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revised shit opinions
>Hordes have less on-screen models than this gen's double or multi battles so it's rather annoying that they removed them, even triple and rotation battles would have had the same amount as multis if there was only one trainer per side
>Things like the PSS and O-Powers are gone
>The Gen V exp scaling is back and there's nothing like the Chateau or Black Tower/White Treehollow to alleviate those problems combined with the post-game league having low-levelled mons and the lack of Lucky Eggs, this also makes Hyper Training a bitch to perform
>Festival Plaza is a shittier Join Avenue and PSS with none of the things about them that people liked, combined with the version-exclusive shit that even JA was merciful with, obtaining facilities is a pure game of chance coupled with ridiculous levels of unfun grinding
>Festival Plaza's guest lists make online trading/battling more of a chore than it should
>The battle facilities are completely relentless even by the series' standards (the Subway's basic lines start off with NFE mons, while the Royal's normal rank starts off with fully-evolved mons not found in SM that will go Mega if they can; the Battle Tree uses teams seen in long-running super rank streaks in previous games in its normal rank challenges) which makes getting the IV items hell and hinders EV training, the things we need to make good teams in the first place
>The Macho Brace, the thing we used to EV train before getting ahold of the IV items is gone
>SOS battles suck altogether, DexNav and hordes were infinitely better
>Refresh doesn't have the Amie minigames and Poke Beans fill hunger more than Poke Puffs so raising affection outside of Rainbow Beans is more tedious
>47% of all mons available in-game, the lowest in the entire series, about a quarter are Kanto mons and most of the new ones have abysmal encounter rates
>Customisation is even more shallow than it was in XY, and the ride gear obscures your clothes and looks fucking dreadful