[29 / 4 / ?]
Quoted By: >>31155175 >>31155203 >>31155214 >>31155494 >>31155710 >>31155887 >>31156022 >>31156383 >>31156444
How can you see a Sinnoh remake for Gen 7? I can see it like this:
-New Z-Crystal for Sinnoh starters, Weavile, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Darkrai.
-Snorlium Z and Marshadium Z are obtainable in-game.
-Regional Variations are added for Unova mons, Kalos mons, and Alola mons.
-Dialga and Palkia receive new formes with Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb serving as Z-Crystal for them. Same happens with Griseous Orb.
-Like Deoxys, Darkrai can be caught in-game after a post-game plot, but unlike Deoxys, this is a reference to the Surf Glitch.
-Plot is the same but Cynthia gives to you the Z-Ring after you cure the Psyducks blocking the north of Route 210.
-HMs returns because Game Freak.
-Underground is now online instead of Wireless.
-A new Wi-Fi Plaza replaces the Festival Plaza.
-Slattering Tree returns and Munchlax is no longer dependant of your ID and Secret ID, it instead has a 1% of appearing.
-In the Champion battle, Cynthia uses a Z-Crystal for her Garchomp, in the rematch she uses a Garchompite instead.
-Elite Four use Z-Moves in the rematch.
-Battle Frontier diesn't appear at all but Sinnoh keeps its Battle Tower.
-New Z-Crystal for Sinnoh starters, Weavile, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Darkrai.
-Snorlium Z and Marshadium Z are obtainable in-game.
-Regional Variations are added for Unova mons, Kalos mons, and Alola mons.
-Dialga and Palkia receive new formes with Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb serving as Z-Crystal for them. Same happens with Griseous Orb.
-Like Deoxys, Darkrai can be caught in-game after a post-game plot, but unlike Deoxys, this is a reference to the Surf Glitch.
-Plot is the same but Cynthia gives to you the Z-Ring after you cure the Psyducks blocking the north of Route 210.
-HMs returns because Game Freak.
-Underground is now online instead of Wireless.
-A new Wi-Fi Plaza replaces the Festival Plaza.
-Slattering Tree returns and Munchlax is no longer dependant of your ID and Secret ID, it instead has a 1% of appearing.
-In the Champion battle, Cynthia uses a Z-Crystal for her Garchomp, in the rematch she uses a Garchompite instead.
-Elite Four use Z-Moves in the rematch.
-Battle Frontier diesn't appear at all but Sinnoh keeps its Battle Tower.