>>31091480>On a bigger scale, it might have the worst track record out of any political ideology.Explain -- I assume you're talking about "m-m-muh 100 gorillion." Well, maybe we'll compare communism's track record to capitalism.
There's a Nobel Prize winning economist, Amartya Sen, who does just that.
What he did was compare democratic, capitalist India to China around the same periods, from the late 1940s to 1979 (1979 being when so-called capitalist reforms were initiated in China) -- so, that is, he limited the comparison to capitalist India and Maoist China (and this comparison is usually chosen as the two were similarly "developed" in economic terms).
What Sen observed is that, during this period, there were about 100 million excess deaths in democratic, capitalist India simply due to India's failure to institute health reforms, education reforms, rural aid programs, and so on. The way Sen puts it is that every eight years, India killed as many people as China killed during its years of shame (the great famine, a horrible atrocity with a death toll of 25-40 million); further, he points out that both of these (the deaths in India and the deaths in China) are political crimes -- they have to do with the nature of the socio-economic system and the political system in the given states. In this case, we see the death toll of 100 million matched in about 40 years by just one capitalist country.
And we should consider that this is just one country, and if Sen's analysis (or, in fact, if the analysis used in the Black Book) were applied worldwide to democratic capitalist states, the figures would be phenomenal. That is, the methods used to reach this 100 million figure, if applied to a host of capitalist nations, would be just as damning (particularly if we're counting death and misery relating to, say, starvation, military intervention, etc. -- as many of communism's death tolls do).