Any advice on this?
Trade power GTS (SM putting these up for trades)
>S-tier (Anything will be given for these)
Any trade item evo (e.g. Porygon-Z, Kingdra, etc.)
Most rare fishing pokemon (e.g. Relicanth, Dhelmise, Bruxish, etc.)
Most SOS only pokemon (e.g. Goomy, Castform, etc.)
Legendaries and unbreedables in general
>A-tier (can get most UBs minus the one offs, can get some S grade trade materials)
Many 5% grass encounters beyond Melemele (e.g. Oranguru, Passimian, Comfey, etc.)
Friendship evos not catchable in the wild or very rarely (e.g. Crobat, Lucario, etc.)
Certain UBs (Kartana, Pheromosa, sometimes Buzzwole)
Pokemon that require significant leveling to evolve (e.g. Final starter evos, Braviary, Mandibuzz, etc.)
>B-tier (can get some decent pokemon)
Easy to evolve but not catchable in the wild final evos (anything catchable at a higher level than they evolve for the most part)
Late game pokemon (e.g. some Poni-only pokemon)
Fan favorites (e.g. Riolu, Vulpix, etc.)
Apricorn ball pokemon
>C-tier (probably will sit for a long time or not get traded at all)
most early game pokemon that are easy to get