>>30912128>Deposit wanted fodder while including Mareanie's gender & level range - its info MUST be included>Post with the fodder's information (level range, gender, Poke Ball it was caught in) & deposit message - Location & IGN are not necessary (yet, if at all)>After depositing: go to the deposit status screen, remain there, and wait until I reply to your post - THIS IS IMPORTANT, SO PLEASE DON'T IGNORE ITIf everything went well, I'll message appropriately. If your fodder was "sniped" by another player, I'll post with "already traded". If I cannot find your Pokemon after a few minutes searching and message appropiately, take the deposited fodder out of the system. If you get a message "deposited pokemon was traded", please copy/paste that along with adding the backup fodder's information into your next post. If you were able to retrieve the Pokemon, please double check the information provided. Compare it to your original post with the fodder's info - if there was an error, please just try the giveaway process again with the corrected info. Please be honest with your information if there is a mistake. Human error happens, and correct information is rather crucial to all of this.