>>30962312>>30962326>>30962343why the hell would you think GF would go through the work of rigging 802 different models up to keep hackers safe from crashes in a mundane gimmick feature nobody uses?
besides, there are no memory protection violations or anything else fucky enough to warrant such a check in the first place, the models will just move around with no animations
they also seem to be lacking additional idle animations that would point towards being intended for the pokefinder
>>30962369this guy has a point though I don't necessarily believe it fully, many of those lines felt kind of reasonable with or without followers, but it was definitely weird regardless, especially since it's always on your first slot, rather than whatever you won the battle with or whatever
>>30962627I heard some theory once on here that it was part of a cut feature where your mon would walk up to you if you chose to go into refresh immediately after a battle, which rectifies the deal with megas, but
>>30962792 could also be right and they may just retcon it or something else, it's not like you have to be in battle to mega evolve it, as long as your shit's close or whatever, it also didn't really explain the two paces as well