Welcome to the /vp/ Monotype Threads!
Here we hold a Monotype tournament where you compete to be a gym leader and represent your favourite type in Pokemon Sun and Moon!
We are in the early stages of development for the upcoming tournament that will be held into the new year, starting on the 7th of January.
Rules and format are open to discussion at this point but the general rule set is 3v3 best 2 out of 3 using flat rules. More specifics can be found here:
http://pastebin.com/8eAQufm5 (subject to change)
Plenty of people will be breeding or injecting, so don't be afraid to ask for help with your team building!
Here is a list of Pokemon available pre bank for your teams:
http://pastebin.com/6SmkqdQQ Registration Form :
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT0klSCrDU-1Mu7f4xQ-dH_zAddN4FCMOjknhGJc-ZuoQIWQ/viewform Team Submission Form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdidyQUu6nl54t6FSqwLePyIbvsN-pUV7PKrLTkcKLJe6GvWw/viewform Both of these must be filled out before the 7th of January.
To see what other people have entered as:
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first for ice is best worst type
>>30887759 Should we change the opening statement for the thread?
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
Why is there no sleep clause in effect for this tournament or any prohibiting of (imo rather cancerous) moves like double team? It seems like an oversight and something very ripe for abuse
Callum !callumSBRU
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>>30887888 This is the 7th time this tournament will happen. People have used these before, nearly always unsuccessfully.
>>30887888 then abuse it, and see how far you get
Would anyone really consistently be the best person for that monotype? Gym leaders lose all the time
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>>30887960 All depends on the type and match-up.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30887888 Alright, just voicing a possible concern.
>>30887943 Rather not, pretty distasteful really. But I won't deny I'd find it annoying to meet on the other side of the field either.
>>30887960 What exactly do you mean?
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>>30888164 Togekiss paraflinch baybeee
Fucking e-celebs posting names here when you don't need to right now, what do you want to have us suck your dicks for being known around here?
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>>30888338 Having my dick sucked would be pretty nice desu senpai.
Octavius/Tobias 0233-2720-7066 !0HkOn0hqGU
Octavius/Tobias 0233-2720-7066 !0HkOn0hqGU Mon 19 Dec 2016 03:58:28 No. 30888514 Report Quoted By:
>>30888338 I'm more a lurker than a poster, so I name/trip here because being anonymous is usually more trouble than just saying who I am and what I need.
and I could use a good dick sucking, too :^) Anonymous
>>30888172 Gym leaders lose all the time, so they obviously aren't the "best". If someone beats you with your own type, do they become the new leader?
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>>30888808 Welp, this stuff isn't ran that way.
I guess you could think of this tournament like, all potential gym leaders (or gym leaders form across the world) come together to compete to see who the ultimate gym leader is.
I don't know how they used to run that gym leader challenge thing though.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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Anyone want to battle?
Gonna make sure i finish my team by tonight/tomorrow. Can't decide if i should run a special attacker on my team and if i do, do i use speical Minior or Probopass? Tough times.
>bank opens in january >all my buges are stuck in Y >have only a golisopod to my name suffering
>>30889744 This tournament is pre bank anyway. But there should be a post bank one, if you don't manage to get a team ready.
>>30889782 >mfw post bank tourney and I get access to Slurpuff again Anonymous
>>30889883 belly drum stuff?
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>>30889321 What about special Golem
what type did y'all look yourself into? I finally caved and went full fairyfag.Also post your favorite poke you're using in your team.
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>>30890670 Bro for life.
I'm trying out a different build on him, everyone probably expects Edge/Quake/Shard/Crash with a Life Orb.
>>30890670 Midday Lycanroc for me.
The midnight form is abysmal.
With galvanize, do i get the 20% boost and then a STAB since it got changed to electric type? Pls help
>>30890954 Yes, you get both.
>>30890890 >>30890988 who are you, show your true name!
>>30891027 wew lad to the max
>>30891101 you wouldn't be saying that if you were in that tournament, everyone hated me lmao
>>30891138 He was the gayest fag to ever live in this thread.
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Does Minior pass down it's colour through breeding? If so, anyone have a purple one?
>>30891360 i missed you guys too
>>30891546 What did you do tho?
