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No.30845684 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Sun/Moon clearly planned very early to go along with X/Y, numerous references to Alola in X/Y
> Kalos teasing us with locations that you can't access, Alola doing exactly the same
> Rumours about some Star codename game
> Terminus cave and Resolution cave looking exactly the same
> In one you meet Zygarde, in the other you meet Guzzlord
> Both have some curious similarities
> "Zygarde formes are anime exclusives!" - Zygarde appears in Sun and Moon, Dexio and Sina even mention that it's weird
> "Z was planned, then scrapped" - clearly not the case, too many hints pointing at Alola in X/Y
> Zygarde has 5 colors on his chest - 4 of them correspond to 4 of already released games (referencing Xerneas, Yveltal, Solgaleo and Lunala in a way)
> White is the only one left
> Necrozma is basically Zygarde again
> Necrozma is a prism, which can split white light into light of different colors (Zygarde chest again)

I don't know what GameFreak is planning, but you have to be either blind or completely retarded to not see that they ARE planning something. Refusing to acknowledge that at this point is simply braindead.