>>31187148Like, I know the artists are watching and I want to break down just what makes this design shit.
1. The body shape is unimposing. This is the Erion Admin and assuming the concept hasn't changed, is ORN who is based on this imposing and competent business man who busted his ass to get where he is. You're expecting someone with an air of confidence that simultaneously oozes with power. You're supposed to look at that person and be intimidated. You look at these designs and you see someone who has an arrogant and Wall Street feel to them as if they're black Michael Douglas from Wall Street Money Never Sleeps.
2. On top of that, the body language isn't very confident. The hands being in the pockets or wearing gloves indicates that this is someone who is hiding something and is putting on a facade. Combine that with the smirk and this is someone who appears snake-like instead of shrewd and calculating. Combine that with the off-color sunglasses and the tacky color patternization and this character looks more eccentric and goofy than someone who should be feared.
3. The hair. The concept that you're playing with is the consummate businessperson. This isn't like Colress or the Team Rocket Admins who had fucked up hair. This is someone who is used to busting their ass and doing things in a professional matter. That means conservative color patterns, albeit go nuts with what colors you use since that can indicate personal taste and expression in a world of rigid structure. And this all comes back to the hair. That's a youthful and contemporary haircut that is big in modern hipster circles. It's not something someone who has busted their ass to become a bigwig in a company is going to have and certainly doesn't fit with someone who probably works better looking older than their age.
4. The colors. I get that you're trying to echo Erion's colors, but you lack fashion sense to try and fucking mix purple in with the hair or shades. Purple vest with gold trim