>>30891768 and be an autistic dipshit, but yeah, meme and win.
>>30891848 did you happen to go by any name i might remember?
>>30891910 >gym leader challenge oh boy
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>>30892027 That was from the X/Y era challenge on here, boyo
>>30892185 Not gonna lie, doesn't ring a bell
>>30892214 im glad i knew exactly what you were gonna say :^)
glad to see things never change
>>30892234 Austism can't be cured.
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>>30892516 shame
speakings of autism, how's everyone's team coming?
>>30892886 What monotype would this bint use?
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>>30892909 If the hair color is any indication Psychic or Poison
requesting a dank togedemaru set from daniel
Normal 2 Fire 2 Fighting 1 Water 3 Flying 2 Grass 2 Poison 3 Electric 2 Ground 1 Psychic 1 Rock 2 Ice 3 Bug 4 Dragon 1 Ghost 2 Dark 2 Steel 4 Fairy 5 Total 42 Pretty solid numbers. Assuming that everyone actually shows up.
Friendly reminder to praise the injectbros.
>>30893409 Zing Zap/Nuzzle/Reversal
pick whatever fourth move you want because that is all the worthwhile attacks it has. You can run fakeout or wish or another support move I guess
>>30894986 I know Daniel runs Fell Stinger, from seeing him try to finish off weakened guys in Battle Royals with it.
>>30895006 What's fell stinger do?
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>>30895006 fell stinger is pretty meme tier but I would prefer a support option on my fourth slot. The one on my mono team has electric terrain
>>30895020 +3 Attack if you manage to kill something with it.
That's a pretty big if, though.
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>>30895061 oooooh. That's pretty rowdy.
>>30894951 Is that a bump, or a request?
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>>30895061 BP50 non stab bug attack coming off base 95 attack. Funny if you actually land it but too unreliable for my tastes
>>30895293 I know you just want something injected, anon.
Post that QR.
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>>30895328 Nah. But i might want some UB edits down the track. Not yet tho.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30893409 weeeeeew
my bby runs:
zing zap
fell stinger
gyro ball
it has sturdy, and steelium z, only reason it has gyro ball btw, since z gyro ball has fixed damage of 160 power
>wanted to run elec >no koko or zapdos ever >no brotom-w until bank there goes that idea
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>>30895997 lmao. Zapdos and Raikou were opened to elec last season. Literally only callum did it to fill the slot. Still struggled.
If having access tho strong mons within your type is clearly a requirement, run another type. Or don't be a fuccboi.
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Who is up for morning battorus? I have a new EV spread on my Primarina and I want to see if it's better than before.
>>30887759 I'll plan to steal Steel leadership.
I always wanted to join but I never made it because of irl things
I hope I can go all out this time.
How many steel leaders are out there?
tfw no celesteela, I mean duh but ;_; Anonymous
>>30896237 Slightly different tournament style my dude. But if you end up being the furthest going steel type, you will have that steel spot.
>>30894045 for current signups atm.
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>>30895997 nobody who runs electric and has done well with the type even wants to use legendarys.
Looking at the few prominent electric users we've had in the past, Daniel mostly runs Pikaclones and does pretty well with what they are. Nathan ran ghost rotom in season 2 and came close to the top, and there was a second electric leader in season 4 who didn't have access to legendary mons.
If you think you "need" zapdos or tapus and genie of healthy meta and rotom-w you're probably just shit
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>>30890893 midday lycan is pretty boring m8
>tfw you're trying to practice on battle spot and it says one of your pokemon's moves isn't legal, but all of them are legit.
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>>30897045 Nevermind, found out Parting shot and memento are banned atm since they can cause game crashes.
>tfw won against a cancerous team of Mega-metagross, salazzle and Toxapex with my monotype Feels so good man.
>>30897437 >tfw won against that same team via cloyster flinchhax Feels bad man.
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>>30896366 I'll try to catch up, but if you could explain further i'd be glad
>>30897544 >Just went up against a porygon team Time to get a taunt user. Fucking recovery and z-conversion bullshit.
>everyone using Mega Gyara + Chomp I'm never going to monotype spot again. You guys alive?
>>30899008 Yeah. Practicing battle spot is hell. It wasn't this bad in ORAS. Now literally every team is a Smogon's top uber cancer comp. Megas were a mistake.
