But there ARE more than two genders. The hijra, the two-spirit, etc.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_genderIdiot western-centric fuckfaces
>inb4 muh "science"There is no damn science in determining gender in the "traditional" fashion- that is looking at junk. Intersex people are literally as common as redheads, they just get lumped into either one arbitrary category or the other based on the often very slight prominence of one of their sex organs over the other. It'd be like determining one's identity based on fucking nose size, it's just a bizarre cultural practice we generally share as humans.
Determining it via chromosomes is also stupid. Non-intersex people with XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes are not the only ones that exist. XO, XXX, and XXXX chromosomes can manifest a vagina, whereas XXYY and XYY can manifest a penis in development.
Further, people with XX chromosomes can also manifest a penis in development, and people with XY a vagina.
Sex junk=\=gender, the end
OP may be a fag but not because of this stupid (2) shit