[6 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>31108433 >>31108593 >>31109176
Hm, you know, now that I think about it, a lot of the evolutionary methods first introduced in Gen IV (Pokemon must evolve while leveling-up knowing a specific move, leveling-up in a specific location, only females can evolve) returned in Sun and Moon for its new Pokemon after Gens V and VI pretty much ditched them.
And the Dimensional Research Lab specifically mentions the Bronzong, Palkia, and Giratina and their lore.
And Type: Null is literally a rejected Arceus, and there are three, and by the end of the game, there's still one unaccounted for.
And you get a Munchlax with Snorlium Z for getting the game early, like how you got the Torchic with Blazikenite in XY.
And Masuda had a [laughs] moment when questioned specifically about remakes of a certain pair of games (that are now a ceremonial decade old) a few days ago in an interview.
Wonder what it means. Boy, maybe I'm just reading too much into it, who would want to play those sluggish games again?
And the Dimensional Research Lab specifically mentions the Bronzong, Palkia, and Giratina and their lore.
And Type: Null is literally a rejected Arceus, and there are three, and by the end of the game, there's still one unaccounted for.
And you get a Munchlax with Snorlium Z for getting the game early, like how you got the Torchic with Blazikenite in XY.
And Masuda had a [laughs] moment when questioned specifically about remakes of a certain pair of games (that are now a ceremonial decade old) a few days ago in an interview.
Wonder what it means. Boy, maybe I'm just reading too much into it, who would want to play those sluggish games again?