>>30899049 Maybe 2 days ago i went on battle spot with my shitty taste NU team and ran into a water monotype. Battle spot has its moments, but as long as you try not to battle when the japs are awake you should be fine.
>>30899076 >the Japs are awake That's probably what it is since half the names I ran into today where in Japanese. What makes them so try hard compared to their western counterparts?
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>>30899129 Not sure, hopefully one comes by that can explain the mentality. for sure it's more enjoyable to monotype during the time theyre asleep. as well as wondertrade.
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>>30899129 japs are scummy as hell in competitive games in general
>Jap ragequits on me I feel good now.
Nate 2878-9714-5603
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>>30897734 I can deal with P2 on my electric team pretty easily but Z is really hit and miss depending on what type they convert into
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
>>30900612 Fight me senpai
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>30900612 No, fight me senpai
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
>>30900666 I'll battle Satan first.
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
>>30899590 >jap tries to stall using pyukumuku >setup 4 quiver dances with ribombee disconnects
>>30900794 >using stall cucumber without unaware BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
>>30901179 I shouldn't have brought Slowking,it never works.literally anything else would have been better and surf KO'ed in the first game,I'm just bad.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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also summoning luna desu
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>>30900811 It gets worse.
it carried counter.
>>30887759 wait, so i can basically use silvally? he is not in the "legendaries" list in bulbapedo
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>>30901340 silvally is allowed as long as it carries the memory of your monotype
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30901340 silvally is allowed for this season only since its pre bank bby
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
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>>30901287 Alright,I'll be in the plaza soon.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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wew i didnt knew u were water bby s-sorry
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
WEEEEEEEEEEW BBYYY GGS I GOT REKT LMAOOOO ur team is very creative, i like it a lot
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
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>>30901753 GG
I've been trying a fast and slow mix but it hasn't been consistent.Pelipper is the only thing that sometimes catches people off gaurd.
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>>30896237 Ran steel S1 and nearly won the whole thing. Just do better than the other steelbros and you'll be on easy street
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
Need to test some spreads.Anybody up for a game?
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
>>30902836 I'll b hanging out in the plaza.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Damn it, you had like 5 hp. GG.
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
>>30903097 GG those 28 EVs in HP man.
I really need something for lead Sableye.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30902926 Fun games, you destroyed me game two.
I really thought I had game one, your kingdra survived with what looked like 5 hp or less.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30903274 Sharpdo (no prankster) or araquanid (can't burn)?
>tfw want to do a water team but have zero patience for breeding or IV training
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
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>>30903322 I can give you some of my leftover mons.They're pretty much battle ready but I reset the EVs on them to try different spreads.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30903322 I could help a bit. Last night I made a guy's entire team which was a bit stressful since I only have PKSM but I can try. You got anything specific you want?
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>>30903322 >Plenty of people will be breeding or injecting, so don't be afraid to ask for help with your team building! Bomie 0233 2621 4690
>>30903308 Oh wow Araquanid might be a good replacement for Golisopod.I do like resetting the rain with Emergency Exit but if it has to go it has to go.
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>>30903429 Araquanid is pretty good, I hate to say it but probably better then golisopod. I love golisopod alot but it struggles in quite a lot of situations.
I run a "just fuck it" set on my araquanid. Max atk IVs with choice band and liquidation. Surprisingly effective.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30903674 Oh yeah I got them, can just give me like 5-10 min?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30903917 Okay, sorry about that. Ready.
What are doing with them? Just interrsted.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30904142 Sending requests to you.
>>30904164 I think you just got rused.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30904204 What? We're trading right now. How was I rused?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30904224 >>30904228 Oh. I thought dan was memeing.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30903387 waterbro here, sorry I was making mashed potatoes
This is the team I have been using on Showdown so far:
NO BREAKS (Cloyster) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Shell Smash
Edge (Gyarados) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
Volt Fishy (Lanturn) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Volt Absorb
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 132 SpD / 124 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 1 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Spookbug (Golisopod) @ Buginium Z
Ability: Emergency Exit
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- First Impression
- Brick Break
- Poison Jab
Storm Birb (Pelipper) @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Roost
Fins (Tapu Fini) @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nature's Madness
- Grass Knot
- Defog
- Moonblast
>>30904289 Read the rules, no tapus and megas allowed.
