>>31050777The Regional Dex was pretty shit. The actual Sinnoh Pokemon that were introduced were fine, the problem was that they did not work well or fit in with the rest of the dex.
>A lot of the pre-evos of the new cross-gen-evos aren't even available in D/P.>Ponyta is the only Fire-type in the Regional Dex that is not introduced in Gen 4, and there are 2 other lines, one being a cross-gen evo and the other being a starter. >New Pokemon like Hippopotas and Skorupi are only catchable in one area when really there are several suitable areas for them (other Pokmon like Gible and Snover can be excused from this), and Munchlax is a pain in the fucking ass to get. This means the player must resort to using the more common lines such as Starly, Abra, Ghastly, Magikarp, Zubat, Budew and Shinx in their teams and to forget about any of the other Pokemon that were introduced.>Then they threw in the generic shit like the Wurmple line, Goldeen line, Girafarig, Psyduck line, Barboach line, Wingull line etc that no one used in game and wasted these Regional Dex spots.While Platinum fixes some of its problems, the Regional Dex in DP was fucking shit.