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I feel like most of /vp/'s favorites are unsung among normies.
For example, Shuckle and Wooper are huge here, but they're not "muh edgy mega dragons" so they aren't very popular with kids or genwunners. Wooper used to be pretty big in the early 2000s from the anime but hasn't been promoted by Gamefreak in years.
Then you have Anorith, voted least-hated mon on /vp/ by process of elimination. Even during Gen III I don't think most pokemon players I knew were familiar with it, by way of being a "you may only choose one" fossilmon. It's a shame too, since it evolved into what was essentially that generation's Tyranitar (at least design-wise, if not in terms of stats or moves).
Seems like most of /vp/ really likes the idea of having their very own shoulder-mon, so a lot of smaller, cuter, and generally Sp Atk or status-move mons are more popular here than they are in the general public; but on the other hand you have a lot of folks here who seem to really like "misunderstood" mons--things like Mimikyu and Ditto who never get to be themselves, or get a lot of fanart about being accepted by other pokemon.
...It's almost like /vp/ just wants a friend.
Me, I just like bug types.[/spoier]