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Pokemon Reborn: Episode 16

!bV1VVJ8IOg No.30769326 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's happening again

>What is this thread?
Almost two years ago, /vp/ expressed interest in a fangame called Pokemon Reborn. A person called Notm played through it and posted screencaps here, exposing some less than stellar writing and game design. Keks were had. I joined him in playing through the game, but his savefile got corrupted, so I'm the only one left. We last left off at Episode 15, which was posted around one and a half years back.

Recently, Episode 16 was released, which will be what this topic covers,

Unfortunately, the previous archive owner was retarded and did not keep backups when the server got corrupted, so although the old posts and thumbnails are still up, the screencaps are gone. The last part posted started with this thread, and links to earlier threads are there as well: