Remember kids. if you want to afford everything say no to missions and say yes to cheating the system to pieces.
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187276-pokemon-sun/74722835Don't want to go to gfaqs? fine
I found this method by observing that one of my Japanese VIPs had 100+ Festival Plaza rank with 0 Missions participated and over 1000+ guests interacted with. This person went from 109 rank to 151 rank in 1 day.
I've been averaging 210 fc every 2 minutes without 2x FC.
I've been averaging 400 fc every 2 minutes with 2x FC.
I've been averaging 1 rank up every time I reset game. (My festival rank is 100+)
1. Go to fortune teller tent and hope that you get the 2x FC when talking to VIPs / Guests.
2. Have 10 guests added on your VIP list.
3. Most of your VIPs / guests must have a red chat bubble.
(All of my VIPs have festival rank 100+ they mostly give me 23,30,45 fc or 46,60,70 with 2x FC)
4. Talk to all your VIPs (10x) / other guests that have a red chat bubble.
5. Save game by connecting to the Internet (Icon bottom-right of the touch screen)
6. Disconnect from the Internet / Leave the festival plaza by pressing X then Y
7. Reset your game by pressing L + R + Select at the same time.
8. Return to Festival Plaza and all your VIPs / guests will still have the red chat bubble and they usually have the same questions / answers giving the same FC every time.
9. Do steps 4 – 8 over and over again.