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No.31076783 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Ideas you wish were used in pokemon:

>Have a game with infiltration segments. You have to stay out of the line of sight of the trainers, else they'll challenge you with overleveled pokemon that are likely to OHKO your entire team. As usual, you get back to the nearest pokemon center if you lose, meaning you have to start all over again. Later in the game, you come back to said place and manage to kick everyone's butt this time.

>Have a game where your mom works as a nurse in pokemon centers. Each time you enter a city, there's a X in Y chance that you'll end up seeing her during her shift. She offers you treats like proteins or rare candies.

> Have a game where you give your rival his own signature pokemon. You meet an aspiring trainer somewhere in the midgame, and he asks you to give him a pokemon so that he can start his journey. He later challenges you with the fully-evolved pokemon.