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No.30971310 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was a huge pokemon fan from 1998-2003, in my youth. I went completely cold on the series up until a few weeks ago. I came on here out of curiosity and noticed you guys argue a lot about gen 4 and 5.. I thought it'd be interesting to get the perspective of someone who played them back to back, without bias. So these are my thoughts after completing both games.

Pokemon black 2:

The bad:
Okay so the first thing I noticed is that this game is terribly, terribly ugly. I've seen some people try to pass off the ugly saturated colors as "vibrancy" but it's not tastefully done. There are some pretry areas here and there (the ranch towards the beginning was great) but for the most part, the game is an uneven eye sore.

The sprites are god awful as well, they traded in the crisp motionless sprites for lumps of pixels that rock back and forth and the result is just... No.

The story is a convoluted pile of shit that just gets in the way. I groaned every time bianca approached me to vomit out some more exposition. Lets get something straight. Gamefreak is shit at writing and they need to stop. Let my mom say goodbye to me and get my ass on the road. If you want to defend this tumor of a story.. Go ahead. You're only making yourself look bad.

I don't like the pokemon distribution. Sure.. There is variety but there's something about the way that all these different pokemon are lumped into tiny locations.. It just doesn't feel natural. In return.. It doesn't feel rewarding to catch them. It cheapens the thrill of finding a new pokemon. It feels like a chore

To sum it up.. The game lacks soul. It just doesn't have a masters touch and it's ugly as all fuck.

The good:
It's a decent challenge. The high variety of pokemon can lead to some interesting teams. The music is nice. The areas that are done well are done really well.

Overall: 6.5