>>30960757Once /vp/ starts something they don't stop.
Never expect thatthis board can
Ever count to fucking 10 without fucking up
These days the board just isnt the same
What with all the porn posters and Genwunners
Oh, and lets not forget pokephiles.
Theres a reason we're the most hated board
Here on all of 4chan next to /mlp/
Really, I mean, come on.
Even /v/ can hold discussions sometimes, Hell
Even /trash/ can put us to shame.
For Arceus sake people
Our board is better then this.
Until gen VII, this place was actually okay, but
Right now its just a mess.
Fact: Gen VII is the cancer killing /vp/
In fact, just look at the mons we got
Very waifu faggot tier mons, and a fucking fish?
I just want this board to go back to before
X and Y released, when we werent all memers
Sometimes I think that
Even if we agreed on a gen
/vp/ would STILL find a reason to
Endlessly shitpost that their gen is
Notoriously better.
Even when we agree
I always find someone who cant agree
Gen VII is the cause of our woes
How anyone can support it seriously takes
The mind of a toddler.
Now that I've said my piece
I would ask that you
Never speak of Gen VII Favorably
Ever again
And Stop posting Yuri
Not pokemon