>>30935813When he runs towards you feel free to roll under his legs to get behind him.
He has a swinging hook that you should roll away (backwards) from instead of sideways since his tail swings on the other side and can hit you if you try to roll across the punch (and if it's Raging Brachydios then the tail will slime you too).
He also has a forward punch where he telegraphs a little before lunging forward and smashing on the ground where you were. I believe in rage mode he'll do this twice in a row. You're better off rolling sideways or forward in this.
In general it's pretty safe just standing about 1 Brachydios (for the lack of a better measurement for distance) away from him as a gunner and rolling away from his attacks right as they come. In the end it's all about watching his movements since he telegraphs them a lot and few of his attacks share the same animation. Rage mode is actually more fun to fight since it doesn't leave as many puddles all over the place.
Frenzied Brachydios is interesting since its speed fluctuates here and there so some moves might come out a bit slower than you might expect. Hyper Brachydios is just annoying to fight since Hyper monsters have bloated HP and he moves noticeably faster than regular Brachy so it's a bit harder to find openings