>>31168487Imma tell you a fun story.
Some years ago I bought my first smartphone. It was a big deal because I'd just had brick Nokias up until then, so I was pretty eager to use it for games and shit.
I got a GBA emulator for it, and started playing Firered for shits and giggles. It didn't last me very long, so I came up with the brilliant idea to SR for a shiny Mewtwo and use the Master Ball on it. I wasn't going to touch the game after that so I figured I'd go out with a bang.
At first I had my doubts SRing would work on a phone emulator, but one afternoon it finally happened. I didn't even use the Master Ball because I'm fuckin dumb, but still caught the thing.
After it was all said and done, I swiched over to Emerald to catch up since I had only played RB when I was too young to even know what I was doing. Beat it, fun, you know, it was chill.
This one afternoon I was particularly bored, and I started looking for a Plusle under the cycling road (I think it's a 1% in Emerald). On the process I just happened to find a blue Gulpin in a matter of minutes. Despite Emerald's broken RNG (which I actually didn't know about then), I was dumbfounded because I was very much aware already that shinies were rare. Like, shitsticking sort of rare.
Something clicked in me, I got this rush of excitement that told me I wasn't made to get into competitive battles, but for collecting. And collecting shinies seemed as good a timewaster as any.
Since then I've found around 40 full odds shinies in gen3, around 15 in gen2 (and around two boxes of ones bred with a shiny Ditto which is that gen's ezmode), a couple in gen4 including starters and some others purposely sought but random from the wild, a couple in gen5, a shitton from gen6 from SRs, friend safari and regular REs, and a shiny starter in Moon.
I'd say this shit is legit like drugs. Personally I enjoy the rush when you find it, but it's not as intense as it was back then. See the similarity?
(Fucked up quote before)