Bored out of my mind with all that MM'ing business, I gave up on finding a shiny Litten and I'll settle with a perfect 6IV one. I have almost a box full of 5IV adamant ones. If you want a female just ask for her. I have one spare 6IV male and one female. All know fake-out (great!) and nasty-plot for some reason. Trips get the male or the female. Dibs on the gender you want. I'll take any LV1 spare babies you may have, or a shitmon obtained via the QR scanning thing.
Mickaell 1736-3298-2180
>>30906181 I'm adding you. How about a 5IV Adamant F Scyther?
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30906234 Oh, that's good!
Gimme a metal coat with it and you get a 6IV male or female for some sexy time with a ditto.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30906234 Added and online.
So, 5IV?
Mickaell 1736-3298-2180
>>30906269 I don't have any metal coat though. And it takes a while to get it from Magnemite.
I'm fine with a 5IV anyways.
>>30906181 do you have normal ones? 0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30906309 Okay.
So, it's from a magnemite? Good to know.
Waiting for you to appear in my plaza.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
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>>30906331 Normal? What do you mean? Something shit? I can find you a shit litten no prob. I have so many boxes of them. They all have the egg moves though.
Mickaell 1736-3298-2180
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30906378 No prob!
I cant see the juge rating in trade so I don't know if you got a near perfect one or a tolerable one. Hope you are happy with it and you'll make it become one of your best bro!
...But the dozen of boxes full of breejects can fuck off in wonder trade.
Mickaell 1736-3298-2180
>>30906434 Near perfect one. I'm definitely using it.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30906471 That's awesome!
What baffle me is the fact that even with a 6IV mom and dad, the babies have a random shit IV just to troll be. So fuck that breeding shit.
>>30906181 How about a Beldum, ha mareanie, a minior or stufful with ice punch?
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
If Adamant with good ivs, even better.
Pleaze put in Ch. Name and FC.
>>30906741 Yue
2595 0385 3382
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
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Meanwhile, I'm wodertrading shit and a SHINX land on my lap.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30906790 Don't forget to add me.
Quoted By:
>>30906852 Just realized it was your name sry. Put one up on gts if you can find it before I add you
I have a sandygast or mudbray with egg moves if your interested
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
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>>30906909 A Mudbray with Eggs would be okay.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
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>>30906790 Thanks!
Hmm... A bit of breeding may fix that... Slight IV imperfection.
Anyway, take care of Litten!
BTW, if anyone want a special name, I can name your Litten with the name you want.
2294-4367-3398 Meely
>>30906181 Adding you OP, do you want a 5IV Jolly Mimikyu? Also have 5IV Timid HA A-Vulpix w/ Freeze Dry and Moonblast, and Friend Ball Chikorita
>>30906682 If you got a spare HA Mareanie I've got what I wrote to OP to trade, been looking everywhere for one.
2750 1424 2684
>>30906181 I was gonna offer a Shinx, with various 5IV spreads, Adamant with Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang and Eerie Impulse, not sure if you'd be interested given you just got one.
Also in the process of finishing off Adamant HA Heavy Ball Sandshrew with Night Slash, Amnesia, Icicle Spear, and Icicle Crash. Right now I only have non-HA in the Heavy Ball, though. HA only comes in Pokeballs at the moment.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907189 Want That vulpix AND Chickorita.
I have a spare good Mareanie, but I dunno what you mean by HA.. Err... "Hidden Hability?"
Adding anyway.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907245 The Shinx I got is complete garbage. I'll gladly take yours.
>>30907257 Yeah Hidden Ability.
And no problem, I'll be in Friend Plaza.
2750 1424 2684
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>>30907279 IGN is Shura, I'll be on in a second.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907346 I HAVE A REGENERATOR ONE! With great IVs.
And it's yours.
>>30907379 Awesome! Ready to trade when you are, my IGN is Miele.
