>>30798606They are honestly all good except maybe serena/calem and for different reasons.
>Green/BlueOverall a character that is meant for you to hate, recieves negative character development and they do a good job of it. In the end he accomplishes what you wanted first and you take it from him proving that you are better. One of the better rivals.
>SilverAnother rival that starts out like you're meant to hate him but recieves positive character development. Unlike Blue/Green, Silver never beats you to anything and has no clear goal in mind other than surpassing you. In GSC we don't see him develop more past that but HGSS adds a metric ton of character development to him in subtle ways. Before you can do his final battle you have to challenge Lance and Claire to a double battle with Silver as a partner, he uses a fully evolved Crobat (which he did not have before) proving that he finally grew as a character. We also see the event with his father were we learn why he is such a conflicted character and his reasoning to become strong. Probably the best rival.
>May/BrendanNothing special other than a friendly rival. ORAS adds a lot more to this character with their final battle at the end of the game, where they show you that they've also achieved mega evolution and are one step closer to reaching you. One of the better rivals, but rather simplistic.
>WallyStarting as this sickly kid that you don't see for 90% of the game, he catches you by complete surprise when he shows up in the pokemon league with a shitton of beefed up pokemons. Seeing the Ralts he caught himself with your tutolege fully evolved, his team of super strong pokemon and also the fact that he achieves mega evolution in ORAS gives you a powerful sense of character development, only problem is that he hardly shows up throughout the game, still one of the better rivals.
cont. In another post