request is just timing out
Quoted By:
>>30765129 Sending invites at the same time fucks with everything too.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30765129 Aniny and I are currently in battle. We'll be done shortly. Afterwards, we need to decide who is sending out invites.
>>30765165 Alright, just post when you're done.
I thought something was broken.
I'll host again.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>30765201 We're done. Invite away.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
>>30765165 GG my boi, had a hearty chuckle at my Minior's impotence.
I'll head back online once I know if anyone else wants to host a battle.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30765266 I cannot believe
a) Your mudsdale didn't sweep me
b) My Sylveon hung on by 5 hp
truly gg
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>>30765266 wake up aniny
we're going back to battle royal/s
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>Keep "failing to connect to other trainers" Based festival plaza at it again
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welp my 3ds battery can't take this much longer i'm taking a breakand festival plaza was still a mistake
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
Quoted By:
>An error has occurred >An error has occurred >An error has occurred I paid $40 for this.
>>30765304 My team isn't properly EV trained... sadly.
If anyone is hosting a battle post with your FC, else I will gb2/lurking/
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
Looking for a monotype battle.Need to test some stuff out.
I just realized none of my Pokemon carry a fire move. I'm going to get fucked by Scizor. I can FEEL it.why is hidden power so terrible to breed for
JoJo the Ex Ground Nigga !.SjOWAd2G.
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>>30766086 What type and team are you running?
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
Quoted By:
>>30766086 HP Fire is one of the most annoying to get, as well. You're better off teaching something else a fire move, if possible.
There are going to be a good number of Steel and Bug people, so I hope it works out for you.
Aniny 3540-0120-0225 !guyK6p/mWE
Quoted By:
>>30766050 Ask in the inevitable new thread, friend. I would battle you if I had a mono team ready.