3797 8140 9214 IGN: Mahina may I trade for a Litten Female (if possible)
>>30906181 OP if you want a shiny lv1 litten I can hook you up. It's got perfect IVs in everything except speed which is VERY GOOD.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907443 That would be awesome!
What are you looking for?
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907436 Added. I'll give you a good 5IV trap.
>>30907398 Waiting in the plaza.
>>30907477 Uh, nothing in particular really. Maybe a regenerator mariene thing if you have it, otherwise one of your littens will be fine. On my way home will add you and post my code soon
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30907519 I'll give you a 6IV litten, male or female.
Name request?
>>30907507 do you also hapen to have regen mareanie (Iv's not mattering)
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907549 Yeah, I have it.
Calm, BEST everywhere, except HP that are decent.
It's been promised but for a shoiny Litten, I can trade.
If possible, name it "Caramel"
Mahina 3797 8140 9214
>>30907680 nuts, Im not the Anon with shiny litten
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Anyone else has a spare regen mariene they wouldn't mind parting with?
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30907836 Well, whoever the fastest bringging his ass to my plaza.
Mahina 3797 8140 9214
>>30907897 thank you for the trap!
Halrey - 1177-7741-8348
Ok I have shiny litten, and would like regen marienne if possible. What nickname is needed for litten?
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908004 No prob!
Take care of... Ahem... her.
>>30908010 Caramel for Litten.
Cannot name the Calm regen Marie though.
Halrey - 1177-7741-8348
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908137 Waiting.
Do you also want a near perfect litten while youre at it?
Halrey - 1177-7741-8348
Quoted By:
>>30908169 It's ok I have 6V littens already :)
Halrey - 1177-7741-8348
If you have any females left, id like one, otherwise a male is fine too. IGN: Joe Pokemon: Rowlet, lv 1, no nickname
Quoted By:
>>30907507 Oops sorry, got distracted, my bad.
Ready now, shouldn't have shut my 3DS like a dumb.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908253 Thanks! Take care of the deathfish!
Caramel will be for my next game.
>>30908265 . A nearly perfect 5iv trap. Anonymous
IGN: Mizuki Poke: lv 1 Gible Message: Ganbare Litten!
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30908265 Need your FC though.
2294-4367-3398 Meely
>>30908294 In case you didn't know, I can't trade with you since you're in Wonder Trade.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908338 Chilling in the plaza now.
What are you looking for?
Mecause the fish-o-death was just traded.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30908298 Friend code, dude. Or we can't do shit.
2294-4367-3398 Meely
>>30908368 Weird, am in the Plaza connected to internet but can't see you in the list.
Oh, okay. Just the Litten's fine, unless you have a spare Cleffa as well.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908431 I'll double check if you are on my friend list.
>>30906181 I have a bunch of bagon with 4 IVs and dragon dance, if you'd like.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908488 It will be fine. Not awesome, but if you promise to rase the cat well, I can trade. :)
>>30908431 Maybe you are not connected to the internet. The game just LOVE to unplug you for any reason.
2294-4367-3398 Meely
>>30908474 I just tried to trade with you, my IGN's Miele
I'm the one with Vulpix and Chikoria.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30908554 Got the wrong name on top of your post. Initiating now.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908554 I want Chiko mainly.
Nuru - 1418-7286-1475
>>30908543 Thanks. I'm adding you now.
2294-4367-3398 Meely
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
>>30908650 Adding in a sec.
>>30908554 Thanks!
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30908650 Enjoy your powercat!
Nuru - 1418-7286-1475
>>30908706 Thanks. This little guy and I will wreak some serious havoc.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
Quoted By:
>>30908794 Glad to see he wasn't born in vain. Your Bagon is not too shabby too.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
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Anyone who want a near perfect adamant Litten with Fake Out, request it while leaving your friend code. Meanwhile, I'm wondertrading boxes of kitty litter.
0619-4948-9972 -- Béatrice
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Well, enough for tonight. If this thread is still alive in a day, I will resume. Thanks to everybody for the trades!