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RAGE thread

No.30949355 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start

>be me
>battle 19 of Singles in Battle Tree
>have Chandelure, Buzzwole, and Mimikyu (Chandelure and Mimikyu are EV trained and perfect IV, skeeter isn't)
>Opponent had 2 other Pokemon, but Serperior is the object of this bullshit
>Other 2 on both sides are gone, its down to Chandelure vs Serperior
>Locked into energy ball because of scarf
>Serperior uses attract
>RNGesus spares me, or so I thought
>Locked into a dick measuring contest of Energy Ball vs Dragon Tail
>Serperior uses Attract
>Most attacks still land
>Serperior is at red health, would have gone down with one more shot
>Chandelure was at red too
>"Chandelure is immobilized by love!"
>IRL shouting "NONONONO" and hoping Chandelure might somehow bulk it
>No such luck