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>>30904289 typical shell smash fag can't read the rules
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30904289 I only have wimpod of those, can you provide the others?
Also as
>>30904327 said bo tapus or megas.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30904391 No prob, would love to play you again eventually.
>gone back and forth between three different types >still only have half a team together >already thinking of switching types HELP
>>30905635 What type are you thinking about?
What do you want to get out of the tournament?
How i see it is, you can enter to have fun, win or experiment with new mons for when bank comes out. If you know what you want, it makes it a bit easier.
>>30905734 Ideally I'd like to pick a type without too many entrants. Originally was going to go Bug or Water but now I'm kinda feeling Ground or Flying (Flying because Silvally would be a cool pokemon to use, I think). I have several pokemon bred up for each type.
>>30905952 Latest numbers are still the same as posted
>>30894045 Ground is pretty limited with it's choices, if that has any impact on your decision.
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>>30906060 However, forgot to mention, it's still fun to use, so its up to you.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30905952 Don't feel bad picking a popular type, just pick whatever seems fun.
It's up to you to decide if you want a type you feel works or a type you want to try to make work. I was really considering poison but I just didn't care about enough of them and decided to wait for postbank.
>>30906178 >Luna with a poison type team Anonymous
Which Luna are you rooting for?
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>>30906720 Based editor bro Luna.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30906464 Why do say that? When post bank comes out and I get thinks like dragalge, viileplume, toxicroack, and beedrill (if megas are allowed) I plan to use it. Poison is a really cool type.
>>30906720 The cool one of course.
>>30906801 I say that because I run a fairy type team silly.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30906830 That's why tournaments are fun though. Getting someone with a advantageous team is fun as fuck. As a ghpst user fighting other users is a blast.
Anyone want to battle or need something real quick?
>>30906801 Only mega-salamence will be banned.
Megas were banned this time because most of the megastones are not available in game.
http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/megaevolutions.shtml hopefully bank fixes that.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30906935 Battoru me senpai.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30907017 Go online, I'm ready.
>>30906972 How would bank fix that though? Will that make it you can transfer mega stones or something?
>>30907112 That is what everybody is hoping...
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30907112 They might update the game. They wouldn't drop so many of them.
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>>30907151 >>30907124 Oh boy. I have no faith.
>dhelmise survived with one hp >could've killed you with gyro ball >paralyzed Why did you deny it its glory?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30907347 Because god hates that broken anchor. Deus Vult and all that jazz.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Why are Ghost types so fast?
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30907402 >>30907433 GG
Anchor was too good. Sometimes it could be a jobber but it pulled through here. Love this guy, honestly one of my favorite pokemon ever. You had quite a few slow mons but even then that klefki is insane. Personally the swagger on dhelmise is too risky with my sky high attack.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30907470 Probably didn't help that I switched my EV spread to be more speed oriented (which apparently didnt pay off at all)
Percivol 2423-6767-7206 !VIRGIN/FJM
>>30907433 being the only ground type trainer is pain
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30907502 Interested you didn't go togekiss on game two with dhelmise. Air slash flinches would fuck up dhelmise. I actually was surprised how hard gyro ball hit klelfki. Gave it 0 speed but still.
Going for a bit, thanks for the match. Hopefully I'll have enough time to play more later.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30907539 This guy is great. Weakness policy with amnesia is a good set. Been testing out sand storm sets recently with shore up.
Luna 1908-2731-4656
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>Try to teach my Clefable cosmic power through heart scale tutor >It isn't there Why?
>>30908522 Cosmic Power can only be learned by Clefairy.
Move Relearner can't give moves from previous evolutions, like Crabhammer for Crabominable, or Razor Shell for Cloyster.
Want me to inject/edit you a Clefable with the right moves? Anonymous
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>>30908522 I'm not sure how it works. What resource are you using to see that it's available?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30908624 That'd be great anon.
Cerise: 3969-4672-7931
>>30908640 Does it matter if the Clefable is truly yours(, i.e. proper trainer ID, can be nicknamed)?
If yes, trade me that Clefable and I'll just give it the moves you need.
