>>31067942Just going to sperg out here and do them all.
>Spirit ShackleSpiritomb, Duskull line
>Darkest LariatMachop line, Hawlucha
>Sparkling AriaMilotic, Dewgong
>Beak BlastFearow, Talonflame
>Ice HammerRegice, Avalugg, Abomasnow
>Revelation DanceLudicolo
>Pollen PuffCottonee line, Combee line
>AccelerockNothing... anything else doesn't make sense
>Baneful BunkerNothing else makes sense and wouldn't be busted
>Strength SapParas line, Foongus line
>Trop KickHitmonlee, Tropius
>Floral HealingBellossom, Budew line
>InstructAbra line
>First ImpressionHeracross, Pinsir
>Shore UpRegirock, Hippopotas line, Torterra, Diggersby
>PurifyGrimer line, Koffing line
>Shell TrapNot sure what else it would be okay on
>Zing ZapBlitzle line, Joltik line, Jolteon, Zigzagoon line (Japanese name is "shocking and prickly," so I figured it made sense on Pokemon with prickly fur)
>Anchor Shot...nothing that exists now
>Clanging ScalesNoivern, Venomoth (name is "scale noise," and Noivern is known for being a loud dragon while Venomoth is known for being covered in scales plus it gets a cool niche)
Also, the following moves should be more widespread:
Electrify, Gear Grid, Fire Lash, Head Charge, Tail Slap, Power Trip, Heat Crash, Smelling Salts, Barrage