>using english names in 2010>>31009839Ah yes, the: grass snake, fire pig, water otter-turned-samurai, some weird rodents i can't name, dogger: POWER edition (seriously why is it so good), meowth: edgy edition, three wise monkeys that can evolve, some flying dream something, pigeon birb, electirc zebra, geodude: pure rock edition, wooly bats, mole with drillhands, EXP pinata, construction workers, pokemon: the frog life cycle, two fighting dudes, seamstress: bug type edition, centipedes, cotton balls, onion waifus, fish: red and blue edition, sand crocodiles, a fire... something????, a cactus, a hermit crab, two gangsta with too big pants, a flying thing, a turtle, a prehistoric birb, literal bags of trash, furry foxes, furry chinchillas, goths
that can be male, a fetus or whatever inside a jelly, a duckling swan metaphor, an
icicle that became alive, seasonal deers, some bug that becomes a knight bug when it evolves (how do you even evolve it), local shroom, royal jellyfish, WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT LUVDISC EVOLUTION, electric spiders, spiky things, literally pair of gears that becomes more gears, some kind of eel thing I guess?, literally an alien, candle into chandelier, another dragon, snow bear, literally a special snowflake, another bug type that becomes a ninja upon evo (how do you evolve this), a pancake fish, some... i have no idea what this fighting type is, a dragon with paper wings, FUCK YEAH A BIGASS GOLEM, pokemon: ow the edge edition, AMERICUHH birb, what do you mean this is not tauros evo, a vulture, an ant eater and an ant, some fucking mutant dragon, a fire mothra, three horsekeeters, three flying genies that are palette swaps of each other, a white blue eyes dragon and a black red eyes dragon, and some ice dragon that apparently is extraterrestrial.
And, according to hackers we have: victory rabbit (???), the fourth muskeeter, a muse and a robot bug