If not, I'll just create one from scratch. Post details.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30908679 Alright I'll hop online. I have one you can edit. Thinking of changing nature/evs if that's okay too.
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>>30907539 Mudsdale is my boy.
>>30908710 Alright, post all the details.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30908784 Moves: Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Flamethrower, Moonlight. Relaxed Nature, 252 Hp/Def 4 Spd
>>30908823 Magic Guard or Unaware?
Just asking to be sure, since they both have their niches.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30908853 Honestly, Ive been debating that myself. I think I'll have to go with Unaware.
>>30908928 Okay, go back to Festival Plaza now.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30908972 Thanks for your help man. It's hard restructuring your team halfway through "pre-season". Also nice swinub. I think once bank opens I might do an ice team next.
>>30909038 Happy to help.
I kept a good amount of my breedjects so I could raise them as well, in case I'd be conflicted in terms of builds.
Now I have 9 possible team members, with two more on the way.
Good thing I have a friend who can play Tauros simulator for me. Anonymous
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>>30909092 >Tauros sim I feel like Im going to break my circle pad any day now. Still, Im considering going for BD Azumarill so I might have to hop back at it.
Quick post team theme music
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>>30910142 lol what the fuck
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30907539 I feel you, fellow "only 1 representative" type.
Dragons are cool, but damn if they aren't limited before pokébank opens up.
Regardless, anyone around and wanna have a battle? Wanna get some tests in.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30910333 Hey sure, let's go. I had less to do then I thought.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30910383 cool, heading online
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30910428 Those were fun.
Surprised that flash canon didn't kill mimikyu game one.
Game two was unfortunate for you. Missing both the dragon tail and fire blast were pretty big.
Thanks for the battles.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30910777 Yea, miss chances are awful demons sometimes. Still, thanks for the battles, Luna.
As much as I love Mimikyu I can't help but see and feel it will be the bane of my existance. And yea I was surprised about flash cannon as well.. the move is pretty consistently underwhelming I find, I should probably replace it.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30910822 Flash canon is pretty handy depending on what is using it. I use it on my aegislash and it works great as a fairy killer. With mimikyu it kinda is difficult to predict if it's fast enough to sweep. Honestly the disguise SD is useful for me as it lets me know if I can outspeed your pokemon.
Noticed you added a hydregion. Didn't even notice it on the team screen and surprised me at first.
Anyone here still up for battles?
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30910929 Yo, still could go for more. Really enjoying my spooks. Just give me your IGN and FC.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30910892 Yea I've got 7 potentials in store and I'm unsure which to drop. Hence the need for testing.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30910968 But you already have it
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30910982 As much as I love the design turt is pretty unreliable. I fucking love the design but it neither works as a wall or attacker.
>>30910999 That's why you namefag here. Namefagging here is fine, just don't do it outside here.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
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>>30911034 Yea, turt or exeg are the ones under most scrutiny for a drop.
The major problem is that I don't have any priority moves whatsoever... or entry hazards. Life is hard for Dragon type. Turt has a weird set to try and recover from that as much as I can, but it's pretty tame at best.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
Lesson learned: don't lead with gengar against a fairy user.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30911447 He always leads with klefki every game basically.
>>30911034 I use Turt very specifically as an Anti-Fairy fuck Canon. I run Calm instead of Modest now and essentially use it to either scare away fairys that are walling me, or drop the 200bp Inferno Overdrive on them if they don't switch and pretty much guarantee an OKO on real annoying fuckers like Kefki. It can also switch into Ice or Water attacks and take neutral damage, which is crazy for both Dragon and Fire monotypes. He's no sweeper or wall, but he's a tricky fucker all the same and can force a swap when they really don't want to, or else he'll shit on their ringer.
A lot of people just have never seen it before, so if you go in with your own strategy, you can almost count on a misplay against it. It's just whether you capitalize on that misplay that determines on if he's good or shit on your team.
I'm under no illusion he's OU tier, but for monotypes I can't think of anyone else who deserves the slot more. Especially with Hyper Voice Sylveon being kill there's literally nothing redeeming about Kommo-o. But that's just my onion.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30911483 thanks for the input anon, I'll take your claims to heart and try to expand on those uses of Turt more.
