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Is Pokemon homophobic?

No.31053874 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Feminist Cassidy Boon has found homophobia in Pokemon games and wants Nintendo to change its ways

>Pokemon is fucking homophobic – that’s right – the games that you and your nerdy friends have played since before I was born are riddled with overt homophobia. But I guess you haven’t even noticed this fact because you’ve been too busy trying to look up the skirts of the female poké-trainers in the game.

>Yesterday when I was totally bored I took my little brother’s 3DS from his room and started playing on it. Pokemon Y was in the slot and it infused in me a feeling of nostalgia as I used to play Pokemon all the time back in the day. So I went on my merry way through the Pokemon world doing all the Pokemon stuff you do, (like avoiding the tall grass) and had a good time – at least for a while, but then it happened – the thing that showed me Nintendo’s true colors.

>I got into a Pokemon battle with a trainer, because apparently you can’t walk past them without them aggressively wanting to fight you. So I used this Pokemon, it was kind of a cat Pokemon and got ready to battle my opponents Pokemon. I wanted to use a good attack, but I didn’t really have any good ones so I chose one called “attract”. Little did I know that that move would change the way I view Pokemon, Nintendo and gaming forever. It failed – the “attract” move failed. Okay so now you’re thinking “so what if the move failed, all moves can miss sometimes” – but no, oh no, there’s only one reason why that move failed – because Nintendo is a homophobic ass company.