And yea, I can't see Kommo-o being crazily good... I wish he had sucker or bullet punch. Feels especially weird he doesn't have the latter. But there's not much choice for me I think.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30911611 Stall goblin is the best.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30911645 Stall Vs. Stall. It's like Im playing Smogon meta in gen 5 again.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30911658 Do you not have moon blast in clefairy? Why? Cosmic power, moon light, flamethrower, and what?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30911691 HEALTHY META
You can forfeit whenever you want (^:
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>30911721 Im laughing too hard to forfeit.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>thinking a switch could save you
>>30911588 I've been working on trying to make Kommo-o work with Automotize, but it's just so... only OK. Really disapointed because he was one of my favorite pre-release designs. Oh well. Good luck dude.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>20 minutes in a stall battle Will we make it to 30?
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30911842 HEALTHY META
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30911866 It's not stall without letting the move counter almost reach zero every turn :^)
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30911928 Are you seriously going to do this?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>30911961 Nah, Ive got work in the morning, so I'll let you have this one. Ive got to get a taunt user on my team though, unfortunately Granbull is my only option.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
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>>30911808 Then we think alike, friend. The kommo-o I've currently got in testing uses automize. Going for a special-sweeper kind of deal.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>forfeited This is the sableye of stalling and taunt. Say "thank you sableye" and we will be blessed with more years of glorious stall meta. No but seriously gg. I have to be up at 7 but my autism just couldn't male me quit. Legitimately the funniest match in my 14 years of playing pokemon.
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>>30912086 That 30 minutes of stall felt like an eternity. gg.
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Reminder to have a quick taunter on your team. You will not regret it.
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Bump in the night.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30910822 what about haxorus bby?
mold breaker bypasses disguise and luckily, haxorus is one point faster than mimikyu
252 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Haxorus Shadow Claw vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mimikyu: 138-164 (105.3 - 125.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
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>>30915669 >tfw no mold breaker God bless
Icicle Spear. Anonymous
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Good to go for morning battles. I promise I wont use a stall team.
>>30918320 That show makes me sad. I can't finish the current season
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30918403 I couldn't finish the second half of season two. Does S3 have that much more suffering?
>>30918435 yes. there's male selectors now
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>>30918738 I thought it was supposed to be girls only.
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Just s few more hours until japs go to sleep.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30915669 shit, I didn't consider that one, realise haxorus was in the realm of possibility or know mold breakers interaction with disguise.
Thank you, based mouse.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Can anyone help me with a little injecting? I finally found a usable taunt runner.
>>30920717 Always lurking.
Also sorry dragon album dude for disappearing
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30920777 Here's the QR. Thanks again 2hu man.
>>30920809 Deposit something and tell me the details.
It was originally a pun for moon ray. Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30920777 no worries man, I appreciate the response regardless and it got resolved.
Also I may need something injected soon anyway, lol
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30920847 Deposited level 49 female kadabra.
>>30920877 I'm charging my 3ds so this is the time to request and inject.
>>30920944 Done.
Also checked.
>>30920993 While you are here, you able to fix some IV's for me? Got a shiny that needs some good ol science put into it.
I'll also battle anyone who wants to fight some ghosts.
>>30921019 Why not.
I'll also fite u
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30920944 >44 Got my favorite number as dubs, noice.
>>30921019 Always down to fight some ghosts.
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>30921041 >>30921045 Sweet. Forgot my name, but here i am. Will go online and be ready for whoever.
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
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>>30921066 I have you added from one of the tourneys Mike'o
I thought I had my team done but I'm feeling the need for a fast hard hitter. Thanks injectbros IGN Vash Depsited Lvl. 15 female mudbray
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30920993 Doing.
For some reason Haxorus is giving me problems. I'm trying to give it iron tail, but PkHex is telling me its invalid when it can definitely learn it through breeding.
I also wanted to give it aqua tail, but it doesn't say anything about how it gets that on bulbapedia despite being a showdown option.
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
Holy shit Mike, great games.
>>30921397 Perhaps you need a bank mon.
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>30921499 Yeah, GGs, pretty fun match. You were the injector yeah? I able to send you my mon for fixing?
Also will be here if anyone else wants to fight.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30921499 yea, maybe.
I sorted it though, so..
>>30920993 here is the QR, if you're still up for injecting.
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
>>30921205 Done.
>>30921557 Sure thing.
>>30921572 Just go for the deposit details.
Bomie 0233 2621 4690
Quoted By:
Looking for some practice games if anyone is interested.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>>30921611 deposit details?
BryN/Raymoo 3995-7641-1578
>>30921738 Deposit a shitmon on the GTS for me to trade it.
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
Quoted By:
>>30921765 ah, right
Deposited a Lv31 Alolan Raticate in a quick ball.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30921557 GGs. Glad to see switching up my team a little is helping out big time so I dont get swept. I still make a few bad reads though.
Mike 2122-6778-7179
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>>30921963 GGs, klefki continies to be an irritant i cant really solve right now, not having infiltrator on chandelure really sucks. I'll be around later tonight for more battles if anyone is interested.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30919928 like ive said before bby
think outside the box, leave the box in the corner of ur room and get as far as possible from said box
>pretty sure I failed a huge test today Sorry to blog, just stressed. Anyone up for battling or need a injection job?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30923005 me bby lets battle
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>level 1 cottonee What kind of shit are you planning?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30923005 Hate to ask, but could you change a move on my clefable?
Or I could just body you in another 30 minute stall fest IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923201 Sure, give me a bit.
Moonblast I assume? Can you not get it via heart scale?
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>>30923199 Oh, it's that team.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30923229 Yeah unfortunately, it's not heart scale-able.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923029 GG, I don't know why I always forget queenly majesty.
See you changed to grass, interesting.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30923273 uuuuh, i was grass since day 1?
i just bred the elctric team for fun
im breeding another mono atm
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30923256 Yeah sure, let me battle daniel first.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30923292 Oh, I thought you signed up as electric.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923498 GG those were fun matches. Shame chandelure was jobbing a ton.
Few Shane tell me when ready.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30923524 tsareena is brightpowder IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923538 Interesting, I was wondering what you had on it.
Have to ask, what bullshit is the cottonee used for?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30923524 Im jumping into the lobby now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30923674 for the mystic legendary ancient and forbidden art of fear ;)
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923717 Okay, what am I replacing for moonblast?
>>30923674 >lives >endeavor >priority nature power since it's a status move, then turns into attack IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923745 I was thinking that but I never heard of cottonee being used as a FEARmon.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30923774 there is a list of pre-bank fearmons in the pastebin if ur curious ;)
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30923905 bby can u modify and clone my silvally plox
i will love you forever
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30923991 Dude should've given to me when I did Shane's clefairy. Let me battle Shane first and I'll do it.
Give me the set you want.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30924033 no set desu, just modify its nature/ivs
just make 5 clones of it
adamant, modest, timid, jolly and naive
all 31 ivs
also i can wait <3
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30924080 Sure, will do. You sure about the EVs?
>>30923794 Hey what happened?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30924033 Im still here. I hate when plaza is a shit.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30924105 0 EVs, so i can customize them any time and do custom spreads if needed
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30924118 Sendin a request.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>30924145 Sorry it keeps fucking up. You can take Danny's request while I restart my DS/ internet.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
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>>30924138 Alright, just wondering. I'll tell you when Shane and I finish, assuming we even play.
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30924184 You sure?
>>30924138 Go online I guess.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30924205 one final request
make each silvally hold
a pomeg berry
a kelpsy berry
a qualot berry
a hondew berry
and a grepa berry
so i can reset evs
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30924277 Sure. So just nature, IVs, and berries?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>30924334 step 1
clone the silvally so u end up with 5 silvallys
step 2
make all of them 31 iv and 0 ev
step 3
assign a different nature to each silvally, one adamant, one modest, one timid, one jolly and one naive
step 4
give the adamant silvally the pomeg berry, the modest silvally a kelpsy berry, the timid silvally a qualot berry, the jolly silvally a hondew berry and the naive one a grepa berry
step 5
say wew lad
step 6
IGN: Luna FC: 3711 7078 1822
>>30924362 Wew lad, they are ready.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>30924482 OMG U DID STEP 5
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>Mimikyu My unaware clefable laughs at your sword dance.